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Sworra 2013-05-21 00:04


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4689877)
The RG-treatment is exactly what I don't want xD The MG will also have a RG-Look on it, I don't like that on the AGE-2. It does look good, but for me it doesn't lool right, if that makes sense^^

You might want to add a second colour, like a dark grey or a black to another armored area, just to break up the white.. If the joints are Dark grey or Black and if you add a bit more I bet it would look great.

Skye629 2013-05-21 04:45


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 4690277)
You might want to add a second colour, like a dark grey or a black to another armored area, just to break up the white.. If the joints are Dark grey or Black and if you add a bit more I bet it would look great.

Hes going for a straight anime paint though, so white all the way through with gray for the joints, black wherever needed, and the usual camera colors

firefox 2013-05-21 05:39


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4689255)
Price? RGs are trying its best to maintain its pricing to standard one. Except for Zeta that is. MG perfect strike is done because of option. You have the option to pay for MG Aile Strike only.

There is no standard pricing in gundam kits. It's true that until zeta RG had a standard price but we aéll know that gonna change sooner or later.

They had the otion to make the really perfect strike gundam by inserting all backpacks with strike 2.0. It would not matter to fans if it costs 1000 yen more. there are plenty of way more expensive MG kits.

You do not always have the option to buy a limited eclusive item so that theory is full of holes.

maknaedik 2013-05-21 07:29


Originally Posted by firefox (Post 4690492)
There is no standard pricing in gundam kits. It's true that until zeta RG had a standard price but we aéll know that gonna change sooner or later.

I know for some RG prices won't be standard, it will always have an exemption. But I didn't know that it will change for the rest.


Originally Posted by firefox (Post 4690492)
They had the otion to make the really perfect strike gundam by inserting all backpacks with strike 2.0. It would not matter to fans if it costs 1000 yen more. there are plenty of way more expensive MG kits.

For some, it matters. Trust me. In our country, it really does. And do the packs cost only 1000 yen?
If they lower the price, there will be more people who'll be interested in getting the kit. And of course, it'll be later on tempting to get the packs. And that is a business strategy (we'll both agree that it sucks)


Originally Posted by firefox (Post 4690492)
You do not always have the option to buy a limited eclusive item so that theory is full of holes.

When I said option, it's the option to choose between MG Aile Strike only which costs less and MG Perfect Strike. Not that limited ones are always available.

duotiga 2013-05-21 07:41

That is not the reason. The reason is simple: no matter what option is, they are asking you to fork out more for their products

since we are in the MG Strike issue...let us compare the prices

MG Aile Strike ver RM 4,200 yen
MG Sword/Launcher Striker ver RM 2300 yen

MG Strike Sword/Launcher 4,250 yen
MG Aile Strike 3,230 yen

have checked that the mould for the P-online Sword/Launcher parts is exactly the same as previous, just darker tone plus decal

no matter what if you wants to put as a single sword strike/launcher strike/perfect strike by buying the previoius sword/launcher MG kit, you still have to fork out more $$$

that marketing & their trend now for the releases

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-05-21 07:48

Now, if after this Bandai don’t release MG Strike Rouge RM as an online exclusive, they’ll miss a golden opportunity for getting even more easy money. But, looking at their releases of RG Strike Rouge, RG Deactive Modes, MG AGE-1 Unit 2 and MG AGE-2 SF, there’s no way they’ll pass this chance.

duotiga 2013-05-21 07:56


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4690584)
Now, if after this Bandai don’t release MG Strike Rouge RM as an online exclusive, they’ll miss a golden opportunity for getting even more easy money. But, looking at their releases of RG Strike Rouge, RG Deactive Modes, MG AGE-1 Unit 2 and MG AGE-2 SF, there’s no way they’ll pass this chance.

I beg to differ your opinions as right now since they are airing the Destiny Remaster & Strike rouge IS a REGULAR CAMEO , might possible chance of Regular release since the mold would be exactly the same as Strike RM & can convert to Perfect Strike Rouge if wanted to

I would say Single MG Strike RM / Deactive mode Strike RM would be a P online release is a high possibility since they have done that to the RG Strike

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-05-21 08:07


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690594)
I beg to differ your opinions as right now since they are airing the Destiny Remaster & Strike rouge IS a REGULAR CAMEO , might possible chance of Regular release since the mold would be exactly the same as Strike RM & can convert to Perfect Strike Rouge if wanted to

I would say Single MG Strike RM / Deactive mode Strike RM would be a P online release is a high possibility since they have done that to the RG Strike

Regular release will make me happy of course. But, there’s still a high possibility that Bandai will be a jerk like usual and release MG Strike Rouge RM as exclusive for the “easy money”, much like RG Strike Rouge.

duotiga 2013-05-21 08:09


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4690603)
Regular release will make me happy of course. But, there’s still a high possibility that Bandai will be a jerk like usual and release MG Strike Rouge RM as exclusive for the “easy money”, much like RG Strike Rouge.

well opinions are opinions right now....& we can't exactly gauge their marketing strategy fully

Sit back, Keep calm & continue doing Gunpla .
The more you predict , the lesser you enjoy this hobby

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-05-21 08:16


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690606)
well opinions are opinions right now....& we can't exactly gauge their marketing strategy fully

Sit back, Keep calm & continue doing Gunpla .
The more you predict , the lesser you enjoy this hobby

Believe me, I myself is hoping (even praying) that my prediction of MG Strike Rouge RM being an exclusive will be proven wrong :heh:.

maknaedik 2013-05-21 08:20


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690575)
That is not the reason. The reason is simple: no matter what option is, they are asking you to fork out more for their products

Only for people who wants to get everything though..

It's good for people who wants just the MG Aile Strike RM and bad for those who want everything. Specially for us who don't live in Japan.


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690606)
Sit back, Keep calm & continue doing Gunpla .
The more you predict , the lesser you enjoy this hobby

On the contrary, predictions just makes me enjoy the hobby more, haha!

Well yes, I think MG Strike Rouge RM will be an exclusive release as well. But I don't want that to happen of course, NOT!!!


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690575)
MG Aile Strike ver RM 4,200 yen
MG Sword/Launcher Striker ver RM 2300 yen

MG Strike Sword/Launcher 4,250 yen
MG Aile Strike 3,230 yen

Of course, when products come in package, it'll bound to be less expensive.

duotiga 2013-05-21 08:27


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4690622)
Only for people who wants to get everything though..

It's good for people who wants just the MG Aile Strike RM and bad for those who want everything. Specially for us who don't live in Japan.

On the contrary, predictions just makes me enjoy the hobby more, haha!

Well yes, I think MG Strike Rouge RM will be an exclusive release as well. But I don't want that to happen of course, NOT!!!

Of course, when products come in package, it'll bound to be less expensive.

For a perfectionist or HUGE FAN , would be definitely forking out more no matter what of their pricing

Initially i had the same thinking as you but as time goes by (FYI I've been monitoring Bandai kit releases since 2004) & it can actually worned you out literally.

As for your 3rd reasoning, you don't get what i mean. What I'm saying is even if Bandai coming out regular Release for MG Sword/Launcher Strike RM , price would be roughly around the same as previous kit & defeat the purpose of launching as a "new" release, making the previous MG Launcher/Sword Strike obsolete

They are doing this to milk out more from the fans (for the 2nd time i'm repeating it again)

maknaedik 2013-05-21 08:53


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690634)
As for your 3rd reasoning, you don't get what i mean. What I'm saying is even if Bandai coming out regular Release for MG Sword/Launcher Strike RM , price would be roughly around the same as previous kit & defeat the purpose of launching as a "new" release, making the previous MG Launcher/Sword Strike obsolete

My bad, I'm sorry. I sounded like stupid there, no I was really stupid, haha. I just realized my mistake while I was doing some exercise. It made me pump more blood on my brain, haha!


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4690634)
They are doing this to milk out more from the fans (for the 2nd time i'm repeating it again)

MG Fin Funnel set having another stand and clear rods which were already included in the kit by default is a clear sample of milking. Adding those just to justify the additional price. What I'm really after were the effect parts that most of us wish that they were already included in the kit right?

RG Wings of light (I dunno why they labeled it wing of light where definitely you'll get a pair) having a stand (is good because it doesn't have by default) is another.

And now this, MG Launcher/Sword. Another part of Bandai's milking campaign. Yes, you heard that official name from me, LOL!

These are the changes that Bandai is undergoing. It's milking and they got nothing to lose because in the end, they know people will still get it nevertheless. I for one don't like the release of 3.0. I have rants about it and yes, it's part of the changes and let's say I can't do nothing but accept it. Unless we do a massive boycott, which I doubt will be a success.

The option thingy that I've been mentioning is a strategy that Bandai is implementing to they'll not lose anything. For a clear explanation (and I hope it will be) I'll point each scenarios:

1st-Bandai releases MG Perfect Strike RM (5200 yen)
  • It was bought, but not to Bandai's expected amount.
  • Bandai now realizes that it's not a good idea to package the whole thing RIGHT

2nd-Bandai release MG Aile Strike HD and MG Launcher/Sword Pack HD
  • MG Aile Strike HD was bought and reached Bandai's expected sales.
  • Now those who bought it will now be even more tempted to get the packs, BUYS!
  • Bandai realizes that packs sold well. Later releases an MG Perfect Strike HD

It's been done with MG Sinanju ver Ka then OVA. Also with MG Victory Gundam then MG V-Dash Gundam.

Bandai is so expert on milking that they decided to milk on people instead of cows.

Providenceangle 2013-05-21 11:56

Buy what you want. Don't buy what you don't. Simple.

suiton629 2013-05-21 12:09

Wow. That was quick.

rrobbert already has part 1 of the review for MG Aile Strike RM out..

Damn it.

I gotta wait til late July/early August to receive my 4 from GG Infinite.

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-05-21 13:19


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4690888)
Wow. That was quick.

rrobbert already has part 1 of the review for MG Aile Strike RM out..

Damn it.

I gotta wait til late July/early August to receive my 4 from GG Infinite.

Did you even watch the video?! Thats the old Aile Strike! FAIL, as you would say

suiton629 2013-05-21 13:29


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4690989)
Did you even watch the video?! Thats the old Aile Strike! FAIL, as you would say

Fail back at you. The link is showing the older one, but he's going to compare it with the RM Ver. =D

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-05-21 13:52


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4690999)
Fail back at you. The link is showing the older one, but he's going to compare it with the RM Ver. =D

Doesn't matter if he is gonna compare them or not, the Fail is still on you, seeing that you believed it to be the Aile Strike RM ver. I rest my case

Knight-of-Gold 2013-05-21 15:35

Yeah thats an old review, his method and voice are different from the usual and he makes no mention of MGs from the last few years. . Something to wet the appetite of his subscribers.

suiton629 2013-05-21 16:49

So about that online exclusive Launcher/Sword Striker pack..

I've heard the mold is the exact same as the old MG kit, but they include some decals and they darkened the shade of the plastic color.

Is that true? I was expecting Bandai to remold the parts considering they're selling it as an online exclusive.

Oh and you think we'll see a MG Aile Strike Rouge RM Ver. any time soon? I mean it'd just be a color swap of the MG Aile Strike RM Ver.

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