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Skye629 2013-10-30 17:56


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4889919)
So you're saying it's not likely that Bandai would reuse most of the frame of the MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero to put out a 'new' Wing EW and Wing Zero EW?

Nope, the frames are different

Bandai also had their chance to "redo" Wing EW but instead all they changed was the box and 2 new pieces (action base connectors)

Wing Zero EW's frame/figure is also quite different, so they cannot use the proto-zero frame without changing it/making a new mold


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4889977)
RG often has a new MG afterward...well at least with the Seed line so far with the Aile Strike and Strike Rouge. =D

Nope, the only one that counts is the Strike, but thats pure coincidence with the GAT series being redone

Rouge does not count as the RG was exclusive

So one instance =/= trend


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4890358)
You could be right. Who knows. =)
But for now, I think 2013 has had a crazy good year in terms of GunPla releases.

He is right

"I think 2013 has had a crazy good year in terms of GunPla releases"

We can all agree on this :)

Too good in fact.....I cant afford them all..........


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4889984)
I want a MG Jegan! Either the D or the stark. I wish I had the patience to build my own...

Ill take a MG Stark Jegan any day :P

Providenceangle 2013-10-30 18:11


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4890792)
Ill take a MG Stark Jegan any day :P

I like the type D because of it's clean look but, I must admit the stark is impressive. I wish the shoulder missile housings were a little more stylish, but it does give a good military look. Can't go wrong. Need more GMs in MG form ;)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-10-30 18:12


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4890521)
Oh man... Now I am thinking about buying the PG Strike Freedom KO version from DABAN XD It's supposed to be great and near identical to the Bandai kit. It would cost me roughly 100 bucks, including shipping costs. You can't really complain about a price like that :T
It even includes diecast pieces for the wings to replace the parts that always break on the Bandai version!

I agree with you. PG SF Daban is a really good offer. It only has minor (about 1-3%) differences with the original in terms of plastic and sharpness in mold but offer something that actually improve the wings. And don't forget, the price is only about half the original :D.

Appel 2013-10-30 18:40


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4890798)
I agree with you. PG SF Daban is a really good offer. It only has minor (about 1-3%) differences with the original in terms of plastic and sharpness in mold but offer something that actually improve the wings. And don't forget, the price is only about half the original :D.

Yeah that is true! The fact that the difference between the original and the knockoff is so slim and that they instead included a solution for the wings is great!
As for the price, depending on where I buy it it's like between a third and half the original price. Getting a PG for the price of a big MG is a good deal though in my opinion^^

Skye629 2013-10-30 20:45


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4890797)
I like the type D because of it's clean look but, I must admit the stark is impressive. I wish the shoulder missile housings were a little more stylish, but it does give a good military look. Can't go wrong. Need more GMs in MG form ;)

What I really want is a MG Jesta Cannon :P

While working on my bro's HGUC the design really started to grow more on me to the point of considering the MG (I'll still take the normal if the Cannon's price is too high for my liking) lol

suiton629 2013-10-30 21:09

Bandai needs to hurry up and finish Seed HD and move over to Seed Destiny HD, finish up Wing EW, and finish up Age. A lot of them are variation but some never had MGs


Knight-of-Gold 2013-10-30 21:21

Why does Bandai need to hurry? They dont care about some peoples obsession with completing MG lines.

Providenceangle 2013-10-30 21:34


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4890956)
What I really want is a MG Jesta Cannon :P

While working on my bro's HGUC the design really started to grow more on me to the point of considering the MG (I'll still take the normal if the Cannon's price is too high for my liking) lol

Yeah I know. I'm looking at the MG Jesta right now... Mouth watering... Eyes watering(lack of money)*sigh*

Sworra 2013-10-30 22:18


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4890956)
What I really want is a MG Jesta Cannon :P

I am so waiting for it, it will happen being its just extra parts, I bet we will see one in 2014. Remake the Tri-Star team.... OH YEAH!!!

~Destiny~ 2013-10-30 22:59

TBQH I wouldnt mind if they used the Proto Zero frame for a new Zero EW. It's abit bulkier sure, but not so much that it'd look out of place, especially since the added height kinda offset it's bulk

Skye629 2013-10-30 23:19


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4891010)
Yeah I know. I'm looking at the MG Jesta right now... Mouth watering... Eyes watering(lack of money)*sigh*


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 4891048)
I am so waiting for it, it will happen being its just extra parts, I bet we will see one in 2014. Remake the Tri-Star team.... OH YEAH!!!

Hopefully we will see it in time for. or after, the finale of Unicorn


Originally Posted by ~Destiny~ (Post 4891085)
TBQH I wouldnt mind if they used the Proto Zero frame for a new Zero EW. It's abit bulkier sure, but not so much that it'd look out of place, especially since the added height kinda offset it's bulk

The thing about Wing Zero EW though is its aesthetic appeal, particularly the angelic wings and sleek/slender body

Bulking it up with the Proto-Zero frame would offset that image (particularly in the upper body)

TBH they can easily "upgrade" the current MG by altering/tinkering with a few of the already existing plates and parts and selling it

duotiga 2013-10-30 23:25

The next "evolution" for MG I would say is RGFiedl the details ...does not necessary have to be ver 3

suiton629 2013-10-31 07:26


Originally Posted by ~Destiny~ (Post 4891085)
TBQH I wouldnt mind if they used the Proto Zero frame for a new Zero EW. It's abit bulkier sure, but not so much that it'd look out of place, especially since the added height kinda offset it's bulk

Well they could use it as a base and modify a few parts of course to adapt to the differences. After that, then they could use the newer MG Wing Gundam Zero EW and basically make a color variation to a newer Wing EW and call that like Frozen Teardrop version or whatever.

I was actually not too sure about Wing Proto Zero MG, but I think now I'll be getting it.

firefox 2013-10-31 07:42

Robot damashii virsago and last outpost geminas annouced :)

Now that is good news!!!!! instead of another boring version of unicorn or rx-78!!!!!

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-10-31 09:59


Originally Posted by firefox (Post 4891438)
Robot damashii virsago and last outpost geminas annouced :)

Now that is good news!!!!! instead of another boring version of unicorn or rx-78!!!!!

I'm very excited for Geminas, I really like the design and always wanted a figure or kit of it. Good I was holding back on the old HG :P

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-10-31 10:21

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) Ouw Yeeaaahhh!!!

Now if they release RD Aesculapius in the near future, I'm gonna buy it and display my old HG in its Close Combat mode only. It would make a nice display duo :D.

Appel 2013-10-31 14:47

Am I a weirdo for being excited about the Astry Out Frame?^^

I actually did order the KO PG Strike Freedom today... I am excite. Very very excite. If this is as good as I have heard it's gonna be fantastic.
Even if the quality is not as good as the Bandai kit, the fact that they actually include the metal pieces for the wings to fix the problem that the Bandai kit has totally makes up for it in my opinion.

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-10-31 17:11


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4891840)
Am I a weirdo for being excited about the Astry Out Frame?^^

I actually did order the KO PG Strike Freedom today... I am excite. Very very excite. If this is as good as I have heard it's gonna be fantastic.
Even if the quality is not as good as the Bandai kit, the fact that they actually include the metal pieces for the wings to fix the problem that the Bandai kit has totally makes up for it in my opinion.

No you're not^^

Let us know how good it is once you've build it :)

Appel 2013-10-31 17:29


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4891985)
No you're not^^

Let us know I good it is once you've build it :)

That's comforting to know.

I sure will!

Skye629 2013-10-31 20:40


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4891590)
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) Ouw Yeeaaahhh!!!

Now if they release RD Aesculapius in the near future, I'm gonna buy it and display my old HG in its Close Combat mode only. It would make a nice display duo :D.

We need model kits of these with the new proportions

I would totally buy them

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