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Skye629 2016-02-28 08:02

Well seen like Ive missed a bunch (comp hard drive died)

Since its awkward using mobile on forums Im gonna be mostly silent until I get my comp fix

And no comments on the Kimaris Trooper or the revealed MS: G?

Router25 2016-02-28 10:46

Nope, my eyes are stuck on Astaroth and that too good of a price tag that begs to be bought twice

Tormenk 2016-02-28 20:50

Kimaris Trooper feels like a step back since it basically looks like a grunt now. Looking forward to Astaroth since the compact buster sword is a great idea, even if I think it has too much blue on it.

dragon1412 2016-02-29 00:27

surprisingly i'm interest in a lot of IBO models, though having no MG is a big turn off

Faux Mecha 2016-02-29 08:04

just a heads up warning on who wanted to purchase an HG Dreissen,
please be aware of the front & back vents attached to the bottom of the shoulder pads, if you try to pose the arms at a certain direction such as facing forward where you can bend the elbows to the front such as for the bazooka wielding, the energy cable part at the back of the arms will bump into said vents, & because of how thin the plastic on the vents are, it is easy to snap the vents in half particularly the section that faces inside the shoulder pads,
still not sure if shaving the plastic will solve the arm cable bumping problem,

Chibiloli 2016-03-03 00:56

I gotta ask, what kits are fully transformable without the need to swap out parts? I'm real sick of those, HG kits, I want some transformable MS, except for the 00 kits like the Union Flags and Hellions.

Illsteir 2016-03-03 02:09


Originally Posted by Chibiloli (Post 5792611)
I gotta ask, what kits are fully transformable without the need to swap out parts? I'm real sick of those, HG kits, I want some transformable MS, except for the 00 kits like the Union Flags and Hellions.

1/144 HG only? Wing Gundam, Wing Gundam Fenice Rinascita, Wing Gundam Zero Honoo are the ones that i can think of.

Skye629 2016-03-03 03:19

Not counting the ones Illsteir mentioned or the ones that turns into multiple parts (ie Victory, Bawoo, ZZ, etc.). I'm also assuming you are primarily referring to kits that require some sort of big chunk not otherwise used to be swapped in. The ones listed below may require a bit of disassembly to make the process easier, but otherwise everything needed is on the kit itself, minus stand

GN Archer
Baqto? Sorta a stretch....
AGE-2/variants IIRC
Murasame? Not entirely sure
Lightning? Well you have to buy the add-ons if thats fine....and its a bit of a stretch....

Some Zeta Era units fielded by the Titans
Gablethey or however you spell it


Airmaster, 95% fully, just need to remove head completely and thats about it

Pretty sure Im missing some....

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2016-03-03 06:21


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 5792680)
Baqto? Sorta a stretch....

Yeah, Baqto's transformation is laughable. Better not.


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 5792680)
Murasame? Not entirely sure

Murasame is a parts-former like HGUC Zeta & Delta Plus.


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 5792680)
Gablethey or however you spell it

It's Gabthley. And yes, it's a good recommendation for a transformer HG even though I do remember that you have to swap some parts, but nothing major IIRC.


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 5792680)
Pretty sure Im missing some....

For those who like unique MSs like Gabthley, I will recommend to check out HGUC Hambrabi (its transformation is pretty much the inspiration for Epyon). There's also HGUC Psycho Gundam if you want something big & bulky.

Chibiloli 2016-03-03 06:40

Wait, HG Psyco Gundam? They make HG's for Mobile Armor's? What height would they be then? And are the parts like supersized? And back on my previous topic, I'm not sure I wanna get the Gabthley, it kinda looks lame in its MA mode, what about the Methuss or that purple one Scrirocco was first piloting? And Wing is okay, except the Epyon, is there an HG Taurus or Aeris I could get?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2016-03-03 07:32


Originally Posted by Chibiloli (Post 5792758)
Wait, HG Psyco Gundam? They make HG's for Mobile Armor's? What height would they be then? And are the parts like supersized?

The kit is in 1/144 scale. So you can imagine its size compared to average MSs on your own. Or you can just check out this video for a short review:
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
And if you want to know more details about the kit, you can check DrTonyTonyChopper's reviews.


Originally Posted by Chibiloli (Post 5792758)
what about the Methuss...

HGUC Methuss' transformation is good for its age.


Originally Posted by Chibiloli (Post 5792758)
....or that purple one Scrirocco was first piloting?

It's HGUC Messala, and IIRC you need to swap some little bits of parts to transform it.


Originally Posted by Chibiloli (Post 5792758)
is there an HG Taurus or Aeris I could get?


Chibiloli 2016-03-03 08:46

Messala sounds good then if its just a few puny parts instead of entire limbs and a whole body.

Skye629 2016-03-03 20:32


Originally Posted by Chibiloli (Post 5792797)
Messala sounds good then if its just a few puny parts instead of entire limbs and a whole body.

IIRC Its just two small parts to keep some of the parts together better, very minor

wavehawk 2016-03-19 03:12



Obelisk ze Tormentor 2016-03-19 03:23

^^^ It's a masterpiece!!! :kisskiss:

Faux Mecha 2016-03-19 05:08

^ for some reason that somehow makes more goddamn sense than what ever they did to cyborg up Ein, we have the technology!! we can rebuild her!! .......wait she is still human sized right? :heh:
still RIP Fumitan-chan......

LoweGear 2016-03-19 05:12

I now greedily desire a Super Fumitan model now....

Skye629 2016-03-20 03:24

Its scary what you can do with joke models like the Bearguy and Super Fumina.....

Bandai's definitely on to something

kgrodriguez 2016-03-21 03:55

A little help guys. I'd like to hear your opinions.

I am choosing between two MG models: Banshee or Nu ver. Ka. Banshee costs just three fourths of what Nu ver. Ka does.

Which would you advice I get?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2016-03-21 04:45


Originally Posted by kgrodriguez (Post 5807225)
A little help guys. I'd like to hear your opinions.

I am choosing between two MG models: Banshee or Nu ver. Ka. Banshee costs just three fourths of what Nu ver. Ka does.

Which would you advice I get?

Well, since I have them, I’ll humbly tell you that MG Unicorn/Banshee 50% shit. The overall kit is flimsy due to the old-engineered transformation and, in same case, it won’t be able to stand on its own. It’s not worth your money unless you’re a die-hard fan of the detailed design and really want it in 1/100 scale, or if you're an advanced modeller and want to mod the hell out of it. It doesn’t even look good in Destroy Mode as you can see how much longer and disproportionate the MG legs become in that mode. The Unicorn/Banshee HG, RD & PG are generally much better construction-wise imo.

MG Nu Ka, however, is worth it. It might not worth every penny since the kit has some flaws like the shitty Funnel attachment and some complaints about the weak wrist when it’s holding the beam rifle and some do not like the shoulder joints. But those are still minor complaints and the funnels themselves can still be beautifully displayed with the included action base. And unlike MG Unicorn Destroy Mode, it looks proportionate and gorgeous in my humble opinion (with silver stickers under the clear psychoframe that MG Unicorn/Banshee lacks). So yeah, MG Nu Ka is more expensive than MG Banshee for a (good) reason.

So, for me: MG Nu ver. Ka all the way.

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