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relentlessflame 2018-08-08 03:17

Steins;Gate 0 - Episode 17 Discussion / Poll
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Kakurin 2018-08-08 13:51

The last part of the episode was completely stupid and illogical. First of all, even if the soldiers got to the roof in a stealth move, how the heck did neither anybody say anything nor Suzuha notice anything while she was looking at the D-mail outside until Mayuri scremed? And secondly, the soldiers are even dumber with a worse aim than stormtroopers...

Dengar 2018-08-08 16:17

It was definitely better presented in the VN... Which had the advantage of being mostly tell, don't show. The idea they were supposed to convey was that Suzuha, having gone through hell already, is on a whole other level than "mere" trained troops.

Anyway, I really hope people don't give Okarin too much crap. It makes sense for his friends to have more fight in them than he does. None of these people went through what he did. Other than Suzuha, anyway, but it's not like she's entirely unscathed. And at least she didn't personally stab the person most important to her to death.

Kanon 2018-08-08 16:45

Yeah, the soldiers appearing out of nowhere was pretty stupid.

Other than that, good episode, showing each character's resolve. Mayuri isn't dead, right? Future Daru said Suzuha and Mayuri's actions changed the worldline (how does that whole thing even work?), but surely, it can't have changed that much. And damn, Mayuri's speech was really touching.

FlareKnight 2018-08-08 16:57


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6267037)
Yeah, the soldiers appearing out of nowhere was pretty stupid.

Other than that, good episode, showing each character's resolve. Mayuri isn't dead, right? Future Daru said Suzuha and Mayuri's actions changed the worldline (how does that whole thing even work?), but surely, it can't have changed that much. And damn, Mayuri's speech was really touching.

Even if Mayuri is dead it shouldn't be a big deal. That could be enough of a kick to the pants to get Okabe to use the time leap machine.

I'm kind of with Mayuri in spirit. I miss Hououin Kyouma. Okabe in this season has sucked to watch. Though increasingly obvious this story isn't about him. He's been broken from Day 1 and hasn't recovered even now. There was some semblance of patience and consideration for what he's been through to this point. But we're 17 episodes in here. The main character needs to get going before they run out of episodes.

I thought last episode might have been enough to get him on the right track...but that was too optimistic. I think Mayuri being killed in this world line is about the only thing that can shake up Okabe enough to do something.

Dengar 2018-08-08 18:31

Well I'm not sure about this steeling his resolve. It's just that if Mayuri really dies, Okarin has no choice but to complete the time leap machine.

AC-Phoenix 2018-08-08 19:10


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 6267029)
The idea they were supposed to convey was that Suzuha, having gone through hell already, is on a whole other level than "mere" trained troops.

It doesn't make it less illogical.
You wouldn't use "mere trained troops" to secure something as valuable as a time machine. In fact, you'd use at least use special forces, and not people with the aim of a storm trooper.

I'm also starting to wonder what Okabe's contribution to the actual time machine and the Phone Microwave actually was.
The latter is apparently something they randomly screwed together together, while I don't remember ever hearing about Okabe when it comes to the actual time machine.

Also congrats to future Daru, the D-Mail might have gotten SERN on the case now too.

GDB 2018-08-08 19:33

The future D-Mails have to be SERN proof, otherwise Okabe could never send himself one to save Kurisu.

That said, those soldiers appearing really was asinine. Everything about their appearance as stupid. Also let out an audible "ugh" when Kagari showed up. Really want her to just go away.

Dengar 2018-08-08 20:09


Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix (Post 6267066)
It doesn't make it less illogical.
You wouldn't use "mere trained troops" to secure something as valuable as a time machine. In fact, you'd use at least use special forces, and not people with the aim of a storm trooper.

I'm also starting to wonder what Okabe's contribution to the actual time machine and the Phone Microwave actually was.
The latter is apparently something they randomly screwed together together, while I don't remember ever hearing about Okabe when it comes to the actual time machine.

Also congrats to future Daru, the D-Mail might have gotten SERN on the case now too.

That completely depends on the "You" that's sending the troops in the first place. If this "You" doesn't even have access to "special forces" then your argument doesn't make sense. Either way none of these people went through hell.

As for Okarin's contribution to the time machine? He figured out that the device was a time machine in the first place. He also figured out the CRTV.

Finally, if SERN really was "on the case" we'd be back in the alpha world line right now. And we're not.

ars89 2018-08-08 20:35

The future Daru at the end stated he was from a different world line, so not alpha or beta lines correct?

Wandering Soul 2018-08-08 20:43

Yeah, I think we are all in agreement that the ending was pretty stupid. Seriously, did those soldiers kust teleport onto the rooftop?

Ending aside, that was a good episode. I thought the episode would go down a brighter route to bring back Hououin Kyouma, but apparently watching Mayuri die again is the only trigger left that can spurn Okabe to action.

Dengar 2018-08-08 20:57


Originally Posted by ars89 (Post 6267083)
The future Daru at the end stated he was from a different world line, so not alpha or beta lines correct?

No, still the beta worldline, just a slightly different version of it.

Yuuu 2018-08-08 23:28

Ugh they should have conveyed Suzuha was distracted by the d-mail from her dad...the sequence is a bit out of order

GDB 2018-08-09 04:41


Originally Posted by Yuuu (Post 6267109)
Ugh they should have conveyed Suzuha was distracted by the d-mail from her dad...the sequence is a bit out of order

It was pretty obvious that she was. Doesn't change the fact that a platoon of soldiers appearing on the roof like that was asinine.

Cosmic Eagle 2018-08-09 05:09

All I'm thinking is how much future Daru had to go to deduce that events from 25 years ago were what led to a worldline change even if a slight one. I mean he doesn't have Reading Steiner so he would have needed some other way to compare the changes...

Dengar 2018-08-09 06:17

Like I said, it doesn't really feel so unbelievable in the VN, since it's mostly conveyed through text. So a bunch of military-looking men entering from stage left isn't as egregious in that format. They really should have thought about how to portray this better.

Kanon 2018-08-09 10:59


Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle (Post 6267165)
All I'm thinking is how much future Daru had to go to deduce that events from 25 years ago were what led to a worldline change even if a slight one. I mean he doesn't have Reading Steiner so he would have needed some other way to compare the changes...

Maybe Okabe told him. Daru sent that D-mail in 2025, Okabe should still be alive (Okabe's video D-mail to himself was also from 2025 IIRC).

Endscape 2018-08-09 11:07


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6267154)
It was pretty obvious that she was. Doesn't change the fact that a platoon of soldiers appearing on the roof like that was asinine.

I have to agree here. It felt like a scene was missing. They should have added one where we see the soldiers ascending up the side of the building or parachuting down or something.

Dextro 2018-08-09 17:18


Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6267304)
I have to agree here. It felt like a scene was missing. They should have added one where we see the soldiers ascending up the side of the building or parachuting down or something.

Agreed. If they had just showed some small cuts of soldiers furtively moving into place with Suzuha distracted in the background it would probably be enough to make it palatable.

What was really hard to take in was the almost complete lack of movement during the gunfight. I can be made to believe that Suzuha, due to experience, would make the soldiers panic and take advantage of that to wreck havock but nothing like that was shown, just some very bland scenes of people shooting.

Dengar 2018-08-09 17:20

Well, while I agree that it was weird, showing the soldiers move into position wasn't really an option since it would ruin the shock. There has to be a better solution.

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