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jzmagic 2011-03-10 15:57

Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai o

Plot summary from BU:

Aida Shizuka is three days from being executed for cruelly murdering his family when a shinigami comes to visit him. It's his little sister Hibiki, who has come to make sure his soul goes to hell! Hibiki has another job on this trip as well, granting the final wish of a girl with heart disease, and she drags her condemned brother along with her. Soon, it becomes apparent that people are not as simple as they may seem, and even Shizuka's guilt is uncertain. Hibiki and Shizuka promise to search together for the truth about their family's death, and they won't let life, death, or trouble in the afterlife get in their way!

Genres: Drama Mystery Psychological Shounen Supernatural and possible Romance

There's only been 6 chapter scanlated so far but this is pretty damn good. It has a pretty good combination of dark and light-hearted moments, especially between Hibiki and Shizuka who are an adorable couple.

LusterFlare 2011-03-10 20:52

Oo, a topic for this. I'm loving this manga so far, especially the twists.

Irenicus 2011-03-10 22:19

WINcest! (She wants it).

Oh yeah, and the plot is actually pretty good. Sometimes it takes a rereading to get it, but the author has a close handle on the internal consistencies, which, in a twisty story like this, is a good thing. I wonder what the real mystery behind the murders is...

ramengud 2011-03-10 22:27

Thanks for this recommendation. I am enjoying this a lot. i have finished reading the 6 scanlated chapters and am now looking for Chinese Raws.

Kleeyook 2011-03-11 17:50

The Chinese raws is up to ch 17 and I still have no idea who really is the murderer. Maybe he's the big bad. But is he really human? :(

Jze0 2011-03-11 19:56


Originally Posted by Irenicus (Post 3525893)
WINcest! (She wants it).

Yeah and deny as she may shes definitely a brocon. :p

Btw, great read with a competent main or male character.

ramengud 2011-03-11 20:24

Read up to chapter 16 for the Chinese Raws. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

jzmagic 2011-03-12 13:04


Originally Posted by Jze0 (Post 3527613)
Yeah and deny as she may shes definitely a brocon. :p

Btw, great read with a competent main or male character.

And the rules against incest in society don't apply to them anymore :heh:

felix 2011-03-13 18:40

The manga is great.

teachopvutru 2011-03-14 20:39

Only found out about the manga after reading this thread, but damn, it was good.

I'm particularly interested in how the whole shinigami part of the story will ultimately fit in the mystery (with Saaya's involvement and all). Aside from that, I like both the lighthearted and the dark parts of the story.

The translator's notes in Chapter 6 (when Hibiki is accused of having a brother complex) just made me lol.

felix 2011-03-15 11:49

The 4-koma summary things are a nice touch.

DmonHiro 2011-03-31 18:24

Ah~ Thank goodness!!! <---- this line is EPIC WIN.

Seriously... this guy is awesome. He's getting a harem, and goddamn it he deserves one.

Aesthetic Shampoo 2011-03-31 21:19

Read this after seeing this thread, AND IT'S AWESOME. Especially love the main character, he's crazy.

Irenicus 2011-04-18 22:45

New chapter!

- Shizuka, you lady killer you (no pun intended)
- Jealous Hibiki <3
- lol, the two guys work 24-hours a day; I actually did wonder where they slept and all
- Another murder mystery, though this time the victim does seem to be really innocent unlike that last botched case
- Quite the twist at the end there! Well I saw that coming (will we get to see more of the other one?)
- More jealous Hibiki <3 she's not even trying to hide it anymore *huggles*

jzmagic 2011-04-18 22:55


Originally Posted by Irenicus (Post 3576743)
New chapter!

- Shizuka, you lady killer you (no pun intended)
- Jealous Hibiki <3
- lol, the two guys work 24-hours a day; I actually did wonder where they slept and all
- Another murder mystery, though this time the victim does seem to be really innocent unlike that last botched case
- Quite the twist at the end there! Well I saw that coming (will we get to see more of the other one?)
- More jealous Hibiki <3 she's not even trying to hide it anymore *huggles*

Jealous Hibiki was pure win haha. Wincest ftw

Raiga 2011-05-14 01:44

I remembered happening upon this thread recently and seeing that people seemed to like the series, so I picked up volume 1 at Kinokuniya the other day.

There were a few rough spots here and there near the beginning but once the author found their pace I got really into the story and the characters. Overall I loved it and of course the first thing on my mind was, I need to read the next volume!

So I check online and I find that apparently the series has ended and the final volume is coming out in June.

... wait, meaning it was cancelled or what? Was it not popular enough or did the author really decide to end the story so soon?

If it was cancelled and ended up with a half-assed ending my heart shall weep. ;_;

surerman 2011-05-14 03:43


Originally Posted by Raiga (Post 3611735)
I remembered happening upon this thread recently and seeing that people seemed to like the series, so I picked up volume 1 at Kinokuniya the other day.

There were a few rough spots here and there near the beginning but once the author found their pace I got really into the story and the characters. Overall I loved it and of course the first thing on my mind was, I need to read the next volume!

So I check online and I find that apparently the series has ended and the final volume is coming out in June.

... wait, meaning it was cancelled or what? Was it not popular enough or did the author really decide to end the story so soon?

If it was cancelled and ended up with a half-assed ending my heart shall weep. ;_;

It's because the background story is messed up
The series storyline starting to resemble detective Conan pace
And the author can't think how to properly wrap it up anymore since he relied heavily on "memory loss" point of the protagonist to keep the mystery live

after read latest one:
The only possible true perperator now is the Shinigami company it self and their higher up's weird setup until the author throw another twist

hey guys gimme some of your thought and analyze of the real perperator, it will be very useful for me to avoid jail once I free from this damned place to restart my killing spree.

Irenicus 2011-06-01 23:24

Reckless Shizuka is best Shizuka! Screw the rules he's got guts and braaainsss.

New chapter of course. I'll try to enjoy this ride while it lasts. Oh yeah and I totally did read everything in the synopsis. Go me.


Originally Posted by Raiga (Post 3611735)
So I check online and I find that apparently the series has ended and the final volume is coming out in June.

... wait, meaning it was cancelled or what? Was it not popular enough or did the author really decide to end the story so soon?

If it was cancelled and ended up with a half-assed ending my heart shall weep. ;_;



$#^%$IJ^ :mad: :upset: :frustrated:

Irenicus 2011-09-28 23:18

Resurrection, cast! (Please don't punish me, Shinigami-sama).

New chapter at last, and what a TWIST! As usual. Loved the smile, natch.

Johnny 2011-09-28 23:25

Good chapter but it's really hard to enjoy it knowing how it ended...

It's like I was telling you this story of the time I went camping and came across three scantily clad well proportioned babes. They asked me to join them for some fun and led me to their tent and. The end...

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