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CrowKenobi 2013-08-27 00:38

Kami nomi/TWGOK: Goddesses - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
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MeoTwister5 2013-08-27 03:03

Remember children only a God can get to have goddesses and mortal beauties fighting over them!

monir 2013-08-27 03:20

Then, Keima is as godly as it gets.

This was a really good episode.

ices 2013-08-27 03:42

And, the most important thing is tenri/diana didn't grow a wing. lol :heh:

thundrakkon 2013-08-27 04:30

It was great to see Kanon again.

After watching this episode, I'm even more convinced that the final goddess is Ayumi. Keima was just too confident that it is Chihiro that he is doom to failure. He stated that Chihiro remembers the conquest, but there really is not enough evidence to suggest that. Kanon goddess gave him 3 days to finish what he needs to do. The events with Chihiro is happening on day 1, which leaves 2 days. Furthermore, Ayumi still seems to be interested in Keima, as shown at the contest. All this suggests that Keima is doomed to be wrong and fail for once, although it will be nice to see how he rebounds from that.

Poor Haqua. She is so naïve in her own way, and she gets herself into trouble. She has been pretty cute in her ways, especially thinking about getting Keima a gift from hell. Now, Keima will have to find a way to rescue her as well, although how will be interesting. Will he go to hell to do that?

monir 2013-08-27 05:39


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4808366)
It was great to see Kanon again.

After watching this episode, I'm even more convinced that the final goddess is Ayumi. Keima was just too confident that it is Chihiro that he is doom to failure. He stated that Chihiro remembers the conquest, but there really is not enough evidence to suggest that. Kanon goddess gave him 3 days to finish what he needs to do. The events with Chihiro is happening on day 1, which leaves 2 days. Furthermore, Ayumi still seems to be interested in Keima, as shown at the contest. All this suggests that Keima is doomed to be wrong and fail for once, although it will be nice to see how he rebounds from that.

Is it possible that they both have goddesses with one of them being a wild card we don't know of? And when is this Vintage going to make his/her appearance? It was hilarious, however, how all the goddesses fawning over him for the sake of their respective hosts. Shiori's goddess just too darn cute!!!!


Poor Haqua. She is so naïve in her own way, and she gets herself into trouble. She has been pretty cute in her ways, especially thinking about getting Keima a gift from hell. Now, Keima will have to find a way to rescue her as well, although how will be interesting. Will he go to hell to do that?
Not that I'm ill wishing the guy or anything...., but he got to go to hell. Without Haqua, this harem won't be complete.

SaintessHeart 2013-08-27 06:15


Originally Posted by monir (Post 4808398)
Shiori's goddess just too darn cute!!!!

It is official. This mod is a lolicon. Call the police! :heh:

Then again, I find it humourous that Minerva, despite being the "goddess of wisdom", behaves much like a cloud-cuckoolander.

No she doesn't wonder about why Keima is crossdressing. She is too innocent to think of that sort of thing.

R.LocK 2013-08-27 06:53


Originally Posted by monir (Post 4808398)
Is it possible that they both have goddesses with one of them being a wild card we don't know of?

All the cast has already been introduced/mentioned. Over.

Black Phoenix 2013-08-27 07:34

The simplicity from Minerva is lovely. She is really the goddess that pairs perfectly with his host, both are equal in terms of expressing themselves.

Still Tenri/Diana are the ones without any wings, and the reason Diana says are explained in the Manga. Kanon appearing and growing wings was a surprise appearance, I was missing the smile and cuteness of Kanon.

Really for me Is Kanon and Tenri my favourite characters in all the Anime!

n120cky 2013-08-27 07:51

Hmm strange in the manga I don't really care about Vulcan, but here in the anime she got my attention, as much as I know I'm not to lolicon ( like a Mod somewhere :heh:) . . ., may be there something wrong with me....:eyespin:

omimon 2013-08-27 08:21

Considering the preview the next episode is gonna be glorious.

Kanon 2013-08-27 09:53

The goddesses bickering over which of their host should get Keima seemed like a taste of things to come. Keima now has 7 girls in love with him and none of them are going to forget about him anytime soon. I'm curious to see how he's going to deal with that. Incoming harem antics? (probably not in this season though)


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 4808366)
After watching this episode, I'm even more convinced that the final goddess is Ayumi. Keima was just too confident that it is Chihiro that he is doom to failure. He stated that Chihiro remembers the conquest, but there really is not enough evidence to suggest that. Kanon goddess gave him 3 days to finish what he needs to do. The events with Chihiro is happening on day 1, which leaves 2 days. Furthermore, Ayumi still seems to be interested in Keima, as shown at the contest. All this suggests that Keima is doomed to be wrong and fail for once, although it will be nice to see how he rebounds from that.

I'm also fairly confident Ayumi is the real goddess host. Of the two girls, Chihiro is the most likely to have fallen in love with Keima without remembering the conquest. She has been friends with him since before her conquest although she was always acting tsundere. It's perfectly possible she developed feelings for him naturally. On the other hand, I don't remember Ayumi interacting much with Keima outside of her arc, so if she has feelings for him (and I think that's pretty clear) then that must be because she remembers the conquest. Therefore, she is the host.

MrTerrorist 2013-08-27 11:26

Keima looks better when he actually dates a girl.

Lol with the goddesses.

Poor Haqua. Never reveal your suspicions in public.

frodonk 2013-08-28 11:26

I never expect this conquest to reach 3 episodes. and I still can't see the ending.

I'm more interested in haqua, keima's not doing anything but she's still being conquered lol.

Anime299 2013-08-28 13:07


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4808625)
The goddesses bickering over which of their host should get Keima seemed like a taste of things to come. Keima now has 7 girls in love with him and none of them are going to forget about him anytime soon. I'm curious to see how he's going to deal with that. Incoming harem antics? (probably not in this season though)

I'm also fairly confident Ayumi is the real goddess host. Of the two girls, Chihiro is the most likely to have fallen in love with Keima without remembering the conquest. She has been friends with him since before her conquest although she was always acting tsundere. It's perfectly possible she developed feelings for him naturally. On the other hand, I don't remember Ayumi interacting much with Keima outside of her arc, so if she has feelings for him (and I think that's pretty clear) then that must be because she remembers the conquest. Therefore, she is the host.

Keima is so sure there is only one goddess left. Are they all accounted for, really?

shadow1296 2013-08-28 13:18


Originally Posted by Anime299 (Post 4810025)
Keima is so sure there is only one goddess left. Are they all accounted for, really?

yes, diana said how many of the goddesses there were earlier (like in the first or second episode) even named them, there is only one left, if there was another one at all, i am pretty sure diana would have known about her

monir 2013-08-29 22:59


Originally Posted by R.LocK (Post 4808434)
All the cast has already been introduced/mentioned. Over.

True. Now the puzzle remains how both girls can remember him when supposedly the story has established only the one with the goddess inside would be able to remember Keima. Anyone else should have long forgotten their encounter with Keima when the loose soul vacated.


Originally Posted by Kanon
Of the two girls, Chihiro is the most likely to have fallen in love with Keima without remembering the conquest. She has been friends with him since before her conquest although she was always acting tsundere. It's perfectly possible she developed feelings for him naturally.

That's an interesting theory! It would have helped to know how much time has elapsed between those two encounters. I wish we could also watch the stories for the other girls without the goddesses to see how they have reacted to Keima's re-approach. That said, I like your theory.


Originally Posted by Saintlessheart
It is official. This mod is a lolicon. Call the police! :heh:

Won't confirm or deny!

Cloudedmind 2013-08-30 11:22

Minerva was so adorable.

I also believe Ayumi is the one with the goddess. Chihiro has already confessed her love, you'd think that would be a big enough of an emotional jump to already start seeing her goddess awaken if she in fact had one.

kitten320 2013-08-31 10:08

Is it just me but I'm pretty sure that Diana got her wings back in episode 4.

frodonk 2013-08-31 11:32

she did, but I don't think she realized it, so she lost it again probably?

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