I was thinking about getting the RG and another set of Wings of Light. =)
1. I don't live in Europe. 2. I am not related to any queens or kings from European, Asian, or Arabic heritages. How am I a royal again? |
By "royal buyer" I didn't mean it as "royal" literally, but "someone who spend his/her money royally to buy whatever he wants", just like you :cool:. |
HG DX looking so-so as expected
While it is great that the HG lines are introducing the lead mechs of other series like Wing, DX, Victory and the upcoming F91, I think this "All Gundam Project" is simplifying the HGUC designs, just so it becomes kitbash friendly. I bet the backpack slot is also done in a way that will allow those silly backpacks to be attached just as how the hands are all similar so that the equipping of weapons is standardized. Imagine a Victory Gundam with hands the same size as DX.
"Why have the Satellite weapon when you can place a BUILD BOOSTER in it?"... Well Bandai, how about, no? Looking at the hands for example again, they only provide that awkward looking hand set, when kits like HGUC Sinanju gives you open palms, proper closed fists and trigger hands. And the details aren't outstanding in comparison to modern HGUCs like the recently released Unicorn and MSV-series. The only good thing is the reduced polycaps the new kits have. Oh well, maybe it's because I'm only into the 1/144 line which is why I'm slightly annoyed that Bandai has decided to take this route with its HG series. They're definitely the master of milking, by releasing highly-desired Gundams, even if the plastic kit itself is subpar if you look carefully. Spoiler for Recently completed/acquired kits:
Take it for you want.
Bandai just doing what is profitable for them. At the very least, be happy that as a HG fan, you're getting kits that has never gotten a proper 1/144 HG. As a MG and RG fan, I'm hopeful since the 3 main leads in Gundam X now out in HG, the next step we can hope for are the MGs. What would be interesting is if Bandai did an All Gundam Project for the MG line to release stuff that haven't gotten released like Justice, Savior, and Blast Impulse (as well as the 3 leads in X) as well as Exia R2 and maybe even like an Origins Ver. for the RX-78-2. I think Bandai is doing the All Gundam Project for HGs this way to pump out the kits quickly as well as making them compatible for kit bashing in honor of Build Fighters. |
Regarding MG All Gundam Project, I'm sure Bandai already have the prototypes for most lead Gundams, or at least ways to reverse engineer their own figure lines. But unlike the HGs, I doubt they'll be pushing for kitbashing concept or kits linearity. And your last statement is exactly what I fear. These are highly anticipated lead Gundams. Fans would definitely appreciate if more details was placed into it. Go create Gundam Fighter original designs if they wanna make standardized kits. But in the end, no matter what Bandai produces, chances are, I'm still going to be a sucker and buy them. And keep complaining, and then buy the next release. Case in point, the RG Strike Freedom with its huge ass rifles. Speaking of huge ass, let me digress and say, I'm sad that I missed the pre-order period for Robot Damashii Hi-Nu Gundam (For HLJ/Hobby Search at least, which is the best online retailer for me, so here's hoping for cancelled pre-orders/available stock). |
Last resort for is getting the RG exclusive Random Rant/Complaint: Went to my local hobbystore today.....and they had the largest quantity of Gunpla I have ever seen stocked at that store....... Wanted the MG Freedom, Blitz, HG Wing, Gerbera Tetra, Shin Matsunaga Zaku, RG GP-01 FB....... They even had a 1/60 oldschool Zeta, which surprised me They even had Valvrave and Evangelion kits stocked.......... Worst part was I had no money to spend atm......life hurts |
Take a look at some of the more recent MGs for example.
Wing EW (Series) - similar frame for Sandrock EW, Heavyarms EW, Deathscythe EW, Deathscythe Hell EW, and Shenlong EW - bound to get Nataku, Sandrock Custom, Heavyarms Custom, and a new Wing EW and Wing Zero Custom that uses this current frame - Tallgeese EW comes out and then Tallgeese II is an online exclusive and most of it is the same parts Gundam Seed (Series) - MG Aile Strike RM Ver. and then soon MG Strike Rouge Ootori - Ootori pack was a rushed job (stickers on the pack) Take a look at the parts tree too (courtesy of Dalong) Strike Rouge Ootori http://www.dalong.net/review/mg/m173/p/m173_r01.jpg Aile Strike RM Ver. http://www.dalong.net/review/mg/m169/p/m169_r01.jpg Gundam AGE - same kits, minor changes, color variations Age-1 Normal --> Age-1 Sparrow --> Age-1 Titus --> Age-1 Normal Unit 2 (color variation online exclusive) Age-2 Normal --> Age-2 Darkhound --> Age-2 Double Bullet (rushed out for Memory of Eden) --> Age-2 Normal SP Ver. (color variation online exclusive with Memory of Eden slapped on the box) And now we have the Age-3 line missing, Age-1 Flat missing, Age-1 Full Gransa Missing, Age-1 Swordia missing, Age-FX and FX Burst missing. Where are they? All probably in the planning stages for 2014 to come out month after month or with a month in between. Bandai's plan these days seems to be maximize profits by planning multiple kits at the same time (i.e. lots of similarities) and throwing the ones they know people would pay whatever as online exclusives. If we see a Gundam X line of MGs from Bandai, it won't be any different. We're most likely going to get it as the X and the Double X with the G-Falcon and X Divider as online exclusives. Fans of Gundam X will be mad, but they're gonna want those to complete the collection. |
Like right now, I'm trying to find another set of the Wings of Light RG online exclusive as well as the RG Destiny Heine Westenfluss. I'm hoping that the MG line from Seed and Seed Destiny in the near future yields: Spoiler:
My own sad Gunpla shopping experience was going to the local hobby shop and got HGUC Gerbera, Doven Wolf, Unicorn FA, Banshee Norn and Wing for 20% discount. Got home feeling happy and I checked their Facebook page and they were going to have 40% discount in commemoration of their 12th Anniversary exactly the next day. FML. |
If the owners were nice, they would've given you a discount or at least held those stuff for you in the back, and then let you come in the next day at 40% off. Maybe you could go back to the shop and see if they are willing to at least give you a difference via store credit? |
A gift to the MOST appreciated person in the whole gunpla community, suiton...
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...00858021_n.jpg |
Wow Bandai has done it again, they really do plan on taking all our money |
for Jan 2014 release :)
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