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arekwibowo 2013-01-07 23:50

Eroge does equal porn?
In a certain anime site in my country there's some moron who thinks eroge is automatically pornography.
Also, he said he never even played an eroge because he has a "life" and it's only something for people who can't "get real girlfriend" and "living a lonely and desperate life". Yeah, I told him many times that eroge actually has a plot but he's way too stupid to listen that i lost my cool.

I thought if I could get many people to support me he would finally get the picture through his thick skill. Is eroge only about prnography? Please comment.

(P.S. I voted no.)

Traece 2013-01-07 23:52

As long as you're not playing them Keima Katsuragi style then I don't see an issue. :cool:

Insane 2013-01-07 23:56

I voted yes

*Goes over to play Rance*

Ichihara Asako 2013-01-08 00:12

There are plenty of eroge with large RPG elements, such as Utaware, TtT, Kamidori etc. For people who enjoy those sorts of games, why not throw some pretty girls on top?

But fundamentally, eroge are porn, yes. How you take that porn is a different matter.

Chaos2Frozen 2013-01-08 00:17

Lets reverse it- is there any porn that is like an Eroge :p ?

Kotohono 2013-01-08 00:24

Eroge are by definition suppose to be explicit visual novels, but that doesn't mean it all of them lack plot or any other game content.

However if it wasn't explicit it'd be called a dating sim, or just a visual novel if the content was the same other wise.

backbone 2013-01-08 00:26

I'm curious as to how japanese parents would react if they find out their kids play eroge

Triple_R 2013-01-08 00:31

From what I understand, some eroges are outright porn, yes.

However, the more well-known ones (and certainly the ones most likely to get adapted into anime) are basically Relationship Simulators. Some of them may have more complex plots surrounding them, but at their core, they're Relationship Simulators (I tend to use the term "Date Sim" but I'm not sure if that fully captures it in some cases).

Well, real life romantic relationships tend to include sex, of course. So that's in an eroge.

But for something to be porn, imo, the sex content has to override everything else, and whatever plot there is really does revolve around the sex. With a lot of the more prominent eroge titles, that's simply not the case (it certainly isn't in G Senjou no Maou, the only professional eroge I played a fair bit of).

If a 2-hour Hollywood romance movie has two sex scenes each lasting a few minutes, would most people call it porn? No, not at all. So many eroge have no business being labeled "porn", imo. Hence, I voted "no" to this poll.

Traece 2013-01-08 00:32


Originally Posted by backbone (Post 4504084)
I'm curious as to how japanese parents would react if they find out their kids play eroge

And at this point I must run the obligatory Ore no Imouto plug.

Chaos2Frozen 2013-01-08 00:36


Originally Posted by backbone (Post 4504084)
I'm curious as to how japanese parents would react if they find out their kids play eroge

I would imagine it's the same as how ANY parents would react, depending on how open-closed-minded they are.

...It probably also depends on which eroge they were caught with and at what age.

Vexx 2013-01-08 00:38

"porn" is sex with a plot one inch deep. "eroge" is a storyline that has sexual moments. Also, *romance* is usually involved with the latter. Porn is just variations on hairless mammal fucking (to be blunt about it). Personally, porn rapidly gets boring because I don't care about the characters.

Obviously, those are two endpoints on a line on which many products are strewn.

Akito Kinomoto 2013-01-08 00:55

All eroge is porn. Not all porn is eroge.

SPARTAN 119 2013-01-08 01:00

In my opinion, not all eroge are complete porn. Now there are some that might fit into the category of pornography, however, there are definitely eroge which have an complex and engaging story to them.

While I have not truly played an eroge in the conventional sense, mainly due to owning a Mac, I have watched walkthroughs of Saya no Uta and Kara no Shoujo on Youtube. Basically, I watched everything, minus the interactivity and the sex scenes. In both cases, I was, overall, very satisfied with storylines of the respective eroge- both complex and engaging (though very dark and violent, so I would not recommend Saya No Uta or Kara No Shoujo to those who are offended by such content).

So, in conclusion, as I still immensely enjoyed not one, but two eroge without the sex scenes (and honestly, I don't think I missed much), I think I can therefore say that eroge cannot be dismissed as mere pornography.

Triple_R 2013-01-08 01:02


Originally Posted by Akito Kinomoto (Post 4504104)
All eroge is porn. Not all porn is eroge.

You really think that G Senjou no Maou is porn?

If so, that has to be the most hilariously inefficient way of fulfilling a porn desire that I've ever seen or heard of. Yes, let's go through several hours of completely non-pornographic and serious plot just to get a couple short sexual slideshows. :heh:

I'm sorry, but I just can't buy that anybody would play/read G Senjou no Maou primarily for the sex scenes.

Vexx 2013-01-08 01:24


Originally Posted by Akito Kinomoto (Post 4504104)
All eroge is porn. Not all porn is eroge.

By that definition, every R-rated film with sexual scenes is porn. You're not really standing on firm ground there ;)

Akito Kinomoto 2013-01-08 01:47


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 4504113)
You really think that G Senjou no Maou is porn?

If so, that has to be the most hilariously inefficient way of fulfilling a porn desire that I've ever seen or heard of. Yes, let's go through several hours of completely non-pornographic and serious plot just to get a couple short sexual slideshows. :heh:

I'm sorry, but I just can't buy that anybody would play/read G Senjou no Maou primarily for the sex scenes.

I always associated eroge as the games with the main focus being the sex scenes. Who'd recommend Tsukihime as an eroge?:uhoh:

Triple_R 2013-01-08 01:57


Originally Posted by Akito Kinomoto (Post 4504152)
I always associated eroge as the games with the main focus being the sex scenes. Who'd recommend Tsukihime as an eroge?:uhoh:

Well, from what I've been told by serious VN/eroge-lovers...

Visual Novels = Basically anything that's literally a visual novel. This would include properties like Higurashi and Umineko, which are horror/mystery-driven (although I'm not sure if they have sex scenes or not).

Eroges = VNs that focus on romance, and include at least one sex scene per route.

Nukige = This is basically porn, yes.

All Nukiges are Eroges, but not all Eroges are Nukiges.

All Eroges are VNs, but not all VNs (though most, it seems) are Eroges.

NoemiChan 2013-01-08 02:27

EROGES arre supposively "decent porn", a romantic one that is. Sex scenes are just an add up to gain additional consumers.

Eroge becomes Hentai Eroge when there is an "Harem" ending....

Traece 2013-01-08 02:28


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 4504159)
Well, from what I've been told by serious VN/eroge-lovers...

Visual Novels = Basically anything that's literally a visual novel. This would include properties like Higurashi and Umineko, which are horror/mystery-driven (although I'm not sure if they have sex scenes or not).

Eroges = VNs that focus on romance, and include at least one sex scene per route.

Nukige = This is basically porn, yes.

All Nukiges are Eroges, but not all Eroges are Nukiges.

All Eroges are VNs, but not all VNs (though most, it seems) are Eroges.

I also was under the impression that an eroge was more of a dating sim that also featured the sex scenario, generally as an end result. I wouldn't consider something to be "porn" simply because of the presence of sexual content. Most media in our day and age involving romance has implied sexual content, after all.

arekwibowo 2013-01-08 02:31


Originally Posted by Akito Kinomoto (Post 4504152)
I always associated eroge as the games with the main focus being the sex scenes. Who'd recommend Tsukihime as an eroge?:uhoh:

Well, kinda agree with you though. H-scenes are somewhat "rewards" to the players for completing the game. It's just . . . perhaps not the main focus for some players (I think there're several eroges where you can simply skip the juicy scenes if you don't want to see them). I myself began to play eroge primarily because it provides deeper story and plot than anime (anime tend to butcher unnecessary scenes), although i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy the H-scenes:D

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