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gumbaloom 2006-03-18 16:24

A question for old timers about L-E's releases before Envirosphere started
Hi all,

I have this sneaking suspicion that sometime this year it's Live-eviL's fifth birthday though I was wondering if anyone can help to pin down the exact date. The first recorded release from envirosphere was ex Driver 04 on the 24/11/01 but there was releases before that and so i was wondering if anyone could help to pin down an exact date?

I'd like to if possible try and arrange something special to mark the occasion as not that many groups surive to 5 years old.

Thanks in advance for any info


StarCreator 2006-03-18 20:05

Holy crap, it -has- been five years. x_X

Sorry, I can't really help place any releases earlier than that, unless you have some way of combing ancient Usenet history. Do you know what was -the- first release?

I should plan something special. It'll be Hikari no Kiseki's fifth birthday too, on May 12 - though as normal, we observe it on the day of our first release, four months later on September 12.

Tommy Feb6 2006-03-18 20:46

Perhaps it was ex driver 1-3 ?

Sun_Tze 2006-03-18 22:25

According to the Wayback Machine @ and looking at the old parts of the site...

éX-Driver Episode 1 Released!
09.24.01 - by rixot
Please drop by our channel #live-evil at etg and download our first release! Look foward to episode 2 soon.

Yep... it's been 5 years.

I EAT BABIES 2006-03-19 01:50


Originally Posted by Sun_Tze
According to the Wayback Machine @ and looking at the old parts of the site...

éX-Driver Episode 1 Released!
09.24.01 - by rixot
Please drop by our channel #live-evil at etg and download our first release! Look foward to episode 2 soon.

Yep... it's been 5 years.

Is it sad that I remember these releases too?

It seems like quite a few groups will be celebrating 5 years this year. Live-Evil, HnK, I believe Soldats, and Mugen as well. It's nice to see some of these great groups stick it out for so long.

gumbaloom 2006-03-19 06:12

w00! I'd forgotten about that archive site. I think this occasion needs to be marked somehow, not quite sure how but hot damn a group thats lasted five years is something to shout about.


exedore 2006-03-19 09:21


Originally Posted by gumbaloom
w00! I'd forgotten about that archive site. I think this occasion needs to be marked somehow, not quite sure how but hot damn a group thats lasted five years is something to shout about.

You could always do another one of those 24 releases in 24 hours marathons. I don't think L-E has done one of those for a couple years, now.

guest 2006-03-19 10:16

Wow, five years. Congradulations, guys!:D
I guess now only Technogirls and centralAnime are older than all these five-year-old groups, huh? Soldats is still alive?

bayoab 2006-03-19 10:52


Originally Posted by guest
Wow, five years. Congradulations, guys!:D
I guess now only Technogirls and centralAnime are older than all these five-year-old groups, huh? Soldats is still alive?

I hope you mean "still active" in that "only" and its still not true. AnimeCo is semi-still alive. Also Anime-Kissaten is "alive". Both of which have been around since I first got on irc nearly 6+ years ago. (I am sure there are more but I'm too lazy to come up with them.)

kuru 2006-03-19 11:19


Originally Posted by guest
Wow, five years. Congradulations, guys!:D
I guess now only Technogirls and centralAnime are older than all these five-year-old groups, huh? Soldats is still alive?

Technogirls last release was, unfortunatelly, in 2002. After more than 3 years without a release, it can't really be counted as an active fansub group.

I EAT BABIES 2006-03-19 11:58

I think it would be interesting to see if the Envirosphere guys could run some queries against their database, and find out how many groups we've got who are 5+ years. Like bay said, I'm sure there a lot we aren't thinking about.

bayoab 2006-03-19 12:47


Originally Posted by I EAT BABIES
I think it would be interesting to see if the Envirosphere guys could run some queries against their database, and find out how many groups we've got who are 5+ years. Like bay said, I'm sure there a lot we aren't thinking about.

Problem is, Envirosphere is just about to celebrate its 5th aniversary too very recently. You actually can go back and check the history on the site (there is ~250 pages of public information there). I believe the first release that was not retroactively added is from (April or July) of 2001.

lomeando 2006-03-19 12:48


Originally Posted by kuru
After more than 3 years without a release, it can't really be counted as an active fansub group.

This is the bar we have to pass? Man, Anime-Kissaten's been trying too hard.

I EAT BABIES 2006-03-19 14:02


Originally Posted by lomeando
This is the bar we have to pass? Man, Anime-Kissaten's been trying too hard.

So we won't see another Anime-Kissaten release for the next 2.9 years?

mamo-chan 2006-03-19 17:08

'ey Gumba \o/

Isn't Anime Coalition (AC) still alive?

I EAT BABIES 2006-03-19 22:25


Originally Posted by mamo-chan
'ey Gumba \o/

Isn't Anime Coalition (AC) still alive?

Yeah, they probably passed up 5 years a bit ago.

DaFool 2006-03-20 10:08

I believe I was checking animenfo's releases php page before I got used to envirosphere. But then animenfo started listing non-english subs and that got confusing so I switched. Since then its site got redesigned and it looks the fugly techno like all other anime sites. I'm not sure if they still have their archives.

StarCreator 2006-03-20 10:52

AnimeNfo's database is still up, but since they rely on users to maintain it, some groups haven't been updated in years.

Shouta 2006-03-23 01:29

Well, my group (I-Z) is still kind of alive and we're 5+ years old. We'll actually be 6 or so in December. I think our earliest released was late 2000 if not early 2001 because our first recorded release (Read or Die OVA 1) was actually quite awhile after we were established.

I EAT BABIES 2006-03-23 08:03

Maybe we should rename this the Happy Birthday <Insert Fansub Group Here> Thread.

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