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justavisitor 2020-06-03 08:41


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 6420296)
have to say that Trowa (prior to his amnesia) is the most capable of the 5 Wing boys and he is the true one man army, because he rarely screw up his mission

couldn't agree more...probably that's why heavyarm is so's trowa+heavyarm

(wonder how many ppl like Hero + heavyarm tho, it's still cool..but..)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-06-03 10:09


Originally Posted by Bonta Kun (Post 6420317)

Love this, will actaully pre-order this.

Since Astray No Name is a heavy reference to The Man with No Name from the Dollars Trilogy (excellent movies btw, you can watch them during pandemic), I wonder what character this new Astray refers to. Is it still from Dollars Trilogy or other western movies? Django? John Wayne? Magnificent Seven? Westworld? :heh:

LoweGear 2020-06-03 20:31

Images for the P-Bandai RG Nu Gundam HWS is up:

Best looking version of the HWS imho, though mainly because it builds upon the RG Nu Gundam which is already a sexy beautiful kit.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-06-03 21:44

I wonder how far the RG can sustain dynamic poses with all those armors & gigantic weapons.

My HGUC HWS can keep some poses and it has no problem lifting up the titanic gun & shield (which the MG can only dream of doing). The RG obviously beats the HG in terms of dynamic posing. I just hope the RG joints will be as solid as (if not surpass) the HG to sustain it.

LoweGear 2020-06-03 23:54


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6420426)
I wonder how far the RG can sustain dynamic poses with all those armors & gigantic weapons.

My HGUC HWS can keep some poses and it has no problem lifting up the titanic gun & shield (which the MG can only dream of doing). The RG obviously beats the HG in terms of dynamic posing. I just hope the RG joints will be as solid as (if not surpass) the HG to sustain it.

The RG's joints are quite solid and durable in my experience, which do seem to have been built with the HWS in mind. Hell, the entire kit was designed from the beginning to be compatible with the HWS, namely through all the attachment points and hatches it has, so I imagine they also build the joints as solidly as possible to account for the weight of the extra equipment.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-06-04 06:30

Whoa, Metal RD Vidar looks Dope!


Beyond Global review is here!
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
And P-Bandai HGUC RX-78-4 review is also here.
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

Tak 2020-06-04 16:21

Hmm, don't like blue, will use black, and rename it Vader.

Just because. :p

- Tak

LoweGear 2020-06-09 04:34

P-Bandai HG GNY-004 Gundam Plutone announced!

I'm hoping the fact they're making new Gundam 00 HG kits means they might considering doing HGAD Revive versions of the 3rd Gen Celestial Being Gundams and beyond.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-06-09 07:55


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 6421401)
P-Bandai HG GNY-004 Gundam Plutone announced!

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

If all the color separation are actual parts, I'd be impressed.


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 6421401)
I'm hoping the fact they're making new Gundam 00 HG kits means they might considering doing HGAD Revive versions of the 3rd Gen Celestial Being Gundams and beyond.

There is no HGAD line yet AFAIK. I've been waiting for Bandai to do it after G, Wing, X & SEED received their official lines. I want HG Arche Gundam & Throne Gundams in proper colors.

justavisitor 2020-06-09 09:21

I want new HG Gundam Dynames with twin pistol sets. Seriously I know that they did not want to leak the secret weapon of Dynames (Back in the days, one of the spotlights from gundam 00 was to guess the secret features of Dynames/Cheridum and Virtue/Seravee), but twin pistol sets were still not included in Dynames trans-ams verison.

The only way to have HG Dynames with twin pistol sets included was to buy Dynames with GN Arms. That was, and still is, a crime XD

LoweGear 2020-06-09 10:32


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6421418)

There is no HGAD line yet AFAIK.

Precisely the point. :heh:

If they're planning on doing P-Bandai kits of something like say the Sadalsuud, they could just reuse certain runners to make say an HGAD Dynames. Also, I'm still waiting for a gunpla kit of Kyrios that has the tail unit.


So apparently people have discovered that Bandai just registered a new trademark:

Seems we'll be getting a new line of Master Grade kits....

GN0010 Nosferatu 2020-06-11 23:41

Hm...why Plutone though? Seems like such a random choice for 00.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-06-12 00:14

^ I mean, Plutone is a good-looking 2nd gen Gundam and they already did a lot of Astraea. Plutone is a good refresher.

RRW 2020-06-12 08:15

Plutone means we might get Artemie later down the line

I wonder if they going to do Gundam Abulhool sometimes.

Also MGEX? I wonder what EX about it. either part count (crazy detail) or size (MA MG)

Galaxian 2020-06-12 16:17

Today I found out that Target stores are selling HG model kits in the actual store (I already knew they sold them online). The one near my house had the RX 78-2, Wing Zero, Barbatos, and Barbatos Lupus Rex.

Router25 2020-06-12 22:51

Why do I feel Virtue w/ Nadleeh would be the first in the MGEX line.

justavisitor 2020-06-14 13:12

I think EX means Extreme.

Also, I heard some rumor the first MGEX will be unicorn....take it with a grain of salt plz.

Illsteir 2020-06-14 21:17


Originally Posted by justavisitor (Post 6424178)
I think EX means Extreme.

Also, I heard some rumor the first MGEX will be unicorn....take it with a grain of salt plz.

Was hoping it will be for non-Gundam IPs but this is Bandai we're talking about.
From what I've read it have LEDs and will cost around 20,000 to 23,000 yen.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-06-16 20:23

Yeah, we all saw this P-Bandai coming all the way from Mars :D:

RRW 2020-06-21 20:53

MG Testament

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