Thats how I see it anyway... :) |
The transparent stuff is molded out of vinyl, like the poly caps. The other stuff is usually molded out of styrene.
You know, those geocity links, if someone I know comes here and see's it, they will say "Geoshitties" :heh: :heh:
/me want to see the pics :heh: :uhoh: On a side note, I bought 2 Calamity Gundams. Why two you ask? Well, I also got the Sowrd Calamity conversion kit with DVD, so I turned one of them into a Sword Calamity. It's really cool too, but I am still wishing that there are 1/100 version of the duggie gundams....Well, can always take a MG Aile Strike inner frame, and make a Calamity out of that :heh:.... |
I guess I can steal the images temporarily?
I was looking at these three: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y16...66/sfree07.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y16...infijust10.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y16...y66/sdinp5.jpg And then I asked about the flimsiness of this: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y16...tfreereb16.jpg Then...I asked what this was: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y16...P334210041.jpg But now that I look at it, orange and yellow makes it the Custom Gaia? |
I need to go find that lineart I tweaked... Edit: Ah, here it is... http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6...fupdate0ep.gif |
That Freedom impulse looks like what the real strike freedom should have looked like....
I think it's just the Impulse with the pack painted blue. But nevermind, I see what you guys are talking about.
Yeah, thats where it differs from the lineart I did. It has the Force Pack with the MG DEICI transfers on the Force Pack wings instead of the HiMAT wings. But the rest of the colors, like he torso and shield are done in a Freedom scheme. I can't tell if the rail cannons are there though. And Fafnir, you might find this to be a better candidate for the Strike Freedom. It's the Strike Freedom Impulse. http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2...fx56ssf9jq.gif |
EDIT: nvm this post didnt know theOTherGuy had made a psot like thatalready.... :P |
that strke freedom impulse looks uber nasty >_<
Well, the same could be said about the actual Strike Freedom. Besides, with the lineart of the Destiny Impulse, Abyss Impulse, Chaos Impulse and Gaia Impulse, I figured it was only a matter of time until we saw other Gundams getting Impulse treatments, so I just got it out of the way before Sunrise did...lol I never got around to doing the Legend or Justice like I had planned... |
Alright, guys, I ordered a SD Strike with the S.W.S. However, I was looking at other people's SD Strikes...like this dudes: https://www.securewebexchange.com/mo...s/688Dee05.jpg
Anyone know why his looks....so weird? And.... mmmm sexy: https://www.securewebexchange.com/mo...Show%20045.jpg An oddity?: https://www.securewebexchange.com/mo...32201205_0.jpg (Yes, I'm in an SD SEED mood...) |
Ok, just finished this today:
http://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20001_jpg.jpghttp://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20013_jpg.jpghttp://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20006_jpg.jpg More pictures at the completed page here: http://www.gamerabaenre.com/sd_kampfer.htm Progress page is here: http://www.gamerabaenre.com/sd_kampfer_prog.htm |
That kampfer SD is absolutly beautiful.
Does $32 CAD (tax already included) for a 1/100 Red Frame sound like a good deal?
I am thinking of getting a MG Nu Gundam to go with my Sazabi. Are there any major issues with that one? I have noticed that the MG Sazabi's fingers cannot hold onto the beam sabre grips very well. Does MG Nu have that problem too?
Are there any other Gunpla for the Messala apart from the old 1/220 kit that needs cement and the 1/144 resin kit? Both are the only ones I can find on HLJ. Are there any others, or is a re-release coming out for HGUC like with Pallas/Pallace Athene? |
personally I always think MG Nu Gundam has too bigger head and mod'ing it to smaller face and narrow head profile would do the kit the justice... And extending legs should be must as it's kinda long arm and short leg proportion imho...
for finger can't recall whether I had an issue... it's been a long time ago |
-The legs don't rotate, like the 1/100 Buster Gundam or that v2 MKII. For something this size, you'd think it should be able to. -The hands. The weapons have no way of being secured on the hands. I have problems hold the beam rifle as the same way my MKII can. It will take me some modding to make it like so. -Some of the parts are loose. The die cast parts may be the most stiff part of this kit, but some of the armor and other parts are just too loose. And I'm talking right out of the box, just-built-the-model loose. The rear Dark Blue armor plate on it's back, it's only held by two connectors, and we're talking a heavy backpack here. Twice already the backpack fell and the whole funnels just seperated because the armor just fell off. Of course, those are the issues of my MG Nu Gundam right after I had built it. It could be just mine, but then again, this is a somewhat old kit, not exactly the latest thing, but overall, I'm happy for my Nu Gundam, the size just surprises me (although my MG Sentinel still is bigger :) ) |
my MG Nu Gundam has none of those problems...
The only thing I don't like about it is the crappy clips which hold the funnels together (almost destined for breakages when I take the thing apart when I overhall it once I finish uni), the arm screws were WAY to big for the tight sockets (they got jammed and I had to break a pair of clippers shearing the heads off so the covers would fit!) and the Hyper Bazooka was molded in entirely in white, meaning I had to mask to paint the black bits (which I messed up, something im going to fix in the afformentioned overhaul)... Overall, the MG Nu Gundam is widely recognised as one of the best MGs Bandai have made! The proportions are nearly anime perfect and hardly any artistic license has been taken by whoever designed it. Also, I think its the only MG kit alongside the GunCannon to have working jointed wrists! (but i'm probably wrong) The posability issues stem from the fact that the Buster and MG Ver 2.0s use newer technology than Bandai had when the MG Nu came out (2001) http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/3125/nu8je.th.jpg |
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