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Elo the Blue 2011-04-24 18:48


Originally Posted by MoonLightShadows (Post 3585513)
After heero breached the bunker an the gundam pilots self-destructed the gundams, Heero left wing zeros wreckage on the ground. A group of mercenarys (like Ali Al Saachez) couldnt deal with the fact the war was ending took what was left of wing zero an rebuilt it an painted it. To Continue their thirst for war.

I like it. Although, some damage to the face would have been nice.

Araxiel 2011-04-24 19:29


Originally Posted by HLJ Order Confirm Email
Item Code Item Name Quantity Price Extended Price
BAN952366 1/144 HG Gundam Throne Eins 1 ¥1,280 ¥1,280
BAN952369 1/144 HG Gundam Throne Dry 1 ¥1,280 ¥1,280
BAN953121 1/144 HG Slone Zwei 1 ¥1,280 ¥1,280

Interesting typos there...

GN0010 Nosferatu 2011-04-24 21:28

Lets pretend they're new Gundams.

JC... 2011-04-25 03:22


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3585730)
Lets pretend their new Gundams.

Interesting typo there! :p

Maybe the HLJ order had typos because a machine translated it directly from Japanese.

Araxiel 2011-04-25 03:41

Possibly, although it strikes me as weird because they're an English-language site.

JC... 2011-04-25 03:58


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3586140)
Possibly, although it strikes me as weird because they're an English-language site.

They have a Japanese site too.

So basic stuff could be copied and translated from there.

LoweGear 2011-04-25 09:15

MG 00 Raiser boxart:


kakakka 2011-04-25 09:29

The Gn Drives are really small. Though still a cool box art.

Kuroi Hadou 2011-04-25 11:29


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 3586443)
The Gn Drives are really small. Though still a cool box art.

They were that size in at least half the scenes of the series though.

Appel 2011-04-25 11:53

there is only one thing that i REALLY dont like about this boxart... it makes me want to buy it even more! XD my poor wallet...

seriously though, i really like this boxart and i dont think anything looks too small

Illsteir 2011-04-25 12:05

Are they still using Photography + CG to make Boxarts for the Master Grade kits? If yes, then the size of the cones in that box art are just right.

JC... 2011-04-25 12:43

That boxart makes me want it. I don't know if it's as cool as Exia's though, that's awesome with the severed Tieren and Enacts bombarding from overhead.

Ah good times.

kakakka 2011-04-25 13:33


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3586555)
They were that size in at least half the scenes of the series though.

Yeah I know :heh:

justavisitor 2011-04-25 22:28

The boxart is cool, but I am a very picky person...the first thing I notice is that in the series, raiser never has gn-sword III and II at the same it loses all the "realism" there XD

I was that close to set that pic as the wallpaper :D

SonicSP 2011-04-26 00:07

I'm not a big fan of any of the MG boxart of the 00 series. Although admittedly, the MG 00 Qan(T) box is a lot cooler than its HG counterpart.

LightningZERO 2011-04-26 07:46

That's pretty meh boxart to me. It's cool, but it's nothing compared to 00 Raiser's HG counterparts boxarts. I guess they used up all the cool poses

GrahamAker 2011-04-26 10:00

I prefer mg boxarts over hg boxarts.

Araxiel 2011-04-26 10:01

I'm planning out a few custom models based on a Gundam 00 RP I got roped into running, and one of the players would like thier Gundam to have a Revolve Bazooka similar to Sadalsuud's. However, I don't think getting the resin kit for that's going to be easy [too much effort for an internet RP, anyway :p] so can anyone suggest to me a currently-in-production kit that has a similar-looking weapon to the 1/144 Sadalsuud's gun?

Another minor question; I'm getting the HG Thrones, but I hear they don't come with saber blades. Do other blades from HG00 kits [like the GN-X, for example] fit them okay?

GrahamAker 2011-04-26 10:05

Check out the dalong review of HG 00 Gundam suits.

SonicSP 2011-04-26 15:07


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 3587853)
That's pretty meh boxart to me. It's cool, but it's nothing compared to 00 Raiser's HG counterparts boxarts. I guess they used up all the cool poses

Its just how the MG boxarts are like. They have different styles. I agree that most of 00 Raiser's HG boxes are to my liking, the HG 00 Raiser+GN Sword III being my favorite.

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