WOOT!!! I got my HG 00, Graham's Custom Flag, and Virtue today! Thank You HLJ! This makes my Thanksgiving break o so sweeter.
Edit: Never mind what I said before (Don't ignore me). I want to know if you guys have any suggestions on how to paint my kits. I'm the kind of guy that would build the kits, then paint them, but now I want to paint them more professionally. I want to know stuff like if I should wash my kits first, how to do that, do I paint first then build, do I need to use primer, should I use dull or glossy paint lacquer, etc. Every little bit of advice will help. PM's or links to paint guides would be greatly appreciated. Note: I hand paint my kits, so no links or advice on spray painting are needed. |
I thought his color is similar to Freedom more than Strike :)
about the heavier version of Strike....maybe u thought like that 'cause the red X mark from his back that resembled the Aile pack http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_no_toriko/DSCF12101.jpg This is really Gundam Ganmen:heh: |
Had anyone spot 00 Gundam 1/100 at local shop yet?:confused: Singaporean are so lucky to have bought it so early.Maybe they are it building right now.:heh:
Wow that Gundam Ganmen look so fitting with those part.Nice one. |
HG Seravee review
http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_no_toriko/DSCF11971.jpg http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_no_toriko/hg-seravee.html Note: no beam saber translucent part , sob The Ganmen part of the review is really interesting imo |
for anyone that have HG 00 and Cherudim, how did u paint the translucent red and blue part in the head and the weapons?
Then Arios most probably have the 00 season 2 clear beam saber part. The beams from season 1 cannot fit in 00 Gundam's beam saber.
Oh great no beam saber for Seravee.How could you Bandai,I bet the price for Seravee 1/100 is higher than other 3 gundam.
What i got from AFA2008 today
MG Sinanju is wayyyy too nice Spoiler:
1/100 0 Raiser Spoiler:
HG Arios Spoiler:
HG Mr Bushido's Ahead Spoiler:
Wow. G-3 Gundam. Please post some pics of it when completed :D
LOL. GN-XIII = 00 Enact? :heh: |
http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o...2112008027.jpg |
Wow. It's beautiful. How much it costs? And who signed it?
That price tag says SG$57.55, about US$35-40? And Okawara Kunio signed it.
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