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Tkpenalty 2009-01-10 01:45

I just got a 1/100 00Gundam and 00 Raiser... going to build them when im back in australia. Also got a FG Dynames and Kyrios 1/144 HG (but they're not for myself...).

Im going back to hk soon so may somebody recommend me a good 1/100 from 00 please?

Damn I want Arios and GN archer 1/100 :(...

That face visor and that spike behind the GN Archer's head is really similar to Soma's custom (fugly) ahead. How did they predict that the GN Archer would have a chick pilot it? :heh: I mean it has a femine frame...

One stupid question because i haven't used the net in a while: are there MG 00?

LightningZERO 2009-01-10 01:49


Originally Posted by Tkpenalty (Post 2152228)
That face visor and that spike behind the GN Archer's head is really similar to Soma's custom (fugly) ahead. How did they predict that the GN Archer would have a chick pilot it? :heh: I mean it has a femine frame...

One stupid question because i haven't used the net in a while: are there MG 00?

Probably that's why GN Archer was not completed as a third generation Gundam, maybe Allelujah (or Hallelujah) objected against piloting a femine MS :heh:

And there's no MG 00 yet

Knight_SV 2009-01-10 02:00

i'm still hoping The O gets a MG treatment, but the price will likely become expensive like Sazabi


Originally Posted by rebel one (Post 2151962)
In a way it does do that. The frames are so strong and stiff that they barely move unless you use a lot of force.:heh:

But really Bandai. I'm still waiting for V2, DX, and Turn X and you roll out Zakus and GMs.

you're right. Last year Mg releases was very horrible overall. I'm hoping this year is not the same, but seeing this year first MG release is a GM, just make me have a bad feeling that this year will become the same as last year.

duotiga 2009-01-10 07:37

HG gadessa review

darkstrife 2009-01-10 09:27

i highly doubt that any of the 00 Gundams will get the MG treatment anytime soon. if you check the release dates of the NG 1/100 gundams and then compare that to the release date of its MG version, there's around a 2 year gap (destiny or freedom gundams are a good example of this)

so if you want the MG version of any 00 gundams then you gotta wait at least til to 2011 or maybe if lucky, late 2010. it's just another way for bandai to suck more money out of us cos they know most of us cant wait for 2 years for the release of a gundam... damn u Bandai!!!!!! although i must say i'm loving my 00 gundam oraiser set :)

vektar 2009-01-10 10:21

I really want a exia model but ill only get the MG of it, so i guess ill have to wait 2 more years or so... how sad.

duotiga 2009-01-10 10:35

Another Hg Gadessa Review

T.V. 2009-01-10 10:43


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 2151757)
as for MG releases i got a feeling bandai will concentrate on GM this year.

i'm really hoping bandai will continue the Zeta Gundam MG line by releasing The O perhaps. or release MG Exia and 00 this year


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2151905)
God...after the MG Zaku onslaught, now it's GM?

Actually, I could see that happen; Bandai further capitalizing on the R&D cost made for the Gundam 2.0, by eventually producing several GM and RX-78 variations, such as:

RX-78-1 "Rollout" 2.0
RX-78-3 "G3" 2.0

RGM-79L "GM Light Armor"
RGM-79SP "GM Sniper Custom"
RGM-179 "GM II"
GMC-80 "GM Cannon" (Personally speaking, the most interesting of the lot)

I view the G3 as the most likely candidate getting a release (3rd quarter of '09 at the earliest), I reckon.
Though the GM Cannon, and to a lesser extent GM II, might see the light of day as well, since they appeared in Zeta Gundam.
The Sniper Custom also has a relatively strong fanbase, perhaps strong enough to support a release.

Speaking for myself, I was a bit dissapointed when I first learned of the retro Gundam and GM 2.0 versions, since I'm didn't like their (simple) exterior design, which sadly hide an otherwise very nice interior construction.
However, they're growing on me and I'm actually beginning to appreciate their retro exterior.. :ninja:
Time can do a lot, I guess. :)

Ypocaramel 2009-01-10 13:22

Yes, the MG GM 2.0 looks very cartoony and true to its 0079 Gundam counterpart, but I definitely prefer more ver. Ka style with lots of mechanical details and plating that looks like a modern fighter jet (which is why I use the black Gundam marker the most). I figure the GM-79SP might be more mechanical, given its a UC-fan favorite.

CelestialNocturne 2009-01-10 14:56

Geez, the Gadessa just keeps looking better and better in its model format. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really hope that they make 1/100 versions of the Innovator suits.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-01-10 15:05

By the way, I ordered the MSIA The-0 from Zeta Gundam, should be here in a few days. Shout if ya'll want any pictures of it.

LordStrike 2009-01-10 15:15


Originally Posted by CelestialNocturne (Post 2152973)
Geez, the Gadessa just keeps looking better and better in its model format. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really hope that they make 1/100 versions of the Innovator suits.

i sooo agree whit you im drooling for a 1/100 gadessa.

JackRydden224 2009-01-10 15:45

Bandai has stated that they would be more GM variations so yea, we can only hope Bandai will give us some new variations such as the GM Striker, Sniper Custom II not just "Ver 2.0s".

sx3 2009-01-10 16:37

do you think we'll get a HG Arche Gundam anytime soon? its odd, i thought by now they would have released it, that gundam i assume would sell like wildfire haha

vektar 2009-01-10 16:38

id like to see the GM Striker thats a cool looking GM

LoweGear 2009-01-10 16:47


Originally Posted by sx3 (Post 2153089)
do you think we'll get a HG Arche Gundam anytime soon? its odd, i thought by now they would have released it, that gundam i assume would sell like wildfire haha

The Arche is a tall Gundam though, and despite its looks it's still gonna need a ton of plastic to implement (especially that huge GN Buster Sword). Who knows, they might already be designing it as we speak :heh:

Balder8472 2009-01-10 19:19

I know this is a scratch built version of the Alvaaron but still it's very impressive.I hope this guy does an arche gundam too

RDF2050 2009-01-10 20:03


Originally Posted by Balder8472 (Post 2153276)
I know this is a scratch built version of the Alvaaron but still it's very impressive.I hope this guy does an arche gundam too

I really love its design :)

Thanks for Share

Nerroth 2009-01-10 20:10

That looks cool!

CrackerJack 2009-01-10 20:45

Finally got my Sinanju!

-everything thats gray and black on the runner while be sprayed with gunmetal

-veniers, boosters, and tubes are sprayed be gold.

crap pics for front and back of the shield

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