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RAVNEN 2009-02-12 00:12

LoweGear are right,it is an MG Freedom.Man this guy is really a pro,I wish I can meet him & learn from him.:D I salute this guy who build this awesome mode,whereever you are.:bow:

Here some other pics of it:

vektar 2009-02-12 00:40

yeah that first pic really sucked it looks so much better in those last 3

LoweGear 2009-02-12 08:09

HG Seraphim Gundam out on Hobby Search

MrCapcom 2009-02-12 09:45


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2212286)
yeah that first pic really sucked it looks so much better in those last 3

ditto looks like they made SD Freedom and was like nah lets jus tmade it MG 1/100 and SD together! lol nice pic on the last three though I like to make my gundams look like they fresh off the assembly line though lol :rolleyes:

Okamidum 2009-02-12 12:59


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2212646)

OMG im gonna need to get that. The box art looks great :D

LoweGear 2009-02-12 15:18

So I was extremely worried when I first saw the manual scans that the HG Seraphim doesn't have clear plastic parts on which to cover the holes on the wrists with when you take the hands out. Turns out this problem is taken care of if you already have the HG Seravee:

Small image, but shows that the reason the front part of the GN Cannons on the Seravee is detachable is so you can swap it with the GN Cannon arms on the Seraphim. So if you have the HG Seravee already, you just swap the front parts out.

Unfortunately, the manual does explicitly show that the GN Cannon arms on the HG Seraphim uses ball joints on its shoulders, as opposed to the rods on the Seravee backpack. Thus, you can't entirely replace the knee cannons with the HG Seraphim's arms, though as shown you can still give the knee cannons hands.


On other models, more Perfect Grade Astray Red Frame:

MrCapcom 2009-02-12 15:26

That looks hot I want to get one **reaches in wallet** up don't have 100+ for it >_>

on the other hand im really tempted to put Destiny Gundam Full Burst Mode on my to get list

MrCapcom 2009-02-12 15:55

Would someone be kind and explain to me how I can get custom decals on my gundam?
Where can I buy the paper? The local hobby store has this:
But im not sure if that will look good on my 00 like this :
I seen another on the forum can't find the link though but long story short I wanna put decals on my model and I have a nice printer at work I can use a Phaser 6360/8860/8550 and I wanted to print some nice decals I have a sheet of decals from the same link above

Here is the site it actually had a D/L of images that he used to make the decal

Nerroth 2009-02-12 19:02


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2213096)
So I was extremely worried when I first saw the manual scans that the HG Seraphim doesn't have clear plastic parts on which to cover the holes on the wrists with when you take the hands out. Turns out this problem is taken care of if you already have the HG Seravee:

Small image, but shows that the reason the front part of the GN Cannons on the Seravee is detachable is so you can swap it with the GN Cannon arms on the Seraphim. So if you have the HG Seravee already, you just swap the front parts out.

Unfortunately, the manual does explicitly show that the GN Cannon arms on the HG Seraphim uses ball joints on its shoulders, as opposed to the rods on the Seravee backpack. Thus, you can't entirely replace the knee cannons with the HG Seraphim's arms, though as shown you can still give the knee cannons hands.


I was thinking it was gonna be something like that - it'll do!

ashtaron 2009-02-12 19:35

More images of 1/144 Seraphim along with it's counterpart can be seen here:

MrCapcom 2009-02-12 20:30

Red Astray pwned Ironman
And apparently tried to eat my dinner

Tormenk 2009-02-12 20:44

The Astray looks good from here but some more photos would be nice. :p

Just curious. What did you spray onto the gray chest armor and the beam rifle? Looks the same to me and I think its a great look.

MrCapcom 2009-02-12 22:56

check my blog there is more pics
Here is a couple from the blog
I used GunMetal Grey and I took the pics with my LG Dare 3.2 mp's im gonna take more pics with my 10mp camera but been busy.
When I go to Katsucon this weekend im gonna grab some Gundam Markers to finish the Sword

LightningZERO 2009-02-12 23:13

I think it doesn't look as detailed as the PG Strike

MrCapcom 2009-02-12 23:43

I would so love this on my car
too bad I don't want any stickers on my car

MeesesGlokmah 2009-02-13 01:42


Originally Posted by MrCapcom (Post 2213812)

What a coincidence. I have my 00 fighting the Astray Red Frame right now on my shelf. Heavyarms Custom is also in the background (just posing with all the compartments opened).

Chiu_fan 2009-02-13 05:59

Guys, I need some help. I need to repair a chipped off part on my MG Gundam ver. 2.0 that I just got. What are your recommended materials for me to put that piece back?
Can I use epoxy? Because what it says on the description that it can also be used on hard plastics. I was planning on using it but I need expert advice first before I go with the operation.
Sorry that I can't show any pics of it.

Note: The part that broke off is on the foot, particularly the "toe".

astranagun 2009-02-13 06:03

Is epoxy a type of super glue?
If so I think it's possible but it's better if you use a brush IMO

Chiu_fan 2009-02-13 06:21


Originally Posted by astranagun (Post 2214222)
Is epoxy a type of super glue?
If so I think it's possible but it's better if you use a brush IMO

No, it ain't super glue, and here's a little info on it: Epoxy

astranagun 2009-02-13 06:24

In that case sorry but I don't know:heh:

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