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Klashikari 2008-07-05 18:57

Code Geass R2 - Episode 13 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Code Geass, Episode 13.

Thread Guidelines
  • Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
  • Spoilers about future events must not be posted in this thread.
    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message.
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if it has not aired yet.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Please try to keep the discussion on topic.
Note that because Code Geass is licensed, the following apply as well:
  • Asking where you can find Code Geass downloads.
  • Providing links to Code Geass downloads.
  • Discussing Code Geass fansub groups (past or present).
  • Asking for help downloading Code Geass.
  • Asking for playback help for Code Geass episodes.
These rules applies to fansubs (in English or any other language) and raws alike.

Spoiler Policy
  • Any spoiler that reveals future events, even under a spoiler tag, will be deleted.
    Spoiler tags should still be used where appropriate.
  • Adding a Spoiler tag: highlight your spoiler and click the button found
    on the "Quick Reply" and "Reply to Thread" forms.
    Make sure that you include a title for the spoiler!
  • Please use the Report button if you see any spoilers: the button found to the left of the post, just under the poster's avatar.
    Using the Report button is anonymous and helps the Moderators
    to locate and deal with problems quickly.
  • Posting prohibited spoilers may result in a ban.
    Note: Reporting a post does not mean the poster will be banned instantly.
    The Moderators will use bans if warnings are repeatedly ignored.
note: Poll is closed until the episode airs in Japan, for obvious reasons.
  • Episode 13 will be broadcasted this 6th july at 5:00 PM (Japan Time Zone),
    which means this 6th july at 9:00AM (GMT 00).

Westlo 2008-07-05 18:58

Finally new OP/ED time.

amjzz 2008-07-05 19:11

Things im expecting to see in this episode:

-New op/ed.
-More geass canceller.
-More info about the cult that studies geass.
-More people recovering their memories because of the geass canceller.
-More battles.

And maybe some funny moments.

DarkLordOfkichiku 2008-07-05 19:12

New OP and ED!!! That's what I beleive we're looking forward to the most about this episode. :D

zalem 2008-07-05 19:14

No more fun and games, it gets serious from here on out. Man, I'm curious how it all goes down.

New OP/ED should be really good. :)

Oh and what's going to happen to Villetta....If Orange goes to the school and cancels the geass on all the agents she will be in big trouble....

Jeffry2009 2008-07-05 19:16

I've got a bad feeling about this.......

thespringmoon 2008-07-05 19:19

I'm not excited at all about this episode, and that's only because I've read the spoilers.
:goes off to sulk:

yezhanquan 2008-07-05 19:22


Originally Posted by thespringmoon (Post 1703385)
I'm not excited at all about this episode, and that's only because I've read the spoilers.
:goes off to sulk:

I'll have to see it for myself before I decide if I respect the decision, or to go :frustrated::frustrated::frustrated::frustrated:.

zalem 2008-07-05 19:23

I read them and I'm excited about the episode. Or at least very curious.

yezhanquan 2008-07-05 19:34

For this ep, pics are more than enough.

KallenMiki 2008-07-05 20:04

Yay! New OP/ED! :hyper-^v^:

yezhanquan 2008-07-05 20:12


Originally Posted by KallenMiki (Post 1703481)
Yay! New OP/ED! XD

Aye to that. I expect it not to give away too much. 24 and 25 should have a theme song to their own, just like in R1.

Rising Dragon 2008-07-05 20:24

Looks like I'll be staying off of this part of the board for the night... *sighs* C'ya'll tomorrow night, I guess.

Ketro 2008-07-05 20:39


Originally Posted by DarkLordOfkichiku (Post 1703378)
New OP and ED!!! That's what I beleive we're looking forward to the most about this episode. :D

YEAH! Yes, that, and what happens with

Spoiler for Code Geass:

Klashikari 2008-07-05 20:59

Let me remind all of you that any type of spoiler are prohibited in episode thread.
Even if they aren't blatant or so, please do not be "vague", and mention possible reactions or feelings for certain event that didn't happen yet (even mentioning a specific episode, with a comment might be risky).

Some reactions were pretty much evident for a "specific" event, which is certainly not what the series implied blatantly yet. Therefore, I ask all of you to refrain such mentions, even vagues. Thank you.

gabbytay 2008-07-05 21:36

LOl Online steaming will be filled today and massive lag<_<

Sabrac 2008-07-05 22:35

cant wait till the sub is out this episode is gonna rock

and new ops are always a good thing

Verist 2008-07-05 23:11

Oh boy, I'm getting worked up waiting.. Formula 1 this weekend to. Its like Christmas!

0rphen21 2008-07-05 23:26


Originally Posted by zalem (Post 1703380)
No more fun and games, it gets serious from here on out. Man, I'm curious how it all goes down.

yup i have to agree that this series might get a whole lot more serious from this point on but they might still have light hearted moments

yezhanquan 2008-07-05 23:54


Originally Posted by 0rphen21 (Post 1703799)
yup i have to agree that this series might get a whole lot more serious from this point on but they might still have light hearted moments

Even if lighthearted, it'll most probably raise just a thin smile for everyone.

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