I have one of the clear sparkle red action bases. It hasn't cracked yet, but then it hasn't been holding up anything too heavy.
Also, just finished assembling the AGE-1 Spallow HG, my first Age HG after doing the first run of AGs. I have to say, I'm very impressed! The colours look great out of the box, and the posability is absolutely superb [helped, I think, by not having much in the way of awkward armour to restrict the joints]. I usually like to paint everything, but I think for this I'll just repaint the few stickered areas and leave it at that. The stickers on the blade are really the only place where it falls down. Overall, very satisfied with that purchase. Quite glad the Razor parts don't work on it- it'd be a shame to sacrifice those lovely Spallow limbs! |
Ok guys, some of you might remember back then I said that I didn’t understand the appeal of clear kits, right? Well, I’m curious. So, in the end, I bought one clear kit which interest me the most. It’s HG Banshee Destroy clear. Now I’ve done building it.
http://i.imgur.com/pp47K.jpg Btw, I decided to build it as the Novel version coz the HG’s OVA version looks lame, especially the “half-assed” claw which only partly open (why Bandai?! Why?!). In addition, HG Banshee has more variety of poses in the Novel version than OVA version. Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) My verdict: The kit is good. Some people said that the clear parts are more brittle/fragile than the usual plastic. Well, while I agree that the usual plastic is more flexible which makes it more damage-resistant, the clear parts of this kit is very hard & solid. So much so that it takes a lot of energy just to clean the nubs out of the parts. Thus, I end up spending double the usual time to build a HG just to finish this kit. You also have to be really careful when cleaning those nubs coz one wrong move will leave an obvious white mark/scratch on those clear parts. That’s a big problem unless you plan to paint it anyway (but then, what’s the point of buying clear kits? :heh:). Overall, I really like how it looks because, ironically, this kit is not entirely clear (only the outer armor & glowing/glittery parts which are clear), so you can still see its solid form like a normal kit. I won’t deny that the clear parts look good though. |
Looks really good !
The sparkle clear plastic highlights the "Minovksy particle" of the psycho-frame |
If SID got a model kit this is what it would look like.
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) I am so envious, I love SID's design. http://gundamguy.blogspot.com.au/201...tch-build.html Also, I love that clear Banshee. It just looks...perfect. |
Spoiler for large image:
Anyone know the exact reason why painting red and cleaning nubs on red pieces is an insane pain in the ass? Been doing gunpla since 00's release and this have always evaded me (I hand paint with touchups btw)
Painting pieces red sucks indeed. Pieces that are molded in a light color like yellow or white aren't a problem but if you are dealing with blue or black pieces you either NEED to prime them or you need to apply many many layers of paint. However, someone recently made a nice tutorial for this. It is really easy: Spray on a layer of metallic chrome or silver and then spray on the next color. That way you can even paint black pieces white with just two layers of paint! It's amazing^^ You don't even need any primer! As for cleaning up nub marks, as long as you cut the piece of the sprue at the gate itself and not directly at the piece, then cut it off with a knife and clean the rest with fine sandpaper you shouldnt have a problem. But personally I just use a red marker and I really don't have any problems. |
Now, it's just a matter of time until Tallgeese III and the rest of the Kai Gundams got made :D. |
Everyones excited about talgeese, I'm excited about Rozen Zulu!! :D Yay!!
http://www.gundamkitscollection.com/...all-japan.html |
Still, I admit that my excitement was more towards Tallgeese. It’s coz, before the confirmation, MG Tallgeese was a big question-mark, while I know that HG Rozen Zulu will absolutely happen ;). |
HG Zulu is cool, but completely expected given the Unicorn and how extremely popular it is.
MG Tallgeese is both a MG and a suit that they could have easily skipped and gone straight to TG III so there is a good reason for it to be the more hyped of the two at least for now. Honestly can't wait, will order two and both Wing Zero EW and SF PG's are being pushed given these will now be the first two kits I paint in my new work shop. |
the mg nu gundam ver ka. is a must buy. it just looks too damn good. it even has pg styled hands.
mg Tallgeese is also a must buy |
Looks like the HG AGE line isn't dead after all - AGE-1 Gransa, Shaldoll Rogue, and AGE-FX Burst have also been announced!
Super excited for HGUC Rozen Zulu. Together with HGUC Byarlant Custom, December is going to be an amazing month. |
A bit disappointed with that AGE-FX Burst Mode to be honest. I was hoping they'd swap the funnels for the Beam Sabers it sprouts. And I'm not a fan of the Tallgeese 1, no offence to Tallgeese fans but I've always thought it looked a little bit "dorky", love Tallgeese 2 and 3 though. Just not 1.
I'm loving that Banshee Plating version. If it looks like that out of the box I may have to pick one up. And it's nice to see Gransa getting a High Grade. |
HG Gransa and HG Rozen Zulu are the only kits I'm interested in buying. Still hoping for an MG of the former though.
Wow @MG Nu Ka, does that Funnel effect-parts really included in the kit?! I really hope so!
Btw, why Nu’s funnels don’t have the “zap-effect” like MG Hi-nu? Is that an indication that it doesn’t come with the Funnel effect-parts? Oh no!:upset: Just like maknaedik, I also want to see Grandsa+Zefuld in MG along with FX (Burst or not, I don't care). |
Honestly hope they skip the AGE-1 G for MG. If they are going to release more AGE MG's I would perfer new suits from character other then Flit/Asemu/Kio. Another AGE-1 is worthless in my mind and I would just skip over it.
Give me a Wolf or grunt suit if nothing else. |
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