The original release and the 2.0 The old one is classic oldschool, and not the best, but cheap The 2.0 is freaking amazing |
So the next RG is.... Wing Zero Custom :eek:
http://i.imgur.com/JZGX0Lfl.jpg Also, new HGBF Ez-SR, based off the Ez-8: http://i.imgur.com/VQNWGO3l.jpg |
That... really was unexpected. I wonder if they'll add more MS form Wing to the RG line in the future.
That said, the Wing series MS are slightly smaller (16m) than the UC and Seed MS (18m), so it'll definitely have a newer and smaller skeleton. And I fully expect the fiddly bits to be the wings most of all. |
So Saturday night I finally got around to building an HG Rick Dias I bought two weeks previously, two hours fifty five minutes, would have been forty five if the head pieces were not so friggin tiny. Not sure if I should give the Master Grade step forward or get myself a mother effin Beargguy San.
Holy moly xD
HGBF R-GyaGya I cant believe they are actually making a freaking R-Jarja variant kit :D That RG Wing Zero EW and HGBF Ez-8 variant is glorious btw http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-J5AqIDhWrg...Untitled-7.jpg |
Yes I know, I need to get the dust off my kits!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...ad661aede3f053 https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...3392707e6f26b5 https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.n...294f0defa46238 https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...42e7ae4e6d4420 https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...fdc502f90d90e1 |
Anybody else think that the shoulders and arms of RG WZC looks too big compared to the body? The proportion is almost as bad as SEED RGs. The wings also look unimpressive so far. I hope the finished product looks better. A LOT better.
i'm actually expecting wing zero ew to be released as HGAC but this is a great news
Two scans of R-GyaGya!
http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2014/0...announced.html Not much else in that picture- Wait a sec, is that what I think it is in the left bottom corner?:twitch:Beargguy Junior confirmed! Come to think of it what is it with "juniors" lately? Godzilla Junior just got an SH Monsterarts figure, Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda starred Sharktopus Junior, and now Beargguy San is jumping on the bandwagon.:heh: |
its like everyone had never named their kid after themselves before in history, well not including the royal linage & James Bond Jr. who is actually his nephew :heh:
So the MG Tallgeese III is a P-Bandai Exclusive.... WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!?! ;-;
I am, of course, talking about the Dragon Mokoko version. No offense, Bandai. I've been holding that thing off ever since I figured out that you were almost definitely making an official Tallgeese III. I was NOT expecting you to basically raise a middle finger to people outside of Japan that loves that design and making it an exclusive. First it was Banshee Norn, then Hi Nu HWS, now this... Getting REAL tired of your shit, Bandai. |
Yeh...I really like the Tallgeese 3 as well but they decide to make a P-Bandai out of it...
I'd rather have Bandai doing the re-hashing and pump out all the diff variations than doing this P-Bandai thing |
I'll bite on this one, the bait is just too good lol @Obelisk: Are you referring to the lineart? Or the Prototype? Or both? HG Janahan (or however the hell you spell it) and its commander version on right http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eIUHNRpNsB...Untitled-2.jpg HG G-Self Space Pack -Option Part-? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-j-EiqfOZMh...0/hj141105.jpg |
As for the G-Reco suit Cool, learn something new everyday Whatever the case, the commander unit looks pretty cool/unique |
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