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Klashikari 2017-08-05 14:41

Fate/Apocrypha - Episode 6 Discussion / Poll
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bakato 2017-08-05 16:12

Merlin is here!

XFire 2017-08-05 20:21

Kind of a weird thing to be annoyed by since we're supposed to be sympathizing with Mordred here, but the fact that Altria had Excalibur and Morgan actually disarmed her kind of ticks me off.

In the original Mordred charges and Altria just casually shanks her on the end of Rhon. The only reason Mordred lands her (eventually) fatal blow is because loldestiny.

belatkuro 2017-08-06 10:32

Rhon appearing out of nowhere in Arturia's hand was just weird, especially with that design from FGO, even if it may be a magic spear. I know it's how it should be but the way it went with a big ass spear like that appearing in her hand after getting disarmed just didn't go well with me.

Knights of Round Table animated is good, and even Morgan got animated. Though everyone paid more attention to the FGO swimsuit CM during the commercial :heh: She's voiced by Endou Aya so she's not yet the Caster Arturia everyone is waiting for to complete the set but it's no doubt she'll be a Saberface. Morgan in FGO when? Agravain when? He's the only one amongst the Knights shown in the episode to not be in FGO.

GDB 2017-08-06 12:38


Originally Posted by belatkuro (Post 6119565)
Agravain when? He's the only one amongst the Knights shown in the episode to not be in FGO.

Only one not playable, since he is in as an NPC.

bakato 2017-08-06 14:11

I love Morgan's design. We never really saw what she looked like aside from some minor manga flashback.

Incest Emblem 2017-08-06 20:27

That contraption that Fiore was wearing... Was that her wheelchair transformed, or was it something new she put on because she knew she was going into battle?

She should start mass producing them (without the machine gun function) and sell them to hospitals for massive profit. >_>

XFire 2017-08-06 22:38


Originally Posted by Incest Emblem (Post 6119789)
That contraption that Fiore was wearing... Was that her wheelchair transformed, or was it something new she put on because she knew she was going into battle?

She should start mass producing them (without the machine gun function) and sell them to hospitals for massive profit. >_>

I...don't think Mystic Codes work like that. I'm not actually sure though.

something something Origin something something mage crest and now she's the only one who can use it because.....because.

Fate is weird like that.

Wandering Soul 2017-08-06 22:54

Fiore must be a fan of Dr Octopus. That is the only explanation I have for how she can up with such an invention.

Originally Posted by Incest Emblem (Post 6119789)
That contraption that Fiore was wearing... Was that her wheelchair transformed, or was it something new she put on because she knew she was going into battle?

She should start mass producing them (without the machine gun function) and sell them to hospitals for massive profit. >_>

I'm pretty sure magus aren't supposed to go around selling their mystic codes even if they can make a profit of it and pass it off as a normal invention. Fiore seems to be a pretty traditional magus so that probably applies to her too. Also considering that she lives in mansion with a family that could form it's own faction, I don't think money is a concern for her.

XFire 2017-08-07 00:40


Originally Posted by Wandering Soul (Post 6119839)
Fiore must be a fan of Dr Octopus. That is the only explanation I have for how she can up with such an invention.

I'm pretty sure magus aren't supposed to go around selling their mystic codes even if they can make a profit of it and pass it off as a normal invention. Fiore seems to be a pretty traditional magus so that probably applies to her too. Also considering that she lives in mansion with a family that could form it's own faction, I don't think money is a concern for her.

I kinda wish they could since Older!Waver turns his former teacher's metal slime into a robot maid.

Dengar 2017-08-07 06:32

I'm fairly sure mystic codes aren't exclusive to the ones who create them, at least not as a rule. It's just that there's the whole thing where magi don't like to share, especially not with normals.

Anyway, there's some pretty good action this episode.

And Jack the Ripper's design doesn't really bother me all that much now that I've seen it in action.

Ultragunner 2017-08-07 09:05

Dr Oct, is that u? :heh:

Anyway, I kinda enjoy the Masters' fight in this Fate more than others, there are more ingenuity than I thought :heh:, enough with the hit and run already :heh:

Ruki0089 2017-08-07 09:12

Jack the ripper is a girl?? seriously~~?

Tenzen12 2017-08-07 09:23

Actually there is no reason why Jack the Ripper couldn't be woman. That's not even in genderbend area as true identity of killer was never revealed.

Well, in some other war Jack could be summoned as guy, or genderless, but that's different story.

Anyway finally Mordred-Kairi time. Go!Go! Necromancaaa show that skill and experience is better than raw power (as long as you are not Mo-chan than raw power is good enough murder even skilled robot king)

HighGuard 2017-08-07 09:26


Originally Posted by Ruki0089 (Post 6120045)
Jack the ripper is a girl?? seriously~~?

And king Arthur is a girl as well..... Nothing new for Fate/

Twi 2017-08-07 09:46

You should have seen Jack's original Apocrypha design. They went too far into Loli territory.

Anyway, Review/Recap here. I love how Kairi and Caules basically have to babysit their Servants. The moment they take their eyes off them, one starts acting like a cat and the other unplugs his computer. Also, I love how Kairi just jacked a car and hit her with it.

Sheba 2017-08-07 09:52


Originally Posted by Ruki0089 (Post 6120045)
Jack the ripper is a girl?? seriously~~?

Jack the ripper was never caught, so we never knew the identity of the killer. And forensics were in its infancy back then.

XFire 2017-08-07 10:06


Originally Posted by Twi (Post 6120063)
You should have seen Jack's original Apocrypha design. They went too far into Loli territory.

Anyway, Review/Recap here. I love how Kairi and Caules basically have to babysit their Servants. The moment they take their eyes off them, one starts acting like a cat and the other unplugs his computer. Also, I love how Kairi just jacked a car and hit her with it.

More like not enough.

Her upper body was the same but for some reason she had the legs of an adult woman. It was creepy af.

belatkuro 2017-08-07 10:20

Fran just wants to conserve electricity so she unplugged the computer.

bakato 2017-08-07 10:26


Originally Posted by belatkuro (Post 6120083)
Fran just wants to conserve electricity so she unplugged the computer.

Perfect waifu material. Her creator must've been gay. That or it was just the dickishness inherent in 99% of magi.

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