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Evolve 2009-02-17 13:20

some of my collections :

sadly, I'm still saving for dynames + gn arms T__T..
and unfortunately, in Indonesia gundam 00 s2 model kits are soo rare..
well, I guess I should wait for next few months..

MrCapcom 2009-02-17 13:37


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2222533)

@Mr.Capcom - nice Spidey gashaphon. Strike Freedom looks somewhat cheap but well.. this is no plastic kit :D Though I am sometimes into buying rubber robot figures such as my Hybrid Mode Buster Gundam. On its stand, it actually looks pretty decent :)

Yea its cool im not saying its the best thing ever but for it being plastic in person it looks pretty cool. I will be my Stirke Freedom until I get the MG version of it.

Does anyone know where I can get replacement hands for my Red Astray or at least if anyone has and extra they can give me :-)

Nerroth 2009-02-17 13:57


Originally Posted by Exia_00 (Post 2221797)
may i ask where do people get those clear stands from lol, i live in aus and yeh i dont come across those, and are there soem for HCM's?


Originally Posted by StratoSpear (Post 2222144)
There's a "Figma" embedded on the stand's base, indicating that it's a base from Figma character figures.

Indeed - I collect certain Figma models, and the stands come in very handy for Gundam figures...


Originally Posted by MrCapcom (Post 2222249)
Those are nice unpainted correct? I really want Arios and I think that sealed the deal for me. I will try to pick one up I'm still going after MG Destiny and SD Destiny end of the month so I probally won't get him yet but hes on the list! :-)

The Arios is unpainted, the 0-Raiser has a bit of gundam marker-ing on the panel lines.

MrCapcom 2009-02-17 15:58

Cool I have yet to get my markers but spray painting is doing good for me are you happy with your Arios?

edit for typo ^_^

Nerroth 2009-02-17 16:15

I don't have a Kyrios, so I couldn't tell you!

But if you mean the Arios, it's ok - the legs could do with being a liiiitle easier to transform, and the orange decals on the wings aren't great, but then that's what I have to put up with by not sorting out a paint set already...

It's neat how little glue you need on the figures, I've found - none of the Meisters' Gundams have needed a lot of glue to fit together, and the Arios and 0-Raiser don't have any.

I do like the beam sabers, too. I intend to keep the slightly longer blade for the Arios, and give the other one to the GN Archer when I finally get one of those. (Given its smaller size, I'm betting that the slightly shorter beam blade will be more proportional to the GN Archer.)

Oh, and the Arios is really big in its alt mode, as you can see in the comparison shot with the 0-Raiser.

I'm looking forward to trying out a squadron with the Arios, GN Archer and 0-Raiser all on Figma stands!

MrCapcom 2009-02-17 16:27

That's whats up. I didn't get a chance to put my SD kit together but I think I might have time tonight. I think I'm going to spray paint the blue and red the same way I did the 1/100 just because when I see them in my display case I think I'm going to feel weird if I see them with two different paint coats

MeesesGlokmah 2009-02-17 18:19


Originally Posted by Nerroth (Post 2222854)
It's neat how little glue you need on the figures, I've found - none of the Meisters' Gundams have needed a lot of glue to fit together, and the Arios and 0-Raiser don't have any.

What do you mean by "how little glue you need"? The Gundam kits don't need glue. I have tons of HG 1/144 kits, and none of them need glue. Unless you are talking about broken or loose parts.

blunted 2009-02-17 20:47

Building Gundam SD Gashapon chess set - need some help
Hi All,

New here - look forward to hanging out a bit :) Hope this is the right place for this !

I have been collecting SD Gundam Gashapon for a while and recently started painting them to improve the look a little.

I am pleased with the results so far so I have decided to create a chess set with the SD models - as the chess collectors pieces are WAY too expensive to get a set this way and I would also like something I largely produced myself.

I have managed to build almost a full set - using 4 whole sets of SD series I got from ebay (so I had duplicates for knight rook bishop etc) and a few other random ones from my collection.

I have one side of "good guys" (earth federation and other "gundams") and one of "bad guys" (zeon and various other "baddies") I'm going to spray them one flat colour for each side then detail them and have some chess decals I am going to get custom made (so I dont forget which one is which piece lol).

Where I am coming unstuck is the pawns .

I have ordered two "zaku mania" sets of the SD zakus which should arrive shortly so thats the "bad guys" pawns sorted - but I am having trouble finding something similar for the "good guys" . I could just use the zaku manias as well and paint them differently as I will have 30 of them - but seen as I have got this far while keeping a theme between gundam vs zeon etc I would like to avoid this.

I'm thinking either RGM-79 - one of the ships or the Ball SD figure for the "good" pawns.

Problem is finding these - without spending a fortune to get 8 identical ones.

I already have two ball SD figures - and 1 RGM so I need 6 and 7 more respectively - or 8 of a ship or something else similar.

I cannot find anywhere that will sell me multiples of the same model.

Does anyone know any of the following :

A supplier who will sell multiples of the same SD gashapon (I cant find anyone who will do this).

Someone who has multiple RGM/Ball/Ship SD gashapons and would like to sell them/trade them

Something similar to the zaku mania SD set but from the "good guys" instead.

Or something else suitable for a pawn that I have overlooked..

any and all help would be much appreciated! thanks in advance I have searched high and low without much success and I am itching to get this chess set made!

aohige 2009-02-17 20:49

The equilibrant of Zaku for the Feds side is GMs.
Just find a set of SD GMs, and you should be good to go. :D

Like the blue GMs in the back on this picture would be perfect.

blunted 2009-02-17 21:01

yes! thank you so much! :D Those are exactly what I am after!

any idea where I can find this set?

aohige 2009-02-17 21:07

Well, the picture above is from a finished auction on Yahoo japan.
Try searching around for keywords SDガンダム 武者 GM (SD Gundam Musha GM)

Nerroth 2009-02-17 21:07

One question for those who already have the HG GN Archer kit - does it have anywhere on the model one can store one of the GN Beam Rifles when it's in mobile suit mode?

When i get one, I wanted to try and have it hold a beam saber in one hand (using the shorter beam 'blade' you get with Arios) but I'd like to clarify if the rifle can be mounted in storage elsewhere - the way you can store Cherudim's weapons, for example.


Originally Posted by MeesesGlokmah (Post 2223078)
What do you mean by "how little glue you need"? The Gundam kits don't need glue. I have tons of HG 1/144 kits, and none of them need glue. Unless you are talking about broken or loose parts.

I was using a bit of glue here and there for certain joints and connections on some of my other Gundam models - even if the pieces fit together otherwise, the glue helped in a few cases.

So far, neither the 0-Raiser nor Arios have needed it, though.

blunted 2009-02-17 21:18

thanks again will do :D

LoweGear 2009-02-17 22:18


Originally Posted by Nerroth (Post 2223320)
One question for those who already have the HG GN Archer kit - does it have anywhere on the model one can store one of the GN Beam Rifles when it's in mobile suit mode?

While I don't have the GN Archer quite yet, looking at the parts and instructions for it, it doesn't seem like you can store the GN Archer's rifles on the hips or thighs like what's shown on episode 19. There seems to be a short, black slot on the hips which looks to be where the rifle is stored, but that's rendered as a recessed detail on the model, rather than a functioning hardpoint.

I supposed you can mod the GN Archer's hips to attach the rifles simply by carving out said detail, but out of the box the Archer simply can't do so.


Originally Posted by Nerroth
I was using a bit of glue here and there for certain joints and connections on some of my other Gundam models - even if the pieces fit together otherwise, the glue helped in a few cases.

Certainly true about Gunpla - at times some Gunpla have loose parts that would benefit from having glue to secure them. A couple of recent examples include the HG Overflag/Graham Custom Flag's head pieces, and the HG 00's V-fin (the only one of the 4 S2 Gundams that has that problem).

DesArms 2009-02-17 22:19

finally have the time to take 00 raiser pic

Nerroth 2009-02-17 22:26


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2223454)
While I don't have the GN Archer quite yet, looking at the parts and instructions for it, it doesn't seem like you can store the GN Archer's rifles on the hips or thighs like what's shown on episode 19. There seems to be a short, black slot on the hips which looks to be where the rifle is stored, but that's rendered as a recessed detail on the model, rather than a functioning hardpoint.

I supposed you can mod the GN Archer's hips to attach the rifles simply by carving out said detail, but out of the box the Archer simply can't do so.

I might need to see about finding a screencap - I didn't notice the rifles stored like that.

Hopefully such a conversion wouldn't be too big a deal.


Certainly true about Gunpla - at times some Gunpla have loose parts that would benefit from having glue to secure them. A couple of recent examples include the HG Overflag/Graham Custom Flag's head pieces, and the HG 00's V-fin (the only one of the 4 S2 Gundams that has that problem).
I'm still tempted to glue the frames of the 0-Raiser's GN Shields together, too.

GNWeapon 2009-02-17 23:30

Certainly seems like GN Archer and Seraphim (HG 1/144s) are popular, running out of stock in Japan quick... still waiting to get them here.

Revolutionist 2009-02-18 00:52

I found these, don't know if they've been posted before, but this guy deserves praise.

check out the rest here:

LightningZERO 2009-02-18 01:41


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2223454)
Certainly true about Gunpla - at times some Gunpla have loose parts that would benefit from having glue to secure them. A couple of recent examples include the HG Overflag/Graham Custom Flag's head pieces, and the HG 00's V-fin (the only one of the 4 S2 Gundams that has that problem).

I will be really happy if Bandai comes out with a better way for 1/144 to hold their weapons. It's pain to pose 00 Gundam with its swords, and Arios with its rifle when in MA mode

LoweGear 2009-02-18 02:12

Posing the 00 with it's GN Swords isn't a problem in sword mode, rifle mode is agreeably painful though. Though I've yet to have any problems with the Arios' rifle in MA mode on my end.

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