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Catgirls 2006-05-13 17:22

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Episode 9 Discussion / Poll [2006 TV ep. 7]
Welcome to the discussion thread for Suzumiya Haruhi (also know as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya).

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  • No telling or asking for RAWs.
  • Try to keep spoilers from the Novel or Manga out of the anime thread. If you need to in reply to someone with a reference to the Novel / Manga, either PM them or use Spoiler tags (see example below).
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if not aired.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Try to keep the discussion on topic and future episode spoilers out of the thread whenever possible.

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[spoiler=Tin Foil Hat]The poll looked fine if you were wearing a tin foil hat.[/spoiler]

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Runningkid 2006-05-14 02:26

9 hourrs or so left!!

Seras 2006-05-14 12:20

that's a long time, yuki uses her powers in this ep right?

Woland 2006-05-14 12:38

I 'm starting to worry a bit...
This ep is so bad (or plain) that no one want to post a comment? :(

Village Idiot 2006-05-14 12:53

Ep7 has aired:

Keitarou 2006-05-14 13:23


Originally Posted by [Woland]
I 'm starting to worry a bit...
This ep is so bad (or plain) that no one want to post a comment? :(

Nah, it's just that only few people here are actually in Japan and able to watch it live and the rest has to wait for raws, which of course take some time to appear on the networks. :)

Anyway, a good episode which had its spotlight on Yuki. Overall it felt just much too short, it was almost over after it started.

Some pictures of the episode, I guess the usual suspects will post a summary on their blogs just shortly hereafter. ;)

A lot of Kyon's sarcastic comments this time. Best scene...hmm...Kyon immitates Mikuru's voice (what was that sound meant to be by the way O_o) knocks on the door and instead it's Haruhi who answers.
Kyon: What. It's only you here.
Annoyed Haruhi: Yuki is also here.
The scene where Mikuru finally arrives another good one by Kyon. "Angel~"

Outstanding was once again the animation. Did they actually even improve by a notch. The special effects were great and I really liked that last scene where Kyon was pondering about the happenings and wondering whether Yuki was lonely. The shot of Yuki was simply beautiful. +10 points
uguu~ screencap doesn't capture the essence of this simply beautiful scene...

Anyway, next week it's back to the second part of the Lone Island Syndrome, so no worries for the ones who did. Though it would've been more fun to put it somewhere at episode 11 or so. ;)

Omniscient 2006-05-14 14:23

Episode 07 Screencaps and Summary


kj1980 2006-05-14 14:58

Also, if you go to the SOS-dan official website, the access counter has skyrocketed as well.

dxgarten 2006-05-14 16:23

Episode 07 screencaps and summary


ordnance11 2006-05-14 19:27


Sushi-Y 2006-05-14 19:50

As usual, the first thing to do was to jump to the end for the episode preview:
So they're finishing it up, good. ^^;
But what's this? Original contents! Kyon and Haruhi never got trapped by the storm inside some cave in the novel. Ooh, something nice to look forward to. ^^

Highlights for this episode:


Originally Posted by kj1980
Also, if you go to the SOS-dan official website, the access counter has skyrocketed as well.

The number went from random 2-digits (to reflect the novel, where the the counter never went above 2-digit visits (and most of the visits being Haruhi herself)) to random 4-digits a few days before this episode aired. And when this episode aired, it got set to 029819.

... This was the sole purpose for that counter, wasn't it? :heh:

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2006-05-14 20:12



How did I miss that?:heh:

The KyoAni crew was probably laughing out of their chairs when they put that in the script.;)

Onizuka-GTO 2006-05-14 21:21

The Yuki Nagator strikes! go go Yuki!



Originally Posted by dxgarten
Episode 07 screencaps and summary


At leased its better then the Fate/stay Night Sexually induced fake dragon.... :rolleyes:

Pakxenon 2006-05-14 21:50

w00t!!!! Itsuki and Yuki are awesome!!! The top-notch animation and CG effects blow my mind.

So... the computer prez was the hacker... how did they get back to the real-world like that? o_O

Sushi-Y 2006-05-14 22:04


Originally Posted by Pakxenon
So... the computer prez was the hacker... how did they get back to the real-world like that? o_O

He wasn't the hacker, he was a victim from staring at Haruhi's 436 terabyte SOS-dan logo that an alien lifeform (information entity) hijacked onto.
(wow that made NO sense)

As for the dimensional transfer, simple: they defeated the creator of the parallel dimension (the alien entity, which took over the poor pc club president's body and represented itself as the cricket thing), so the dimension goes with it.

justsomeguy 2006-05-14 22:36

436 terabyte logo? Holy crap.

So, Athrun/Cagalli parody next week?

Pakxenon 2006-05-14 22:54

justsomeguy: who are they?

436 TB.......... a big LOL is needed.

ApathyEcstasy 2006-05-14 23:31

yuki is gorgeous

panzerfan 2006-05-15 00:46

There were bits and pieces of parodies everywhere in this episode. I noticed the poster in the chairman's room... (lmao)

At any rate, I finally get what "mysterious sign" is...

dkellis 2006-05-15 00:48


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y

When I heard that, I just about died laughing.

Leaving actual episode opinion and vote to the fansubs, largely because I'm not sure I got everything correctly, and I wouldn't want to vote based on a mistake.

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