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Pellissier 2010-09-14 04:57

K-On!! (Second Season) - Episode 24 [END] Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for K-On!! (Second Season), Episode 24.

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zette 2010-09-14 05:11

And so it ends here.

Last week's preview didn't reveal much of anything other than tell us that it's a graduation episode -- which we obviously already know -- so I really have no idea what to expect from this episode. A few posters mentioned in last week's discussion thread about the possibility of Azusa finally breaking down into tears and showing her emotions in this episode as her seniors finally graduate, a stark contrast from her more reserved side which did not cry after the performance in episode 20. I think that would be a nice touch, although it would be heartbreaking to see.

As much as I hate the fact that the final episode is here, I'm expecting great things from this finale.

ronelm2000 2010-09-14 05:30

Like I said eariler...Let's blame kakifly if the suicide rate in Japan increased after playing ep 24. =P

Asuza Asuza...why do you have to be alone!?!

Kev-kun 2010-09-14 05:35

well... this is how it ends huh? hopefully some surprises happen =)

bloppyblue 2010-09-14 06:45

Oh my god... I wish I could understand Japanese so I could watch this ASAP D:

Tsumugi~ 2010-09-14 07:30


Originally Posted by bloppyblue (Post 3244462)
Oh my god... I wish I could understand Japanese so I could watch this ASAP D:

It hasn't even aired yet lol

keroro gunsou 2010-09-14 07:31

I love Ritsu in all K-on characters, but I cannot help gazing at Azusa.
Maybe in final epispde, Azusa show us her tears.
And maybe I will cry,feeling her sadness.
Poor Azusa!! I guess Ui and Jun won't satisfy Azusa's longing for staying with Senpais.

itzglez 2010-09-14 09:52

:smile: ahh so this is finally goodbye, eh?

I hope this final ep leave a happy smile on my face as I watch it, like the way the manga did. no tear-jerkers, it'll just make me more sadder it ended.

thanks for a fun ride....


-Rhythm 2010-09-14 10:10

I've already been feeling a tinge of sadness when I watch the past few episodes. =/

ElizLestrad 2010-09-14 10:23

Gahh! The suspense is killing me!. But wait, arnt there supposed to be two more episodes after this one or was that just a rumor?

Vexx 2010-09-14 10:49

There are two more episodes scheduled after this one ... but no one has any idea what the contents are yet. Speculation ranges from random "day in the life of" to high dollar music videos. There's some evil part of me that speculates the time being used for something entirely unrelated. :)

Lord of Fire 2010-09-14 11:16

I hope KyoAni kept in touch with Kakifly, so we'd get the same (or at least a similar) situation as in the final manga chapter.

Either way, this show needs to end big, but I don't think we'll have to worry much about that, if other KyoAni shows are anything to go by.

krko 2010-09-14 11:50

Spoiler for spoilers:

Nina.Wolken 2010-09-14 12:08

This episode felt incredibly short. It's always the same when you don't want something to end, right? u.u
Spoiler for episode 24:

ElizLestrad 2010-09-14 12:29


Originally Posted by Vexx (Post 3244797)
There are two more episodes scheduled after this one ... but no one has any idea what the contents are yet. Speculation ranges from random "day in the life of" to high dollar music videos. There's some evil part of me that speculates the time being used for something entirely unrelated. :)

Or it could be *dramatic drum roll* BUDOKAN!

But probably not. . .

cloudstrife13 2010-09-14 12:33

It was reaaaaaaaaaaaly way too short to be a climactic end, but still nice. Although it makes me think about two ways how the series will go. One is because of next week's preview, Maybe the true heartbreaking end will be on the 26th episode. Or (Hopefully for some miraculous blessing from above) Episodes 25 and 26 will drop some hints of a possible 3rd season of K-on continuing to college life.

I'm already positive that kakifly will definitely continue the series because of a couple of things, first is why does he make the girls attend the same university? second(and i bet there's some hidden plot brewing from KyoAni) that the girls' goal performing in Budokan will be fulfilled. Remember the coundown from the second episode? if this is true then, KyoAni and Kakifly are collaborating for future plans for the manga and anime to span maybe for 2 to 3 more seasons for them to reach the exact day when they will perform at the Budokan!

Imagine if this is true, then I'm already predicting what will happen to seasons 3 and 4. Season 3 starts off like season 1 wherein the original four will start a club again on their own. When the season draws to a close, Azusa graduates and she will also go to the same university and reunite with the girls! Then season 4 wherein they become popular and will fulfill their dream of performing at Budokan, exactly 1065 days from the start!

P.S.: Just calculated how many days left at budokan, they have 530 days/1 year 5 months, 12 days left. (From the date of this post)

P.P.S.: Also mentioned in that K-on already ended in the current magazine but not necessarily the end of the series as a whole, Kakifly will move to another magazine

Example? Gintama. Thought that already ended.

TakuanInc. 2010-09-14 13:17

The song produced the waterworks for me. I'm still a bit pissed that there's no Honey Sweet Tea Time, but ehh...that's just my Mugi faggotry speaking. Overall, this episode was lovely.

And I just happen to have my goggles on high, very nice treat.

Rem0rse 2010-09-14 15:03

I really cant believe this is ending... :upset: It's true when they say that all things good come to an end, this is a perfect example of that.

K-ON, is by far my favorite anime.. Sad to see it going.

WE CAN pray for a season 3 sometime, but that wont be for a while... I won't ever forget this anime and I'll ensure it stays my favourite ;).

Sparvid 2010-09-14 15:13


There was a commercial for a "Cassette Mix" of some sort, out October 27th.

matteas 2010-09-14 15:13

This is the end, isn't it? I don't want it to end! Technically speaking, there will be 2 more episodes, but still, this is the real end. The end of one period of their life. A major milestone. I'd like to say here: "This is not the end yet. It only begins now." As much as this may be true for the four of them, one thing is sure: Keion is over. Even if they keep playing as HTT, they are not the Light Music Club anymore as the club is not just them, but also the clubroom, the school, the advisor Sawa-chan-sensei, and all of their schoolmates who have been supporting them all along. Now, they had to say goodbye to these surroundings and move forward, towards the unknown tomorrow.

Spoiler for episode 24:

Even though I said I don't want K-ON to end, honestly, I think it's much better if it ends in a grand way while it's on the top, rather than if it goes on and on until the series has been completely exploited by episode 150. It would be a shame if such a great anime had a lame ending.

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