so i just got the
MG sandrock MG Gelgoog 2.0 HG G Bouncer for the G Bouncer i know i might be the odd man out, but i am just not a fan of the color scheme. all white isnt just for me. think about painting with different shades of blue. Hopefully it will be a success. |
I actually got the: HG Genoce Custom HG G-Exes HG G-Bouncer HG Age-2 Normal Special Ops So, if you're an "odd man out" what would I be for getting all 4 in HG? LOL |
i was talking about the ms being just white.
So then what would I be since I have: HG Genoce Custom HG G-Exes HG G-Bouncer HG Age-2 Normal Special Ops LOL |
a person who likes woolf enneacle. lol
AGE is dog shit on a stick, but Woolf was easily the best thing that show has, not to mention his suits are totally Gundam versions of Prime Mode Ultra Magnus, you can't hate on that. |
It was a show directed towards children, and for us older anime fans, it gave us some feeling of nostalgia through the mecha designs. The only problem that I had with Age was with arc 3 and this final arc. They were both rushed. For a 49 episode series, episode 48 was noticeably rushed. They just went around killing off characters left and right, and I worry about this week's episode, which will be the final. We don't even have a final enemy like we had with (for example) Gundam 00 where it was Ribbons. The potential final enemies Ezelcant and Zeheart were killed... I'm just waiting til I see the final episode before I judge the series overall. Also, maybe we'll get some announcement of a Gundam Age movie to tie up some loose ends and maybe give the series a little better ending. Aside from that, I just want Bandai to release all the leads (and variations) in MG; be it a regular release of online exclusive. I like the mecha designs from Age. They remind me of 00 a lot (same designer I think it was), while sort of having a UC feel. I might actually give up on Gundam and GunPla after Age.. Depending on what the next 50 episode series is. But GunPla... I am willing to wait a few years to see if Bandai finishes up the MG 00 line (fingers crossed since it seems less likely these days).... or maybe we'll see some Real Grade kits for 00... |
im never said i hated the Woolf, i never said I hate the Designs of the suits, i just dont like the MS being plain white. That is just my personal preference.
It's just an acquired taste. =P Nothing wrong with disliking or liking a mecha design. We all have our own opinions. |
i actually liked Asemu's age2 in the white colour scheme alot. it looks so clean looking. the original color scheme is nice but its still a standard red blue white scheme. DH looks even better than white AGE 2 normal.
and i just cant wait until they release the Zeydars, MS of Medel Zant. the MS designs of AGE have been unique as far as Vagan designs go but only Zeidars/Zeydars is the one i'll get when its availble. the DH is a tempting model but i dont plan to get many more kits. i have 12 completed 1 mid build and 4 to start. im 50% through a 1/100 stock color repaint of Nebula Blitz and have 144 Arios, 1.5 gundam, 144 Quanta MS with full saber kit to do. theres so many more is like to do but the time ans space arent there and i dont like to keep many unstarted. unfortuantely i always find an excuse when i have 2 backlogged and cant resist buying another one. its a bit of a sickness in a sense.
I have a tendecy to buy more kits than I have time to build. >_< The same for when I buy video games. Ugh~ It sucks not having like 24-7 to just play videogames and make GunPla... It'd be nice. But that's part of life ya know? |
hi people. new to the forums...but not new to gunpla. I just finished my first 2 real grades: freedom and justice. Im debating on the mk II and I cant wait for the zeta.
http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/o...psf54b1d51.jpg http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/o...ps7e3ec01e.jpg http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/o...ps9615a14a.jpg http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/o...ps5a57ad57.jpg http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/o...psc3a3ebde.jpg |
^ Your dynamic poses look great, shadow. ;) Also, great build too.
As for me, I'm still worry about that RG Zeta coz from the official preview pics, it seems that it can't even stand on its own. So yeah, still waiting for some reviews. |
@Obelisk ze Tormentor - Still be buying RG Zeta inspite of those concerns, given the HGUC prices.:heh: |
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