its just a bit taller, just like in reality.
i dont care for minute differences in hieght but... SF: 18.88m Legend: 18.86m not a large difference, and not enough to account for that shown in the models...but meh. |
Looks like I'll get the 1000 and 1200 grit. btw, that Hi-Nu on Dalong's looks uber sexy. Only 3 more days now. |
Another question:
I know that using an eraser or sandpaper will remove excess inking when panel lining. However, if I were to use the eraser, will it smudge the ink? Also, for sandpaper, which type is good to remove excess ink. Right now, I only have an 800 and 1200 grit ones. |
they come in various grade and some are very vert fine... |
Ok, how about between the two items I mentioned.
I hear both are very effective, but I just need clarification. |
or you could use the zippo lighter fuel to wipe out the excess though personally I use this to wipe out using thinned enamel as I don't use the Gundam Marker... |
Anyone seen this scene from MS Gundam original TV series?
Coz I don't recall seeing this one before??? Don't recall ever seeing this one in the original TV series. Anyone with any idea where this scene might come from? ^__^ |
LOL! But just looking at the design of the gundam, it really is blocky...compared to the new ones anime has come a long way...just makes me think I am old...
And just so we're still on topic, Dalong has parts 1 and 2 of its Hi-NU review out. |
The Auction has ended..... Final Price :- 1,419,000 Yen (US$11,800) It was a very intense battle in the final 10 mins. |
That guy is just insane i wish i was 1/10 as good as him.
Unbelievable, looks like Dalong rated the Hi-nu a 99. WOO!
I'm definitely going to get this. |
I knew the original scene is from some episode at the island but no details, |
What I'm more interested now is that if Mesarion would do a "Detail Evolved" version of Hi-Nu and if he does, just how much crazier will an auction for that be after Dalong rated the MG Hi-Nu so highly. (An almost perfect scrore of 99/100) PS :- Man, I have access to 2 hot toy releases for this week, it's either MaxFactory's 1/8 Suzumiya Haruhi or the MG Hi-Nu. Hot chick or Hot Mech,Hmmm..... |
Meh the noir really doesn't do any thing for me. I have goten quiet bored with the strike/freedom look used so many times. And all the noir looks like is a strike with phase shift off with different wings. And I duno why but it just looks like hg detail to me there just isnt enough to it to make it look like a MG imo.
As for that guys amazing work on his up coming work page it lists MG sazabi Evolve ver, MG hi nu Ver Ka, MG rx-78-2 Ver ka. |
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