How I wish they sell this kit in 1/100 scale
PS: Cherudim looks really great. The colour is really sexy:p. Wonder if there're any secret for this kit? |
WTF GNR-Sefer has a GN Arms variant also?
so i guess all gundams in 00 will get a add on booster pack of some sort...
Since they could detach, what are those big red and black tube things on the GN Archer for?
most importantly cherudim 1/100 should have waist joint....
and can i ask something about kotobukiya plamo?? waht is the difference between bandai and kotobukiya plamo? |
This just occured to me. Since the feds know that the 00 has a unit to boost it, who's to say they won't start doing the same with their own suits. Imagine a whole bunch of red sefers against CB.
Speaking of combining, I read a post on another forum that suggested maybe all the Gundam's support units could combine into one Gundam. 0 Raiser + GN Archer + whatever Seravee has hidden + a Cheridum support unit could = something cool. |
If anything going to show up as a giant gundam, I'm willing to bet whatever machine VEDA is being stored in would show up as one. At least as a monster unit. I don't think there will actually be a Cherudim support unit. Maybe a whole lot of back-up GN shield bits but I doubt a support unit.
If they just released the Sefer as a HG, they'd be making a lot of money even if they didn't release Rasiel. |
I want that guy's Federation jacket.
You are dreaming about Power Gundam Ranger :eyespin: :cool: :p |
Just got my HG 1/144 Arios earlier today, sweet stuff.
Sinanju is out. For about SGD$150 you can own one. 0rz.
150...!? Pity my wallet.
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