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Pellissier 2009-06-18 01:15

K-On! - Episode 12 [FINALE] Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for K-On!, Episode 12 [FINALE].

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monir 2009-06-18 01:17

I'll be eagerly waiting to read on the takes. Those have been far more interesting than the show itself. :D

Ithekro 2009-06-18 02:16

Some people are still hoping for a Little Busters preview at the end of K-On!.

MidnightViper88 2009-06-18 02:16

OH NOEZ, season finale

I may have to pull a Nikki Sixx and kill myself from a heroine overdose; I don't think I'll be able to take this!

...and then just like Sixx, I'll get revived 2 minutes later because I have better things to die for... :p

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-18 02:22


Originally Posted by monir (Post 2458497)
I'll be eagerly waiting to read on the takes. Those have been far more interesting than the show itself. :D

I shall promise to make mine worth your time to read then. :cool:

monir 2009-06-18 02:24


Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama (Post 2458568)
I shall promise to make mine worth your time to read then. :cool:

I'll be looking forward to it. Make sure you watch the episode first. :D

yezhanquan 2009-06-18 02:26

Actually, ever since I read about Ritsu's Clingy Jealous Girl act, I don't know what to expect from the anime anymore.

MidnightViper88 2009-06-18 02:28


Originally Posted by yezhanquan (Post 2458575)
Actually, ever since I read about Ritsu's Clingy Jealous Girl act, I don't know what to expect from the anime anymore.

I do: Complete and utter social deconstruction of the band; Lord of the Flies, on stage

Sidestep 2009-06-18 02:33


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 2458559)
Some people are still hoping for a Little Busters preview at the end of K-On!.

If anything it'd be at the end of the 13th episode, I'd think.

yezhanquan 2009-06-18 02:33

Er.... that wasn't what I was looking for in the series though.

klare 2009-06-18 05:11

it is not out yet, so about my expectations...

1) a live perfomance longer than 10 min with maybe 3 songs (i know it wont happen)

2) they all graduated and get into the same university and join the same club again (haha)

3) announce when is the next season

Kaioshin Sama 2009-06-18 05:21


Originally Posted by monir (Post 2458574)
I'll be looking forward to it. Make sure you watch the episode first. :D

Always do.... :rolleyes:

Kana Futayo 2009-06-18 05:26

It's either gonna be epic or fail.

MeoTwister5 2009-06-18 05:47

If it doesn't end with an epic preformance then it damn better have a Planetarian anime adaptation preview at the end.

Coruja 2009-06-18 07:02

Wow, I can't believe this is already ending...

I am hoping for a good performance at the school festival, all the band songs we've heard so far (besides the opening and the ending songs) are pretty average... Let's see how far they can go this time.

fict_ticious 2009-06-18 08:09

Well, gentlemen, it's been a good run. Now all that's left is to wait for game time.

Gordy Lechance 2009-06-18 08:11

The title is kind of an error, no disrespect meant.

According to the latest edition of Newtype (the one with Asuka on the cover), there is going to be an Episode 13 next week. ;)

Willen 2009-06-18 08:36


Originally Posted by Gordy Lechance (Post 2458918)
The title is kind of an error, no disrespect meant.

According to the latest edition of Newtype (the one with Asuka on the cover), there is going to be an Episode 13 next week. ;)

Seeing as the expectation is that the next episode is a special and may or may not continue the story/timeline, I think the title of this thread is correct. Episode 12 should conclude this particular arc and the next one (13) might be an epilogue or (my hope) a music-focused episode with PVs, like the one in episode 6, or concert scenes like episode 8's.

BetoJR 2009-06-18 10:08

This episode was announced in the previous one's preview as being the last. Hence, whatever comes afterwards is supposed to be a bonus...

Tatiana Razajev 2009-06-18 10:08


Originally Posted by Willen (Post 2458954)
Episode 12 should conclude this particular arc and the next one (13) might be an epilogue or (my hope) a music-focused episode with PVs, like the one in episode 6, or concert scenes like episode 8's.

I get the feeling that if there is a "music-focused episode with PVs", it will probably be episode 14 that has them. Granted I could be wrong.

I suspect that episode 12 will essentially be a merger of Volume 2 Chapter 11, Volume 2 Chapter 12, and maybe some original content. Thus I have a pretty good idea what to expect story wise.

It's just a matter of how much time gets spent on each chapter, how they're adapted and what the original content ends up being like. Although I get the feeling the original content will probably boil down to random scenes to show us that life goes on and stuff like that.

Based on past experience with other shows like this I wouldn't expect anything "grand" from the episode. What you'll get is an episode that fits into the spirit of the series itself.

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