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duotiga 2012-05-23 05:08

im curious whether can transform or not

Appel 2012-05-23 05:16


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4172515)
im curious whether can transform or not

maybe the vagan dumped the transformation because it looked freaking stupid^^

LoweGear 2012-05-23 05:20


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4172518)
maybe the vagan dumped the transformation because it looked freaking stupid^^

What would the Vagans have to do with the Dark Hound? :heh:

Edit: Magazine pics of upcoming models

HGUC ReZEL Defenser B-Type:

HGUC Hambrabi:

HG Gundam AGE-3 Orbital:

HG G-Exes Jackedge:

Appel 2012-05-23 05:41


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 4172522)
What would the Vagans have to do with the Dark Hound? :heh:

wait, thats not a vagan machine? sorry, i havent followed AGE since the end of generation 1^^
either way, we will see whether it transforms or not. but if it did we would have seen images of that by now.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-05-23 05:45

I'm pretty excited with Dark Hound's design although it rip-offs Crossbone X-2 a little bit ;).

suiton629 2012-05-23 05:45

P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive: HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-2 Normal [Special Force Unit Ver.]

HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-3 Fortress (Release Date: Aug 2012, Price: 1800 yen)

LoweGear 2012-05-23 06:36

Gundam AGE-2 Artemis (Dengeki Hobby exclusive)

HasuMasu 2012-05-23 07:29

All those AGE 2 variations, compensating for the lack of a third wear perhaps? :heh:

duotiga 2012-05-23 07:51

done my normal mg destiny

bio9205 2012-05-23 08:29


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4172515)
im curious whether can transform or not

I doubt it, magazine images would've shown it. Sigh, a real pity. At least all we have to do is leave out that chest piece to transform the kit. :heh: But would love to see it transform on the show.

EDIT: Just noticed there's colour separation for the white skull and the red V-fin on the Dark Hound, awesome. Was afraid those would be stickers.

casval cehack 2012-05-23 09:50


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4172681)
I doubt it, magazine images would've shown it. Sigh, a real pity. At least all we have to do is leave out that chest piece to transform the kit. :heh: But would love to see it transform on the show.

EDIT: Just noticed there's colour separation for the white skull and the red V-fin on the Dark Hound, awesome. Was afraid those would be stickers.

You don't even have to remove the chest piece. It's the "figurehead" of a transformed pirate Age-2. Perfect for sailing in space looking like the DB.:D

bio9205 2012-05-23 10:04


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4172785)
You don't even have to remove the chest piece. It's the "figurehead" of a transformed pirate Age-2. Perfect for sailing in space looking like the DB.:D

As cool as that would be, how would it carry its shot lancer in Strider form, then? :heh: The lance looks a little awkward carried like that compared to the "traditional" way the GN-XIIIs did. Would make more sense for the Dark Hound to have a Strider form so it can go ramming into enemies or something like that.

Talking about the chest piece, though, what the heck is it supposed to be. A face of some sort? Looks a little cute-ish to me. :heh:

casval cehack 2012-05-23 10:25


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4172799)
As cool as that would be, how would it carry its shot lancer in Strider form, then? :heh: The lance looks a little awkward carried like that compared to the "traditional" way the GN-XIIIs did. Would make more sense for the Dark Hound to have a Strider form so it can go ramming into enemies or something like that.

Talking about the chest piece, though, what the heck is it supposed to be. A face of some sort? Looks a little cute-ish to me. :heh:

The HG Hyper DODS handle can swivel right? It's also possible to store the shot lancer in the backskirt. I think the chestpiece is a type of CIWS.

GrahamAker 2012-05-23 10:57

How many ppl are going to get gundam age 1 razor parts ?

Appel 2012-05-23 14:16

hooray! i might just have completely ruined a kit for the first time! XD
i built my HG jesta. i added some details and wanted to cover up some light scratches with top coat. but i completely forgot that when you use a flat top coat on a warm day with a lot of moisture in the air it wont dry properly and will cover the entire kit with a "nice" white frosting...
i know that i can get rid of it with another layer of a shiny top coat. but the frosting is pretty severe so i have no clue if i can save my jesta or not :T

edit: nope! its trash :V even a shiny coat wont fix it.
now im really glad that i got it so cheap in japan and that i didnt use top coat on the other kits that i bought :O i would have killed myself if i had ruined a MG like that XD

Providenceangle 2012-05-23 14:40


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4173043)
hooray! i might just have completely ruined a kit for the first time! XD
i built my HG jesta. i added some details and wanted to cover up some light scratches with top coat. but i completely forgot that when you use a flat top coat on a warm day with a lot of moisture in the air it wont dry properly and will cover the entire kit with a "nice" white frosting...
i know that i can get rid of it with another layer of a shiny top coat. but the frosting is pretty severe so i have no clue if i can save my jesta or not :T

edit: nope! its trash :V even a shiny coat wont fix it.
now im really glad that i got it so cheap in japan and that i didnt use top coat on the other kits that i bought :O i would have killed myself if i had ruined a MG like that XD

Ouch... You can't sand it back or remove it with anything? I've done some bad stuff(even knocked over a full paint bottle onto a part, dried and managed to fix it).

It's a shame to have to trash a kit though....

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-05-23 14:46


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4173043)
edit: nope! its trash :V even a shiny coat wont fix it.
now im really glad that i got it so cheap in japan and that i didnt use top coat on the other kits that i bought :O i would have killed myself if i had ruined a MG like that XD

If it's beyond repair, you can still keep it for when you wanna do a custom kit, no?

Appel 2012-05-23 14:48


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4173065)
If it's beyond repair, you can still keep it for when you wanna do a custom kit, no?

i dont really want to make a custom kit of it though^^ plus id have to sand down every single tiny piece and i really dont want to do that....

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-05-23 14:57


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4173068)
i dont really want to make a custom kit of it though^^ plus id have to sand down every single tiny piece and i really dont want to do that....

Well, if you aren't up to it, then it can't be helped. Personally, if were you, I'd keep it for future custom paint job at least. There's so much customization you can do to a HG Jesta :D.

Like my previous post, for example:

Appel 2012-05-23 15:36

i know, you can do a lot with the jesta^^
im still trying to fix it as best as i can but its not looking good. i wont throw it away but still, im really bummed out by this and if i cant fix it i wont want to see it for a long time XD

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