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Skye629 2012-12-07 19:08


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4465858)
Nah. Bandai will just make a separate RG WINGS OF DESTINY VERSION or something.

Oh and I'd like to ask for a favor...

Of the UC universe, can anyone give me a list of all the main leads?

Returning the Favor from your MG list you made me

GP-03 and Dendrobium MA
Hi-v, not exactly mainstream, but its design is popular enough to warrant a space on this list I believe

Later UC:
Crossbone and its many variants
Victory and its variants
V-2 and its add ons

These are the more prominent ones from the series and OVAs, the list can get bigger though if you go deeper into the MSV's and side stories

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-07 21:05

Okay dude, In order to put an end to your endless questions, let me take the bullet and answer these.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
F91 MG
Crossbone MG

^ Are those necessary?

You asked for a good “lead Gundams” kits, so yes, those are included and thus: necessary.
If you have other consideration, that’s purely personal and don’t ask other people about it.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Gundam MKII MG 2.0
- shouldn't i get both titans and aeug or is the aeug the main one?

Gundam Mk.II AEUG is the main lead.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Is the ZZ MG bad?

For today’s standard, yes it is.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Unicorn OVA/Full Armor
- shouldn't i get both OVA and Full Armor as well as Banshee OVA?

Once again, this is purely personal question you’re asking others. You like slightly better articulation: get Unicorn OVA, you like overkill arsenal and don’t mind the steep price: get the FA Unicorn Ka. As for Banshee, that is NOT a lead Gundam. So, in the context of your own question, why are you even asking (about Banshee)?


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
- but you think we'll see a 2.0 for them in MG?

Not sure. But Imo it will eventually.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Also, isn't Amuro the lead from Gundam UC universe? So which ones does he pilot?

First: you should ask non kit-related questions in Gundam Q & A thread.

I’ll answer just once more.

IIRC Amuro pilots (includes MSVs):
RX-78-2 Gundam,
Char’s Rick-Diaz (the red one),
Zeta Plus A1,
Zeta White Unicorn Karaba (debatable, but most likely),
Nu Gundam,
Hi-Nu Gundam,
And maybe others I can’t remember right now.

FalsePrime 2012-12-07 21:52

Amuro also has the RX-78-3 from the Manga which has an ant-beam/magnetic coating. Same as Gundam but it does have it's own model and is equally as canon as something like Hi-Nu in my mind.

But that is all I can remember that isn't listed.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-07 22:07

^ Oh yeah! That one too. I seem to always forget about RX-78-3 even though it's one of my favorite :heh:.

justavisitor 2012-12-07 22:46


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4455702)
While the new Nu Ver.Ka does look amazing I kind of don't like that it seems to have clear psychoframe pieces throughout it's body...

hmm...I don't know if I am making something out of nothing, but if one looks at the pic on the bottom left, it seems like that the rifle can be attached to somewhere when it is not in use...It probably means nothing to others but it means everything to me, because I always have a huge bias towards a MS that can attach its weapon to other body parts when not in use :D

suiton629 2012-12-08 00:10

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-08 00:12


Originally Posted by justavisitor (Post 4466569)
...It probably means nothing to others but it means everything to me, because I always have a huge bias towards a MS that can attach its weapon to other body parts when not in use :D

For the exact same reason, I still kinda upset that MG Duel still can’t store its rifle on its side-skirts even though it can do it in the anime. I mean, making some simple pegs surely don’t take too much effort from Bandai, right? At this point, the RG Duel is my last hope :(.

As for MG Nu's ability to store its rifle, I'm not so sure until we see an actual picture of it or some reviews.

FalsePrime 2012-12-08 00:35


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4466637)
For the exact same reason, I still kinda upset that MG Duel still can’t store its rifle on its side-skirts even though it can do it in the anime. I mean, making some simple pegs surely don’t take too much effort from Bandai, right? At this point, the RG Duel is my last hope :(.

As for MG Nu's ability to store its rifle, I'm not so sure until we see an actual picture of it or some reviews.

I have a similar hope/prayer for Wing Zero EW when it finally hits RG that they will give it the ability to store the TBR on it's back like it could in the Manga.

For some reason though, I doubt it happens.

RX93-2 2012-12-08 08:26


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
F91 MG
Crossbone MG
^ Are those necessary?

F91 and Victory are animated so those are "required" crossbone is canon but a bit more optional.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Gundam MKII MG 2.0
- shouldn't i get both titans and aeug or is the aeug the main one?

The AEUG is the "good" faction of the two and the one with the leads.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Is the ZZ MG bad?

Don't have it myself, but it is probably the worst kit out of all these yes.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Nu Ver Ka
Unicorn OVA/Full Armor
- shouldn't i get both OVA and Full Armor as well as Banshee OVA?

Unicorn (red frame) and FA Unicorn (Green frame) are going to be animated. the Banshee is an enemy suit so that is up to you.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
- i think i would get both ground and ez-8
- but you think we'll see a 2.0 for them in MG?
- i hear they suck

Mg 2.0 could take a while, but they are pretty decent kits; they kneel. they have decent articulation and detail.


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4466072)
Also, isn't Amuro the lead from Gundam UC universe? So which ones does he pilot?

Mobile suit Gundam : Amuro Ray (Gundam, Gundam G3)
0083 Star Dust Memory: Kou Uraki (GP01, GP03, GP03 Dendrobium Orchis)
08th MS team: Shiro Amada (Ground Gundam, EZ-8)
War in the Pocket: The lead isn't an MS pilot, the AleX is piloted by Christina Mackenzie
Zeta Gundam: Kamille Bidan (Gundam Mk2, Zeta Gundam)
Double Zeta Gundam: Judau Ashta (Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam)
Char's Counter Attack: Amuro Ray (Nu Gundam)
Unicorn: Banager Links (Unicorn Gundam, FA Unicorn)
F91: Seabook Arno (Gundam F91)
Crossbone Gundam: Seabook Arno / Tobia Arronax (Multiple rossbone frames)
Victory Gundam: Uso Ewin (V Gundam, V2 Gundam, V2 Assault-Blaster)
(Turn A Gundam: Loran Cehack. to explain why this also counts as UC would spoil the series though)

justavisitor 2012-12-08 20:41


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4466637)
For the exact same reason, I still kinda upset that MG Duel still can’t store its rifle on its side-skirts even though it can do it in the anime. I mean, making some simple pegs surely don’t take too much effort from Bandai, right? At this point, the RG Duel is my last hope :(.

As for MG Nu's ability to store its rifle, I'm not so sure until we see an actual picture of it or some reviews.

not to mention that strike should be also able to store the rifle on its side-skirts (not rear skirt!!) but I never see any model can do that...:mad:

well, the manual from RG zeta seems to suggest that it can attach/store the rifle on the right arm, but I never see any pic of would be really nice if someone can post the rg zeta with the rifle attached to the right arm in humanoid form XD

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-08 21:25


Originally Posted by justavisitor (Post 4467721)
well, the manual from RG zeta seems to suggest that it can attach/store the rifle on the right arm, but I never see any pic of would be really nice if someone can post the rg zeta with the rifle attached to the right arm in humanoid form XD

You mean a pic like this?:

This kinda pic has been out for some time now in many reviews. You might wanna check around ;).

justavisitor 2012-12-09 00:39

thanks!! for some reason i couldn't find it tho...thanks again
you can call me a realist (or a weirdo), but every time a cool MS comes out, the first thing i check is always about whether the MS can store its rifle at somewhere or not :D...I really hate MS throwing the gun away just for a melee fight...anyway, enough about off topic, thanks again for the photo, all of a sudden i like the zeta gundam much much more XD

suiton629 2012-12-09 11:00

If you were to collect the lead Gundams from UC (that was canon), are these really the only MG's you need?

rx-78-2 2.0
zeta 2.0
nu gundam ver. ka
gundam mk 2 aeug 2.0
unicorn ova ver.
full armor unicorn

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-09 11:29


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4468432)
If you were to collect the lead Gundams from UC (that was canon), are these really the only MG's you need?

rx-78-2 2.0
zeta 2.0
nu gundam ver. ka
gundam mk 2 aeug 2.0
unicorn ova ver.
full armor unicorn

Dude, did you even read the answers some members posted for you?

RX93-2 already answer that for you:

Originally Posted by RX93-2 (Post 4467008)
Mobile suit Gundam : Amuro Ray (Gundam, Gundam G3)
0083 Star Dust Memory: Kou Uraki (GP01, GP03, GP03 Dendrobium Orchis)
08th MS team: Shiro Amada (Ground Gundam, EZ-8)
War in the Pocket: The lead isn't an MS pilot, the AleX is piloted by Christina Mackenzie
Zeta Gundam: Kamille Bidan (Gundam Mk2, Zeta Gundam)
Double Zeta Gundam: Judau Ashta (Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam)
Char's Counter Attack: Amuro Ray (Nu Gundam)
Unicorn: Banager Links (Unicorn Gundam, FA Unicorn)
F91: Seabook Arno (Gundam F91)
Crossbone Gundam (X-1): Seabook Arno / Tobia Arronax (Multiple Crossbone frames)
Victory Gundam: Uso Ewin (V Gundam, V2 Gundam, V2 Assault-Blaster)

Those are all the MGs you need.

If someone keep asking similar questions without paying serious attention to the answers provided by other members, that means that someone is being ignorant or ungrateful toward those who responded to him. Or that someone is just trolling.

suiton629 2012-12-09 11:31

I just get mixed answers as to what would constitute as canon UC series and what isn't.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-09 11:50

Then everything is clear now.

After this, you should know better than to post similar questions again. It’s not only RX93-2 who has helped you. Me, Skye629, and FalsePrime has done it too to satisfy your curiosity.

Just to be clearer: All the UC shows that I and others mentioned to you before (when you asked for them to watch), are all canon (yes, even the side stories OVAs like 0080, 0083, etc). So, the lead Gundams in them are also canon. Crossbone Gundam is the only one not animated from RX93-2's list, but many people already consider it a necessary element that ties Gundam F91 and Victory Gundam.

Znozzy 2012-12-10 01:57

And to clarify: there is nothing called " non-canon " in Japan, there is Canon and Secondary-Canon, and so on, Animated works are Canon while mangas are Secondary-Canon/Alternative-Canon (if things in the anime and manga conflicts, the anime takes priority) Etc.

MoonLightShadows 2012-12-10 19:35

rrobbert184 has a video review if anyones interested for the Clanche Custom. Looks like it has a nice light blue color scheme like the Adele.

FalsePrime 2012-12-11 04:36

Unicorn HD Color + MS Cage finally came in today. Brings my X Mas kits up to a total of 3, Unicorn, Nu Ver Ka, and Zeta RG.

I have had the Full Armor Unicorn since release but as time goes on I've really grown to love perfer the Pink Physcho frame much more then the green so I decided to grab the HD color for the Cage and weirdness of them giving it blue beam sabers.

RAVNEN 2012-12-11 05:43


Originally Posted by MoonLightShadows (Post 4470025)
rrobbert184 has a video review if anyones interested for the Clanche Custom. Looks like it has a nice light blue color scheme like the Adele.

I've got to say,Clanche Custom look great with those color scheme & pose together with the regular Clanche.That kit is a must get for me just for it TF gimmick & poseability. As always great review by rrobbert184..:D

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