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firefox 2012-12-28 10:02

pictures say more then 1000 words (or Nike comments ;) )

I love this model, even if it is technically pretty challenging!

This guy deserves a MG version more then any other RX-78 version or variant!

Bashfulz 2012-12-28 12:01

Nice! now if you could rotate those images :)

I have that kit too and have always wondered what's in the red box hanging off it's backpack?

Znozzy 2012-12-28 12:43

E-cap for the shoulder cannon maybe?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-28 14:16


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 4492324)
I have that kit too and have always wondered what's in the red box hanging off it's backpack?

If I'm not mistaken, those red parts on the backpack are actually missile pods according to the MS data.

firefox 2012-12-28 14:38


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 4492324)
Nice! now if you could rotate those images :)

I have that kit too and have always wondered what's in the red box hanging off it's backpack?

Believe it or not, they are in the right position on photobucket, but for some reason, when you link them they go 45° again (the origional position in which they were taken on my camara). Photobucket is a mess with this. Can't explain why but 1 of them (the 3rd) is now correct, where it also was wrong 1 hour ago and i didn't touch it. Last time i had the same problem, but after 2 days it autocorrected that...somebody understand why this happens????

Edit, aparantly there is a problem with replacing teh origional image in photobucket after you edit it, i saved the edited pictures seperately and that worked.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-30 21:32

Like promised, here’s some pics of the finished Assault Shroud of mine. Hope you like it ^^.

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

Overall, a great kit. Definitely one of the best out there. Almost everything is rock solid and the armor doesn't hinder the articulation much. If not for the front skirt that likes to pop off all the time, it would've been a perfect model.

Oh yeah, just in case I can't make it here later tonight, I'll just say it now: Happy New Year! (in hours from now :p).

Zeydra 2012-12-31 02:00

That is one awesome Duel Gundam. It looks fantastic. Honestly seeing those has sold me on the kit. Great poses as well, they really bring the Duel to life in those pictures.

Also, I hope this isn't considered too far off topic, but I haven't really got any clue where else to ask this. I've been thinking of picking up a few of the Evangelion movie model kits, and I just wanted to ask if they are constructed in the same manner as Gundam kits are with the instruction manuals being the same and so on.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-31 02:22

EDIT: ^Thanx for the positive response ^_^.


Originally Posted by Zeydra (Post 4495093)
Also, I hope this isn't considered too far off topic, but I haven't really got any clue where else to ask this. I've been thinking of picking up a few of the Evangelion movie model kits, and I just wanted to ask if they are constructed in the same manner as Gundam kits are with the instruction manuals being the same and so on.

Don't worry. All the manuals and how-to-build is the same as Gunpla. Only the kit is taller and slimmer than your average MS. I have one of those too. My favorite is HG EVA-01 Type F. ;).

Skye629 2012-12-31 04:00


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4495114)
Don't worry. All the manuals and how-to-build is the same as Gunpla. Only the kit is taller and slimmer than your average MS. I have one of those too. My favorite is HG EVA-01 Type F. ;).

Way taller I may add since EVA's are friggin huge, the stand at around the head height of MG Nu gundam last I checked

I dont have any of the newer Rebuild movie kits, but I have one of the old HG ones (Bardiel I believe, which is ummmm half an EVA I guess? lol)

For gundam related topic: Im still crying about the Rozen, I handpaint as I got nowhere to spray or airbrush, as such I think painting the darker purple is out of the options for me :(

Unless someone here have an extremely good way of handbrushing that leaves no brush strokes on the paint

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-31 04:37


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4495174)
Unless someone here have an extremely good way of handbrushing that leaves no brush strokes on the paint

Yeah, hand-brushing will indeed left some marks on the surface at some degree (especially on a wide area). Unfortunately, perfection can only be achieved by air-brushing.

Btw, I recall some pages ago a member was asking for advice and decided to buy HG Palace Athene to get the yellow beams. Is that you? If so, then how’s the kit? ;)

Znozzy 2012-12-31 06:55


HG ガンダムAGE-FXバースト 2013年1月 \1,890
HG ガンダムAGE-1 フルグランサ 2013年予定 \1,680
HG シャルドールローグ 2013年予定 \1,365

HG Gサイフォス 2013年3月
HG ジェノアスOカスタム 2013年4月
HG ティエルヴァ 2013年4月

■ Release

\ 1,890 in January 2013 HG Gundam AGE-FX burst
\ 1,680 year plan HG Gundam AGE-1 Furuguransa 2013
\ 1,365 year plan HG 2013 Rogue Doll Shall

In March 2013 HG G Saifosu
April 2013 HG Jenoasu O custom
April 2013 HG Tieruvu~a

* Rumored releases, a Obright custom genoace, really? finally! Maybe! Wieeeeeeee!
* Source:2ch:
Spoiler for 2ch:

Bashfulz 2012-12-31 09:14


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 4495262)
* Rumored releases, a Obright custom genoace, really? finally! Maybe! Wieeeeeeee!
* Source:2ch:
Spoiler for 2ch:

O-bright custom and Tielva! Nice! but the bottom 3 are just rumors? :(

Znozzy 2012-12-31 09:54


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 4495343)
O-bright custom and Tielva! Nice! but the bottom 3 are just rumors? :(

All of them are, unless someone can confirm them

bio9205 2012-12-31 12:43

I think G-Xiphos is confirmed, it's listed on Hobby Search. But Genoace O-Custom? Heck yes Bandai, and I though I was done with AGE!

Znozzy 2012-12-31 14:50

More Juaggu kits were sold than the top selling AGE kit, lol.


(Amazon only, though, still pretty fun, imo)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-31 15:09


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 4495609)
More Juaggu kits were sold than the top selling AGE kit, lol.

Lost to Juaggu? :twitch: That's just sad. Like, really sad.

Looking at the overall sales, maybe it's save to say that we'll never get any more MG AGE kits after AGE-3 Norm and AGE-FX. Pity.

Skye629 2012-12-31 16:39


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4495201)
Yeah, hand-brushing will indeed left some marks on the surface at some degree (especially on a wide area). Unfortunately, perfection can only be achieved by air-brushing.

Btw, I recall some pages ago a member was asking for advice and decided to buy HG Palace Athene to get the yellow beams. Is that you? If so, then how’s the kit? ;)

Have not purchased it yet, on my list, but not top priority atm, right now Im aiming for the HGUC Hi-v, HGUC Byarlant Custom, HGUC Acguy (I need this bugger, its too cute XD), Clanche Custom, and bases

Skye629 2012-12-31 16:40


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4495623)
Lost to Juaggu? :twitch: That's just sad. Like, really sad.

Looking at the overall sales, maybe it's save to say that we'll never get any more MG AGE kits after AGE-3 Norm and AGE-FX. Pity.

The Juaggu is a great kit though, it got all the solidness and articulation inherited from the HGUC Acguy

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-12-31 16:46


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4495721)
The Juaggu is a great kit though, it got all the solidness and articulation inherited from the HGUC Acguy

I know about the solidness. I owned a Pink Beargguy :p. But honestly, I don't think Juaggu looks that cool compared to some AGE's HG kits. Heck, one can even say that Juaggu is downright ugly, but it still got the advantage of being under Unicorn and UC in general :D. So yeah, that only shows just how unpopular of a show AGE is.

Oh, btw, you shouldn't double post. It's kinda breaking the rules. Just a friendly advice ;). Please merge them into one post.

FalsePrime 2012-12-31 20:30


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 4495609)
More Juaggu kits were sold than the top selling AGE kit, lol.


(Amazon only, though, still pretty fun, imo)

Got to say I'm very happy to see Heavyarms so high on the list, same goes for Blitz as it's the only MS design from SEED that I actually like.

Thing that stands out the most, to me anyway is I was really shocked that MG Banshee is as low as it is. I expected it to be top 5, and given it only came a month after Heavyarms and that both Nu Ver Ka and Zeta RG are the top two means time certainly wasn't a factor.

Honestly not at all shoccked by AGE. We've heard several times about how quickly both model kit line, and the RD's have been slashed very heavily extemely close them shipping.

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