So cleaning out my closest and what do I find, a MG Nu ver ka....
I had actually totally forgot I had that lol. Also found HG Arios. But putting that aside, finally found the first Zoid I want! Also need to get HG Barbatos and a Graze or 2. |
Im being optimistic of course :3 |
You...just FORGOT that you have a MG Nu Gundam Ver Ka? HOW THE... |
I checked my order history to make sure and very much so, I did buy one last year. I had a MG Musha MKII, Dual Assault and Buster stored away but the Nu must have fallen behind them at some point and just totally forgot about it. Also found a 1/72 Eurofighter Typhoon as well and actually really eager to build that more so than the Nu right now:p Which reminds me I need to get my hands on a 1/72 Ace Combat ASF-X Shinden II! |
I still think the Rafale is sexier than the Eurofighter. Quote:
I once purchased an extra TV all because I had forgotten I had a 30" HD TV stuffed under my bed, which I was saving for when I bought my Playstation 3. Fortunately, the return was accepted *whew* NOW, to be fair to Bonta Kun... Spoiler for ...:
- Tak |
I used to do a lot of those snap-together models they sold at our local comic shop back in the day (the 90s). I don't think I have them anymore though after moving.
Those were a lot of fun, like legos but with Japanese instructions I couldn't read. Luckily you just follow the pictures :D |
In fact to my surprise the only problem I ever had with any scale model was with a Hasegawa one, a Nighthawk had a really bent wing. Still need to get my hands on a SR-71 Blackbird. Also the 1/72 Scale Rosenthal CR-Hogire Noblesse Oblige I want. And a nice big 1/350 battleship altho still not sure what one...... But actually the top of my list atm is MG Jesta Cannon, I really really want that! |
Auto +1 for the pilot on the boxart (and another point for the title along the side, it looks sick) |
But we all know it will come with this: |
I'm kinda enjoying my Wing Zero Honoo since it can transform without me having to switch parts around, even if the bird mode looks akward from an underside point of view. |
I love my MG Tallgeese 2, However I'm still waiting on a release for the very special Leo xD, oh wow five years since I posted anything.
Can you make a regular Rozen Zulu with the Episode 7 version? I ordered a Regular Rozen Zulu but I found an old episode 7 Rozen Zulu behind my shoe rack that's still unopened.
i can't believe due to accidents when trying to mod the HG Jagd Doga's arm shield mounts to make the arms more useful causes me to buy multiple Jagd Doga's as emergency parts because of the damages, thank god the prices that i got were cheap, i hope they will do an HG Revival that fixes all the problems for that, make the goddamn shields having an extra side mount/swivel system!!
now i understand how the Gundam Build Fighters characters feel when they had to find spare parts for their Gunpla after they got smashed to crap by the battles :heh: |
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