There's designs I like Okawara's style better (I f'ng love the F90) and there's designs that Katoki does better (Unicorn). There's also designs that I don't like from Okawara (don't get me started on the Strike Freedom) and designs I don't like from Katoki (I actually hate the Victory Gundam and only have it to complete my main Gundam collection).
Katoki designs just happen to sell more goddang decal sets. :frustrated: And there are times when KAtoki's redesign destroys what made the original design special (Katoki version Exia was a BAD IDEA). ...yep, I'm going to be at this all day if I start criticizing which designs I like and hate.... |
When did this happen? :twitch: |
What I don't like about it: It's too...chunky.
The whole point of Exia is that it's a lean and agile MS intended for close combat. Katoki's take makes it a bit more like a traditional MS but IMHO it doesn't look as sleek. |
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/...20131113045810 Wait a minute, The Strike Gundam Launches from the Archangel, and Sei and his mom are... http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/...42/953/efa.png |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back on topic: The Vigna Ghina coming out makes me hope some other MS will pop up in HGUC or RE/100 format. But it still makes me wonder why a few of these haven't already been teased or even discussed, like the Gottrlatan from V Gundam. I mean yeah, the Gundams are where it's at, but some signature enemy MS really need to be made. The Tallgeese is finally getting a new 1/144 release and has seen MG releases before, but what about others? |
There's a reason why it's called a mothership. XD
Heh, look at this HGUC Unicorn Luminous Crystal. Another example of cases of Bandai botching things up:
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) That's not the kind of hands Unicorn used when stopping the colony laser. The fingers are spread in the anime. Now it looks like Crystal Unicorn is ready to karate-chop something :eyebrow:. That's not funny. Didn't the people who made this kit watched the damn movie before printing the mold? The major appeal of Crystal Unicorn kit & figure is to recreate the iconic pose of Banagher/Unicorn tanking the blast, yet Bandai dropped the ball on that :mad:. |
Unless it has extra pieces you wouldn't be able to do the pose properly anyway; the crystals aren't splaying out from the forearms properly for that pose.
http://puu.sh/zefge/b5871f4a1a.jpg |
I can accept imperfect psycho crystals/crystallization in a HG Unicorn kit, but failing to make something as simple as properly-opened hands/manipulators is just unforgivable.
unicorn did do kung fu move against that big red ma at the end while on green form (but def not crystal form), maybe they mixed them up.
on the bright side, you can pose the hand piercing pose with this. While it's not right, it would be so damn funny I would imagine |
Look what made its way to P-Bandai:
https://www.gundamkitscollection.com...graze.html?m=1 |
Whale, whale, whale, looks like the next Puchigguys are these guys:
https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_jeZ5RvSd...25285%2529.jpg |
The lettering seems similar to the Gundam 00 series:
https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Fyd-FwcYk...25281%2529.jpg |
I'm seeing a GN-X cosplaying as a Dom, so...
...yknow, thaty's...actually quite cool... |
The Ogre GN-X is definitely a dope design. I like the mix of 00 and Age, parts. I also wonder if those orange blades are best blades, or if they're like GN Drive condenser material blades.
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