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DarkWarrior 2006-02-10 14:18


Originally Posted by xris
Already done (a few minutes after viper commented on the fact). Unless you mean there is still yet another Model Discussion thread lurking around. :)

Damn I'm slow.. >_< Anyways keep up the good work! And ignore people like me.. ;)

Getting back on topic, it seems that MG Nemo is out, on HLJ at least. I'm not going to buy it, but I'm definitely curious about the Version 2.0 stuff they used.. Bandai said that they improved it based on the feedback of the Mk.II Ver 2.0. Hopefully we'll see some reviews soon (like on

theOtherGuy 2006-02-10 14:40

Hey guys, I just looked inside my Red Frame box...and this was inside it. Anyone want to translate it for me?

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-02-10 15:03

I have no idea, I had many of these before :D , I read somewhere that the upcoming 2.0 is Shin's Zaku

theOtherGuy 2006-02-10 15:15

Heh. It's like opening a cereal box and finding a prize. :D

jbui 2006-02-10 16:10

Btw, how much did you buy your red frame for?

Fafnir 2006-02-10 17:03


Originally Posted by Nesty
are u refering to colouring the panel lines?

Yep, that is correct.

aoi_zip 2006-02-10 17:59

where do u buy those plastic sheets for modelling

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-02-10 18:19

I buy it from a local hobby store selling RC cars manly and lot of hobby supplies, the ones I used are called PLA-PLAT or PLATE by TAMIYA comes in diffrent lenghts

jbui 2006-02-10 21:45

Question? With just the original molded colours of a built model, what can you apply to give it a dull look?

theOtherGuy 2006-02-10 22:57


Originally Posted by jbui
Btw, how much did you buy your red frame for?

~$17.00 off of HLJ.

I guess nobody can translate it. :(


Originally Posted by Fafnir
...Also, since it will be my first time with gundam markers, what are some tips to use with them?

Anyways, since my spray cans aren't going to get here until...another 10 days or so, I'm going to start using my Gundam Markers again. I think I'm going to work on my SD Astray. Does anyone have any tips on using the marker. I remember I tried to paint my Nu Gundam and it was horrible. Like what Fafnir said, I need tips and help too...

pmajin 2006-02-11 00:00


Originally Posted by theOtherGuy
Hey guys, I just looked inside my Red Frame box...and this was inside it. Anyone want to translate it for me?

Nothing too important written there... It basically goes "dear valuedd customer, please give is some feedback to improve our service" etc etc etc...

Mr_Paper 2006-02-11 00:02

It reads:

To the customer who purchased this product:
(overtly polite, 'customer-sama')

通販、御意見、アンケート等でご記入頂いた個人情報は、注文品等の発送や、個人を特定しない統計的処理以外 には使用いたしません。

Your mailing, ordering and private information entered in the questionare (order form) will be used only for statistical purposes and will not be given out.
Or something close to that effect I think. My Japanese isn't the greatest so it someone more adept could varify it, it would be appreciated.

viper 2006-02-11 00:49


Originally Posted by jbui
Question? With just the original molded colours of a built model, what can you apply to give it a dull look?

You can buy a flat clear coat and apply it via brush or preferably via airbrush or spray can. Various companies make them, but the best include Testors Dullcote and Tamiya's own flat clear.

WarpObscura 2006-02-11 01:20

Does anyone know which Zeta Gundam products come with the Biosensor-enhanced hyper/long beam sabre blade?

Fafnir 2006-02-12 20:21

Good news people! There is a 1/144 scale RESIN kit of the double X out!

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-02-13 03:23

I love resin conversion more than full model :s I think that having a 1/100 DX can be enough

[DarkazurESky] 2006-02-13 18:02

is mg lighting strike freedom still available?:confused: I thought it was cool.

Mr_Paper 2006-02-13 18:33

If you mean the 1/60 scale Strike Freedom with the internal lighting, most places still have it in stock and available.

pmajin 2006-02-13 18:35


Originally Posted by [DarkazurESky]
is mg lighting strike freedom still available?:confused: I thought it was cool.

um... I do believe you mean to say the 1/60 real detail lightning strike freedom... it's been on the main page of for a while... they're currently waiting for restock which is in march...

even my local hobby store still has it on shelf... but i woudlnt' expect you to live anywhere near my local hobby store... hahaha..:heh: (yea if you're wondering, i live in BC Canada,...)

Nesty 2006-02-17 08:51

i finally got my hazel hdroududu! 2 of em :P each for 25 dollars canadian hehe

went to downtown toronto and did some searching on saturday and fortuantely for me, the anime store i normally go to had 2 and yaaaa YOIK! ^_^

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