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Sir Dearka 2010-10-18 15:42


Originally Posted by RAVNEN (Post 3304004)
When it comes to UC kits, i only go for the HGUC line. I already have HGUC Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode, so HGUC Sinaju is a must have for me.:D

Only have MG Gundam Mk II Titan ver. 2.0 in the shelves coz my brother gave me as present.

Ah, I see. I am a MG lover myself though when I cannot get my favorites in MG I have to content myself with a regular 1/100.

Just love the Titans Mk II. Mine is paired up with the golden Mg Hyaku Shiki :D


As for storing, I have to sadly admit that most of my kits stayed in my room at my parents. Now that I moved on to my new house I have only room for two of my favorites. The dock-based HG 1/100 Buster Gundam (of course!) and the gorgeous Gold Frame Amatu.

Kuroi Hadou 2010-10-18 18:09


Originally Posted by Calvin329 (Post 3304583)
Are you sure thats Quantum Mode?

I reckon it's Bandai's just trying to show the inner frame.

Quantum Mode is more... this :

That was just the inner frame, but it gives us an idea of some of the details.

bio9205 2010-10-18 19:02

Apparantly, this is the 'movie version' HGUC Unicorn. Seems like a pearl gloss variant.

Just like the clear 00Q, this is only available in limited numbers at local screenings of UC episode 2.

bio9205 2010-10-18 19:04


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 3304381)
I like spending on a lot of small HGs (battlfields galore!!!) rather than a few MGs myself. I guess Im just waiting for the right ones, but since HGs are always the priority for me the budget goes to them foremost.

I also like to post my models of the same scale and due to the limitation of much choice between A.D. 1/100 scales types and the my priority and more love towards the 1/144 scale make it a backseat for me.

I'll get MG 00Q and MG 00 for sure. I have not gotten MG Exia or GN-X for some reason, I guess I just don't feel like it right now.

I wouldn't get MG GN-X. The GN-XIV is much more awesome, and it's very likely Bandai will milk the MG GN-X frame to make a MG version. :D

Yeah, I prefer building and posing smaller kits as well.

bio9205 2010-10-18 22:59

Sorry for the triple post, but got couple questions here.

1) I'm thinking of starting on RD, and my first target is Arios. How is RD Arios? Quality? I've seen some reviews, but most are pretty vague.
2) Any Singaporeans here know where I can get RD figures? Bandai kits are everywhere, but RD seems to be eluding me. I spot 1 or 2 occasionally, but they're like limited to 1 or 2 varieties per store, it's so odd. Unfortunately I'm still schooling or I'd buy it off the Internet.

LoweGear 2010-10-19 01:24

More images of HGUC Gouf Custom:

Kuroi Hadou 2010-10-19 01:44

That looks better than I thought it would.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-10-19 02:40

Ah the Gouf, the greatest thing about The 08th MS Team.

duotiga 2010-10-19 07:39

must get for gouf custom!!!!

RAVNEN 2010-10-19 07:54

@Sir Dearka

I see..well i do love MG especially when its from SEED line.:D OMG!!..the Buster of yours just show it awesomeness with those light effects pouring on it...that's cool.:cool:

Sir Dearka 2010-10-19 13:05


Originally Posted by RAVNEN (Post 3305662)
@Sir Dearka

I see..well i do love MG especially when its from SEED line.:D OMG!!..the Buster of yours just show it awesomeness with those light effects pouring on it...that's cool.:cool:

Yeah, before moving I had to choose only two kits I'd take along with me. I chose Buster for obvious reasons ;) and my favorite Gundam designwise - an Astray Gold Frame Amatu because it is so beautiful, far surpassing many MGs in terms of appearance, IMO :] That's be so crazy if they produced a MG Buster...


Anybody saw the prototype of the possible GN-XIV? It looks fine to me, but I kinda hope for the GN-XII. The lance... I loved it right away as a 1/144 HG despite the stickers and all that cheap tricks Bandai used on those...

Sworra 2010-10-19 15:01

Yeah the Gouf Custom is one of my favorite Zeon suits. I have the MG version of it, still the in box cause i havent gotten around to building it.. The HG version of it seems pretty good detail for a 1/144 scale.. Kudos for Bandai :)

Sworra 2010-10-19 15:07


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 3305954)
Yeah, before moving I had to choose only two kits I'd take along with me. I chose Buster for obvious reasons ;) and my favorite Gundam designwise - an Astray Gold Frame Amatu because it is so beautiful, far surpassing many MGs in terms of appearance, IMO :] That's be so crazy if they produced a MG Buster...

Yeah that would be awesome for a MG Buster, I am still waiting on that but i have patients.. for when it comes out. With your two Kits that you brought with you to your new place, im surprised you did take your Sword Impulse considering how much you love that one. :)

Sir Dearka 2010-10-19 17:49

Ha, you know me, Sworra ;) Still, the Buster was a must, as I am a no. 1 Dearka fan ;D And Gold Frame Astray's design not only appeals more to me, but also it is a gift from one of my dearest friends.

The Gouf custom is withount doubt the coolest of all goufs ever. I considered buying a MG kit, but after seeing the HGUC I think I shall wait and see its review on dalong before finally deciding.

Sworra 2010-10-19 21:24


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 3306246)
Ha, you know me, Sworra ;) Still, the Buster was a must, as I am a no. 1 Dearka fan ;D And Gold Frame Astray's design not only appeals more to me, but also it is a gift from one of my dearest friends.

The Gouf custom is withount doubt the coolest of all goufs ever. I considered buying a MG kit, but after seeing the HGUC I think I shall wait and see its review on dalong before finally deciding.

Either one or the other you can't go wrong to choose.. I for one am not a 1/144 fan for models im a 1/100 scale (MG) But seeing this Gouf in a HG it has my attention.. Same with the Shinanju I was impressed with that 1/144 HG as well.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-10-20 01:52

Maybe the GN Sword IV doesn't suck after all.

Kitaeryu 2010-10-20 02:02


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3306852)
Maybe the GN Sword IV doesn't suck after all.

Sigh... The more i see it, the more i cry a little inside when I realize that I won't be able to get it.

I hate how the magazine costs only 13$ online (which is fairly reasonable) but to ship it to canada costs like another 20 - 30$ which is really unreasonable for just a magazine o.O

rocawarde 2010-10-20 02:05


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3306852)
Maybe the GN Sword IV doesn't suck after all.


They totally 1.5'ed it :D

So from what I can see:

1. GN Sword IV has a buster sword mode
2. Each individual dagger can turn into a boomerang
3. Two daggers can be put together to make double-edge dagger?
4. An Astray crossbow form
5. Rifle Mode????
6. Rifle Mode with the blade facing to the front???
7. A shield part wit the daggers attach

Thats alot of configuration

LoweGear 2010-10-20 02:44

Translation of the mode names:


Originally Posted by Heecarl_Reez

The 3 other blade from GN Sword IV is called GN Gunblade. Left picture = GN Sword IV Saber mode + GN Gunblade Twin Edge, middle = GN Gunblade: Gun, and Blade mode, the right one is the Full Saber mode. The lower left one is GN Launcher mode, next to it is GN Sword IV in rifle mode- it has 2 type of rifle mode it seems, can't make much of it because of the kanji, sorry.


Originally Posted by Arsacana
'High Output' and 'Wide Cutter' by the looks of it with the latter probably being a more powerful version of the crescent-shaped shots the Sword II could generate. That is one hell of a swiss army sword.

So the ones we thought of as daggers are actually gunblades. :eek: Which means the GN Sword IV has three individual gunblades that can be use like GN pistols. Need dual-wielding 00Qan[T]....

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-10-20 02:57

Ok, now I like it.

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