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Pellissier 2008-01-05 04:30

Hayate no Gotoku - Episode 40 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Hayate no Gotoku, Episode 40.

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frustra 2008-01-05 23:51


tripperazn 2008-01-05 23:57


Originally Posted by frustra (Post 1329331)

Bah, I'm pretty much counting the episodes until they get to Vol 10 for some major Hina.

Same_Shark 2008-01-06 00:53

I uploaded the new ED to YouTube.

cnnydz 2008-01-06 13:38

haha, michael relied too much on K.I.T.T. i loved that show though
more NGE refs, they just can't get enough of it, lol

Shiroth 2008-01-06 16:51


Originally Posted by tripperazn (Post 1329336)
Bah, I'm pretty much counting the episodes until they get to Vol 10 for some major Hina.

Or the announcement for a second season to happen.

/me is always having fingers crossed about it

tripperazn 2008-01-06 19:03


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 1330267)
Or the announcement for a second season to happen.

/me is always having fingers crossed about it

IMO, its really the only explanation that makes much sense, I mean why else would they make so many anime original filler episodes? Either that or the production staff just hates the manga material for whatever reason so barely uses any of it. :rolleyes: They probably didn't plan for that since the first anime original was a huge deal, with them announcing it and guest starring Yuuko Gotou and what not.

minhtam made a good point a while ago that Hayate no Gotoku has a strong fanbase for its moe characters. Which means merchandise will sell pretty well, which means a second season isn't really out of the question, especially with so much material left unused.

Fynal_Fyre 2008-01-07 02:15

Looks like Himegami, or should I say, Princess God, still likes his Bananas...:heh:

Phantasmagoria 2008-01-07 12:01

Spoiler for :

Shiroth 2008-01-07 12:04


Originally Posted by tripperazn (Post 1330442)
Either that or the production staff just hates the manga material for whatever reason so barely uses any of it. :rolleyes:

I can't see it being that, it's just what they've had planned, that's all.

Though i totally agree though --- i don't see any reason why they wouldn't go with a second season. It looks like it's what many fans want.

Hyuver 2008-01-08 09:26


Originally Posted by tripperazn (Post 1329336)
Bah, I'm pretty much counting the episodes until they get to Vol 10 for some major Hina.


DeotoxSlayer 2008-01-08 18:58


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 1331449)
I can't see it being that, it's just what they've had planned, that's all.

Though i totally agree though --- i don't see any reason why they wouldn't go with a second season. It looks like it's what many fans want.

we'll were technically on the forth season it said so in episode 39:D:D:D

Ottocycle 2008-01-09 01:40

I've been waiting for the Initial D references that come with the racing scenes for a while now, brilliantly done. Not to mention the epic quotes that were uttered during that race. Char's and Lalah's, namely.

And as a Saku fan, what the hell is up with the romantic focus on her lately?! When we all know it's not going happen!!

I feel so lead on. :p

tripperazn 2008-01-09 03:06


Originally Posted by Hyuver (Post 1332870)

Ah, right. If they decide to do the first valentine chapters of the manga (vol 6), I'm going to be seriously pissed though. :frustrated:

Unless they announce second season :D

Mentar 2008-01-16 15:46

Let me quote one of the most beautiful lines I've ever found in a script...


Dialogue: 0,0:23:52.58,0:23:56.66,Default,Hay,0000,0000,0000 ,,The fourth season is filled with episodes comic fans will be happy to see.

CJL13 2008-01-16 16:20


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 1346236)
Let me quote one of the most beautiful lines I've ever found in a script...


By comics you mean manga in Japan or American comics? Cause that'd be really intresting (Plus I'd get the references!)

Mentar 2008-01-16 16:30

In other words, after an onslaught of fillers (okay - original episodes) we finally return to the manga storyline. And the next chapters should very soon kick off the much-coveted Hina/Hamster arc.


Guido 2008-01-16 16:47

A new year has dawned upon us and Hayate no Gotoku cannot be the exception.

Even though we're treated with the current opening song, they changed to the second verse of the lyrics and added new sequences.

As for the new ending, Nagi finally wakes up from bed:heh:

Remember boys never to tell a lame joke to the girl that strives towards comedian perfection, or she'll leave you to freeze to your death.

While pulling out a chariot on which the spoiled, rich girl sits better watch for Knight Rider and respect the speed limit even when watching anime.

If you think that anime-original episodes make no sense at all, the manga-based one defy all conventions of reality and fantasy.

Midonin 2008-01-16 17:02

I can appreciate the small changes - the new eyecatch music, the switching to the second verse, the minor opening animations - maybe it's the New Year's greeting or just foreknowledge, but there's some sense of finality to the show now. Not that I didn't enjoy the filler episodes (episode 30 is still one of my favorites), but knowing these come right from the source is good to know.

This was a good episode - the completely random beginning, random Knight Rider cameo, and Sakuya. I can always appreciate more Sakuya. Love the new ending theme too. And of course, the next episode title got a small laugh out of me. "Sensei Sayonara Zetsubou". Shuffle the words a bit, and the rest is clear.

Ready for the final stretch.

S_K 2008-01-16 19:13

Sayonara zetsubou sensei reference
Jack on---> megaman network transmission?
Since when can bikes beat cars?!? :heh:

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