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GrahamAker 2011-05-11 22:39

Spoiler for MG Delta Plus AUG:

~Destiny~ 2011-05-11 22:44

Post from GG

That one pic with Zero Custom vs Epyon with those beam effects look epic :eyespin:

LoweGear 2011-05-11 23:08

And highlights from above of course:

HGFC Master Gundam w/ Fuuinsaiki set
HGFC Shining Gundam
MG Delta Plus
MG Gundam Sandrock (no actual model, but confirmed for 2011 release)
MG Gundam Heavyarms (no actual model, but confirmed for planning stage)

Rising Dragon 2011-05-11 23:21

Those last two come at a surprise.

LoweGear 2011-05-12 00:41

Alot of people have noticed this already, but for those who haven't:

Those beam cloth effects parts by the HGFC Master Gundam's feet? They're actually wielded by 1/144 scale Master Asia figures :eek:

~Destiny~ 2011-05-12 01:12


Originally Posted by Rising Dragon (Post 3608935)
Those last two come at a surprise.

Was that sarcasm? Seeing as how their "upgraded" versions are more or less recolours, and the way Bandai's been pushing the Wing Series lately those two were pretty much guaranteed a release :rolleyes:

Rising Dragon 2011-05-12 01:55


Originally Posted by ~Destiny~ (Post 3609039)
Was that sarcasm? Seeing as how their "upgraded" versions are more or less recolours, and the way Bandai's been pushing the Wing Series lately those two were pretty much guaranteed a release :rolleyes:

No, not sarcasm: last time Bandai made Ver. Ka. models for Gundam Wing, Heavyarms and Sandrock Custom both got shafted.

Appel 2011-05-12 03:23

YES! =D i soo wanted a MG delta plus^^ it was rather obvious that they would make one but hey, its still nice to hear.

about the MG sandrock and heavyarms, i will wait for their kai versions. those will be recolors anyway, so i dont see the point in buying the announced ones :P

LoweGear 2011-05-12 04:55


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3609134)
about the MG sandrock and heavyarms, i will wait for their kai versions. those will be recolors anyway, so i dont see the point in buying the announced ones :P

Unless they give them their add-ons from Glory of the Losers, like the Sandrock's Full Armor pack and the Heavyarm's leg treads and extra missile launchers.

amurorei83 2011-05-12 05:03

Has anyone noticed that the MG Sandrock's shoulders are a bit disproportional? It seems larger than it should. Plus it looks a bit plain, not much different from the HG 1/100 counterpart. However, I could be speaking too early, especially since decals have not been applied. The MG Heavyarms looks ok, should look much better as the release date approaches.

Se7en Sabers 2011-05-12 05:06

Good news for the Delta Plus' fans ! :smile:

On my side, I hope Bandai release a MG or RG of the Beginning Gundam :p

And why not a Ver. Ka of the ∀ Gundam ?

Yes, I love the White Doll :D

LoweGear 2011-05-12 05:08


Originally Posted by amurorei83 (Post 3609238)
Has anyone noticed that the MG Sandrock's shoulders are a bit disproportional? It seems larger than it should. Plus it looks a bit plain, not much different from the HG 1/100 counterpart. However, I could be speaking too early, especially since decals have not been applied. The MG Heavyarms looks ok, should look much better as the release date approaches.

That's because for the Sandrock and Heavyarms, those are the old 1/100 models, just reworked to look "MG-ish" and with MG hands. Notice the elbow joints being identical to the 1/100 versions. Those models were used by Bandai as placeholders for the MG Wing line for a long while now during exhibits, and they're gradually replacing them with the proper models as they come out (see MG Shenlong during last year's hobby shows).

Appel 2011-05-12 05:20


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3609247)
That's because for the Sandrock and Heavyarms, those are the old 1/100 models, just reworked to look "MG-ish" and with MG hands. Notice the elbow joints being identical to the 1/100 versions. Those models were used by Bandai as placeholders for the MG Wing line for a long while now during exhibits, and they're gradually replacing them with the proper models as they come out (see MG Shenlong during last year's hobby shows).

thats what i thought, too. thanks for confirming my thoughts^^
its way too early for prototypes yet, i mean they both dont even have a proper release date yet and the heavyarms is still in the planning stage of developement :P

amurorei83 2011-05-12 05:22


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3609247)
That's because for the Sandrock and Heavyarms, those are the old 1/100 models, just reworked to look "MG-ish" and with MG hands. Notice the elbow joints being identical to the 1/100 versions. Those models were used by Bandai as placeholders for the MG Wing line for a long while now during exhibits, and they're gradually replacing them with the proper models as they come out (see MG Shenlong during last year's hobby shows).

Aarrr.... no wonder! :heh:
The MG Epyon looks great! The decals, really makes it pop! Also the MG OO having the clear wing effect was a surprise. Hopefully the parts will be included, and not just a show piece.

Araxiel 2011-05-12 11:17


Originally Posted by Se7en Sabers (Post 3609243)
And why not a Ver. Ka of the ∀ Gundam ?
Spoiler for ∀ Gundam's concepts:

Those look pretty cool. I actually prefer them to the final design, even though it's growing on me.

So, I see RG Launcher and Sword Strike? Are those going to be seperate things, or a set a la the Master Grade, do we know?

Appel 2011-05-12 11:38


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3609589)
Those look pretty cool. I actually prefer them to the final design, even though it's growing on me.

So, I see RG Launcher and Sword Strike? Are those going to be seperate things, or a set a la the Master Grade, do we know?

according to gundam guy these are just exhibition goods. i doubt that they will be released

X207 2011-05-12 12:20


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3608607)
Any paint work you're doing to it, do it before assembly to avoid getting any on the clear parts.
If it's just the basic 00Q scheme, there are about half a dozen areas on the blue parts that need to be blocked in white. Plus panel lining, that's it.
Note that some of the parts that need to be painted white are the handles of the 'gunblade' bits, and the handle of the sword itself. So if you're going to be switching the configuration much, it's worth giving those bits a good coat of varnish or two.

thank you araxiel. It took me a few minutes to realize they didnt bother making a white plastic tree for such pieces when i came home with the full saber box.. I certainly plan to paint b4 building but im not too sure how long it would take. Im using humbrol paints so i'll probably put a matt cote layer on the handles. I dont think i'll change configuration very often but i'll still put a coat on. Looks like taping off the edges will be most annoying.

Karidzka 2011-05-12 21:15

My first Work of this year, i'm getting slow...

The Concept of Zabanya Assault is a long range artilerry unit which can shoot from outside the battlefield, equipped with a long range mega gn particle cannon which range is the same as memento mori [2nd season episode 11] even far more when trans-arm.

Other Equipmment:
2 standard zabanya gn beam rifle
9x gn micro missile [the same as zabanya]

1 GN Gatling with ARMS [Automatic Revolving Machine System] which able to rotate 360 degree and attack all area all around zabanya ,it's able to shoot in front of cockpit. It is used to protect zabanya from enemy[mid range] when using the mega gn particle. It was controlled by haro so the pilot can focus with the mega gn particle.

2x beam sword mounted on the gatling
Zabanya assault also have 1 extra censor on the left chest, it was protected by the chest armor. The big bottom part design is too hold all the body when shooting the mega particle and also for GN Particle Storage.

Zabanya Assault is the prototype of zabanya in the movie. When Ian told Lockon about this unit, Lockon ask Ian to build a unit which fitted for him based on this, lockon said he prefer the unit which can attack multiple enemy in one time [zabanya] rather than focusing on 1 target. However when Ian told lockon the Zabanya Assault is already done, so Ian build another Zabanya based on this.Zabanya Assault were put in the Celestiasl Being Factory and equipped with GN-Drive Tau

anyway it's a fan fiction by me >_< it's the base idea i used for make these Toungue


moar at my blog :)

Thank You :)

Araxiel 2011-05-13 08:26


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 3609635)
thank you araxiel. It took me a few minutes to realize they didnt bother making a white plastic tree for such pieces when i came home with the full saber box.. I certainly plan to paint b4 building but im not too sure how long it would take. Im using humbrol paints so i'll probably put a matt cote layer on the handles. I dont think i'll change configuration very often but i'll still put a coat on. Looks like taping off the edges will be most annoying.

In the magazine, they taped off the edges and used an airbrush. For mine, I used white humbrol enamel paint and painted it on with a brush. It takes a couple of coats to properly cover the blue, but the finish is good.


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3609607)
according to gundam guy these are just exhibition goods. i doubt that they will be released

*sniff sob* I'll be in the corner.

X207 2011-05-13 13:39


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3610783)
In the magazine, they taped off the edges and used an airbrush. For mine, I used white humbrol enamel paint and painted it on with a brush. It takes a couple of coats to properly cover the blue, but the finish is good.

thanks araxiel. some primer b4 white might also do pretty well. i havent heard of too many ppl using humbrol paints here. how long do your black matt 33's last after you open the lid? mine get dry pretty fast with a good seal on them either way. its getting on my nerves enough that i'll stop getting the black matt and go with gloss black and some matt cote (square glass) to kill the gloss coat.

Araxiel 2011-05-13 14:32

I don't have a black enamel so I'm not sure. But none of the paints I do have are drying out yet. I tend to use the humbrol enamel for white areas, and Citadel Colour black for panel lines and such.
I do have a little plastic pot of matt black I got with an Airfix kit the other day. Not sure how long those'll last, but the seals don't seem as good as on the metal pots.

X207 2011-05-13 18:15


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3611171)
I don't have a black enamel so I'm not sure. But none of the paints I do have are drying out yet. I tend to use the humbrol enamel for white areas, and Citadel Colour black for panel lines and such.
I do have a little plastic pot of matt black I got with an Airfix kit the other day. Not sure how long those'll last, but the seals don't seem as good as on the metal pots.

thanks for clarifying. lately the matt paints are getting to dry quicker. i find the matt white pretty good aside from the yellowing of time. the matt black lately gets dry really fast. 2 days resealed after initally opening is enough to get a dry coat on matt black. not sure how your plastic pot seals up but the tins arent too freindly to matt black.

Appel 2011-05-14 11:12

i got a small question:
how do you make the panel lines on a top coated kit? i was planning to use tamiya black (X-1) enamel paint mixed with a little thinner (lighter fuel should work), put it on the piece and clean it with thinner.
or is there an even easier way?^^ now that i have more time thanks to fedex i wanted to use that to plan ahead a little bit more :P

SonicSP 2011-05-14 20:05

Oh well, I guess stuff happens in the packaging industry.

Appel 2011-05-15 14:53

about the hobby show: i think its awesome that they even have a place where someone builds a kit and you can watch it live online^^
there are recorded videos, too

Butagami 2011-05-15 15:51

Appel, it could be worse: Your package could be on a plane that crashes, leaving it in the hands of a mentally unstable Tom Hanks!

Positive thinking, yay.

Sworra 2011-05-15 20:56


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3613638)
when it comes to waiting for packages i turn into an annoying 8 year old kid, one day before christmas who cant wait for his presents anymore^^
its just annoying that they always ship my package back and forth between germany and france, i just dont see the logic behind that O_o

Yeah Fedex has odd shipping going on, I live in Canada and when i order a package from Japan the first place they goto is Alaska, USA. which its not so bad cause i'm on the west coast. But then they ship it all the way down to some State in the south of the USA, by which you just flew over top of me and then back up to Canada. I don't know why they don't ship it to the closest city from Alaska. lol

Appel 2011-05-16 06:06

there are also photos of a pretty neat looking 1/144 kashatriya on gundamguy:
because thats what kashatriya needed: even more weapons! XD

Kuroi Hadou 2011-05-16 06:29


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3614351)
because thats what kashatriya needed: even more weapons! XD

You say that like it's a bad thing... :cool:

Appel 2011-05-16 07:19


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3614367)
You say that like it's a bad thing... :cool:

oh its most definitely not! =D

Appel 2011-05-16 11:57

some nice new photos of the delta plus!

rest here:

X207 2011-05-16 14:28


Originally Posted by Butagami (Post 3613630)
Appel, it could be worse: Your package could be on a plane that crashes, leaving it in the hands of a mentally unstable Tom Hanks!

Positive thinking, yay.

lol, looks like wilson has been repaced by plastic model no more than 1ft tall.

@appel: is that a 1.5 gundam? i have one on my to do list myself behind 3 other kits or so.

Rising Dragon 2011-05-16 15:16


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 3614801)
lol, looks like wilson has been repaced by plastic model no more than 1ft tall.

@appel: is that a 1.5 gundam? i have one on my to do list myself behind 3 other kits or so.

... that's the Delta Plus, not the 1.5 Gundam.

Appel 2011-05-16 15:19

yeah, i wanted to write more in that post with the photos but i think my browser ate them :O anyway, i edited that.
and yes, its the MG delta plus

X207 2011-05-16 15:28

thanks, it sure looks like alot of the 1.5 series.

Dragonar Fan 2011-05-16 22:07

Ok not exactly gundam related but currently working on Dragonar Custom (1987 1/100 kit)

Appel 2011-05-17 08:35

oh this is sweet! a 1/60 PG freedom conversion^^ they used the PG strike freedom for that of course :P

looks pretty neat but some minor details arent just 100% right :P especially the boosters in the backpack. but still, very nice looking!^^

Butagami 2011-05-17 14:12


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 3615629)
oh this is sweet! a 1/60 PG freedom conversion^^ they used the PG strike freedom for that of course :P

looks pretty neat but some minor details arent just 100% right :P especially the boosters in the backpack. but still, very nice looking!^^

It looks nice, but it's not quite a replacement for a proper pg. The thing that bugs me the most is the wings: they're too small and underwhelming. Is this a buyable conversion-kit, or a scratchbuild?

edit: Hold on, the page on the gundam wikia for Freedom is deleted? WTF?! why? It's a fricking main suit! not some not some palette-swapped MSV side-suit. Haters?

NVM: it was just renamed/moved, causing some redlinks to the former! quickrage ftl.

Appel 2011-05-17 15:04

yeah i guess you are right. the wings do look at bit too small. its really no replacement but id still be happy to have something close to a PG freedom in my collection^^ i LOVE that suit and its still one of my all time favorites. ill put way more work into my MG freedom than into my other kits once it arrives!

and this was done by takayo4 as it seems, at least it says so on the first page of the hobby magazine article. so its probably fanmade and no buyable conversion kit. in my opinion some parts are just not suitable for it to be a commercial conversion kit, anyway. many parts simply dont look like the real freedom, especially the backpack^^

JC... 2011-05-17 15:36


I know the wings look similar to the 1.5's binders, but still, lolwut.

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