Just finished this quick little project last night. Here's a quick picture
http://gamerabaenre.com/images/efree...om 008_JPG.jpg Blog post discussing the final week of progress: http://gamerabaenre.com/?page_id=275 Complete progress: http://gamerabaenre.com/?page_id=2740 |
Thanks for the replies.
I think I will go for the Genoace Custom as 3rd:) I really like the Adele as well, it's very nice but both are outta stock. And I really quite like the Shaldoll Rogue as well but also outta stock.... So I'm left with the Genoace custom for time being. Hopefully next sale has a number of AGE kits included so I can get some more. Can't say I'm huge a fan of the AGE-2 and AGE-3, they never tickled my fancy in terms of looks. Altho I'm not against getting the AGE-2 but I think I would be against getting the AGE-3. |
Goddamn this is so fucking beautiful...http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=126597
Now how come those couldn't be included with the default figure? Why did all those awesome goodies need to be exclusives? Ah well...doesn't matter. I must have them. 2 sets, maybe 3. |
This is my one gripe about the box art. They go to such lengths to make stunning artwork, and then they release none of it without the text all over it. I want those as wallpapers! :T_T:
Either way those covers are absolutely amazing. Especially the Unicorn, I absolutely love that Unicorn art. It makes me want to go out and buy the mg kit. |
I find the boxart a bit lacking compared to some of the other AGE boxarts so far |
My recent haul videos...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQg5sMMjfBc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3Gl6mxGHOk Had to separate into 2 parts because the order came incomplete the first time. >_< Anyway, I decided not to get into the Seed/Seed Destiny line of MG's. I spent the last few weeks watching through Seed and Seed Destiny and I realized I didn't like it much at all. So I'll be sticking to 00, Wing EW, and Age for my MG needs. But people have been telling me to try UC Master Grades. I don't get what's so great about UC and the MG's in the UC line.. >_< |
See how that works? You are so very fixated on collecting boxes of your favored series, downright obsessed at times. And that is the thing people recommend you take a step back from; Expand a bit. Try out the Rx-78-2 2.0 and tell me that isn't an objectively amazing MG model, just like the MG Exia was a very solid kit. The series it stems from has less to do with the quality of the kit then you think. |
Anyone here built the following kits from Destiny?
-1/100 NG Gunner Zaku -1/100 Blaze Zaku Phantom -1/144 HG Gaia Thoughts on these kits? Considering picking one of the Zakus up and maybe the Gaia (AW colors of course) |
a. I don't want to over-purchase and get MG's everywhere b. I tend to create a massive backlog as it is for things I enjoy doing c. I don't want to buy an MG based on a non-thought out suggestion and not like it It's all about trying to minimize the money and time that I spend. So I set "rules" that I try to stick to when buying things. |
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