I actually thought the same thing as Obelisk.
But nevermind that, how boring it is to get only RX-78-2. You're probably better of with getting him an MG RX-78-2 Ver 3 and an MG Proto Wing. It's usually more "teasing" to get someone 1-2 good kits, just to entice them enough to try it but not enough to "satisfy" them. Getting those RG [Which btw, mine is absolutely wonderful, no falling parts], HG [The G30th version has a dumb looking face] and the SD [:heh:] would only make him feel meh, especially after seeing the MG. What you want is to lure them into this hobby. Like I did with my two friends. One of them confidently dared that if I can help him find a HG kit for under $20 in local stores, he'll buy it. Lo and behold, we saw a HG 00 Gundam for $19 at a comic shop. That was a year ago and now he's at 66 kits, including the MG EX-S Gundam. The other one said he don't like Gunpla, but I showed him a 50% discounted PG Strike Freedom at a warehouse sale and he now has multiple SEED RG and MG. Poisoning, I mean sharing the hobby is caring. I love it when they come to me and sigh about how broke they are after their shopping spree. *evil grin* |
I guess I will go with the MG 3.0 only then along with the expansion exclusive add on. Maybe the RG...
Ok time to move the topic away from Suiton's logic (its his decision anyways, what we say dont really matter since its his money)
So here's the awesome question: If GBF was real, what HG 1/144 kit(s) would you pull off your shelf (you gotta own it lol) to do battle with? Do remember it can potentially become trashed Note: Exclude 00 and AGE HGs for now, 00 kits have not been seen in action yet, as such we dont know how they perform or are balanced, and AGE apparently is not making an appearance since it was the last series I would use my old (recently acquired and built though) HG Gouf Flight Type (Goufs FTW!!!!) |
I'd probably use my HGAC Gundam X. Best HG i've painted
It is with deepest regret [and pride] that I should offer my Nu HWS to sacrifice:
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HnBHuj5HjW...0o/s1600/1.jpg Now don't get the wrong idea that I envision myself as a pro fighter with insane micro funnel controls. It's the complete opposite. I've never been good at fighting games, and I suck hard at Gundam Extreme VS *I lose all the time as high tier units much less lower ones*. So I was hoping that the additional armour will assist me as I float helplessly trying to target the enemy. The multiple weapon assignments would assist me in my poor attempt to bring someone down. Lastly, I didn't like the kit's articulation eitherway, so it being damaged is kinda okay with me. |
Thats one sexy looking Nu Gundam you got there, Aurelis. Would hate to trash it if I would have to battle it^^
Btw, MG Gundam X update(CG). http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ew8chRirqw...s1600/1321.jpg |
Call me the odd 1 : if there is a real GBF I would like to use perfect strike
Out of the HG's I made recently, (aka my better ones) I would pick the HGUC Unicorn destroy.
My best model, that I wouldn't mind getting damaged too much, would be the 1/100 Vent Saviour (a surprisingly decent kit btw) |
This is no fun.. I don't own any HG's I only have RG's.. Does RG's count? If not i'm running to my hobby store now.. haha
PG, HG, RG, SD, anything as long as its Gunpla. Though HG does seem like a popular choice due to the range of different kits. I actually have a boxes of junked model kits that I broke lol. Im trying to customise a kit using HG SF, IJ, and Destiny. Well, they broke when I shifted home about 8 years ago so I dont want to get it wasted. |
a MG (the O for the armor)!!!! :heh::heh::heh: or a PG (Strike Freedom,Funnels big almost like HG 1/144.. XD ) :heh::heh::heh: no,seriously.. probably something transformable,like Kyrios/Arios/Harute/Aegis with obviusly some modification like vernier for speed.. :D or something big like Kshatrya or something i like.. that black project of a full armor Banshee that i had in mind.. :love: |
http://i.imgur.com/reNNdCX.jpg My HG Gundam Aesculapius :D. It's a formidable Gundam and a decent kit that I build, yet I don't mind it got damaged as it is also an old and simple kit. Easy to repair :p. |
I own Freedom, Nu, GP-01 and Gundam.
Since I probably can't micro my funnels, I'll have to settle with spamming beams with my Freedom. :) |
MG Destiny Impulse R confirmed as a Premium Bandai online exclusive.
Looks like there wont be any remaster of the impulse frame any time. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iUu0VUT-UC...3175535078.jpg |
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