Neither have I...I'm terrible when it comes to building Gundam models, and I'll probably wind up building this one in late July or something :heh:
Which is another way of saying buy more models to get better and succumb to Bandai's grand scheme of draining your money A good way to practice is to buy the 1/144 NG kits from SEED or AGE, they are extremely simple kits and cheap (around $5, barely any articulation, few pieces, and lots of missing colors), perfect for practicing all the different model building/painting/customization techniques. Get one or two and practice to your hearts content |
I should clarify :p I'm terrible at keeping up with my hobbies, so it takes me quite a while to build things. My first kit was the HG 00 Raiser+GN Sword III, and the last one I built was the MG Nu Gundam (Ver Ka.) last year. I concur that extra practise would be helpful :)
I got 15 unbuilt kits sitting on my shelf collecting dust lol and around 10 kits in a box under my bed awaiting repairs |
...but you guys aren't building it for competition, are you?
So far the only competition-worthy kit I'm 90% done with is my MG Jesta that's been 2 years in the making. I was hoping to get some others done before then but lots of OT at work, the weather not agreeing with me (rai prevented me from doing paint) plus disasters (let's say the Miss Sazabi kit...was NOT what I was hoping it would be) and other things (beep bop boop stuff crashing down and breaking)...yeah. ...and that's just my Gundam kits. Don't even go into my aircraft or armor kits. |
SO work is progressing on my Banshee Norn. Thanks to getting a desk lamp, I can now direct more light on my kit when building. Great for seeing exactly how much dust is collecting, not so great for my own piece of mind. :p
I have the torso, backpack, arms and legs assembled, and now have only the shield, hips and weapons to make. I've decided that once I finish assembly, I'll topcoat my Banshee, and probably most of my other kits. As an experiment, I'll try topcoat my GM Command first, as a test. How would you guys suggest I go about topcoating? Also, I've actually put on the banshee's reflective gold stickers on. Matte topcoat will take away the bling, won't it? -_- ALso... oh my god, MG Banshee Norn + Full Armor parts. All my OMGWTF. |
But you better start masking the stickers and clear parts, or they are gonna fog over with the matte spray |
Memo to self: next time, spray then sticker. -_- |
- Tak |
...Cherudim SAGA when, Bandai? :T_T: |
Spoiler for For example:
- Tak |
Work continues on Banshee Norn. Will check my salary tomorrow - if it's beyond a certain threshold, I'll get the FA Unicorn Destroy green frame, plus gray marker, gold marker and flat coat.
And now i need to find a tutorial on making dazzle camo or urban digital. |
One way I've seen done (for guns, not model kits) is to get a bit of netting or a mesh bag, use masking sol or white glue to 'draw' a pattern on it, and then spray over it using a spray can. The effect is like this (pattern varies depending on how fine your mesh is): |
Noted. Guess I'll have to go looking.
Also, it's been suggested to me that for max bling on my Banshee, I should do gloss coat, decal, gloss the bling decals, then mask them and matte coat the rest of the body. Thoughts? It's also been suggested to use gloss as the first layer to seal in the detailing, and then matte coat. |
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