> wanting MG of obscure and stuff that won't sell
There's your problem |
PG Unicorn looks kind of plain... I hope they release more pictures soon. Also PG full armor parts were announced for unicorn, milk that cow Bandai! |
No joke, I want F90 myself, on top of GuAIZ and Earth Alliance's Not!GM and few other stuff
But it's just not possible :( |
PG Unicorn....
You just know Bandai is going to make a PG MUH EMPTY one of these days. |
Business decisions! |
What ever happened to the Kshatriya MG(was it even real, my memory is kind of fuzzy)? I remember hearing stuff about it, but then everything just went silent for it.
And while there's a lot of Mission Packs that the F90 has available, they really only need to do the main one (The A-Type) initially, and if there's enough fan demand to do more. Or they can even do a dick move and make the MG F90 compatible with the older 1/100 F90 weapons packs and sell those separately. |
Raw material and resource costs - The plastic, the metal used for the mold, electricity, human resources (workers) even Inventory and logistics costs - Warehouse (for storage of the kits, the costs will increase the longer the longer the kits don't sell, therefore bleeds money) rental and maintenance, shipping Opportunity costs - What if the time and effort used to produce this F90 kit had gone into producing a kit which is more likely to sell? (which is happening now because Bandai finds that it is too terrible a cost to bear.) |
But there's also Sunk Costs, wherein they've -already- spent the money on it. Bandai's made the prototype, so part of the research, time and effort for the kit are already done. The only new development cost would be the actual molds if they hadn't done them already--the only pictures of the prototype MG F90 show a painted version and not close enough to see detail, so I can't tell if this was a 3D-printed prototype or a final sculpt.
They put it out at the same time as the F91, so it's highly likely they used most of the same ABS inner frame as the F91 (like the Crossbone Gundam uses much of the same inner frame as the F91 with a few tweaks). Development to production time would be a lot faster. And I mentioned that they could use some of the older F90 weapon pack molds if they don't want to invest in new molds for them (again, sunk costs). They've done it before, with some of their exclusives--in fact the latest Bandai Pro-Shop exclusive HG 1/144 Dynames is essentially a Dynames with additional weapons that were previously part of their kit campaigns. I'll concede that the Opportunity Costs are likely the main reason, seeing that there's not a lot of fans of the F90/F91/Silhouette Formula/Victory generation (Crossbone Gundam seems to have a huge following, though) as opposed to Wing, 00, Seed or Unicorn. But Bandai has done odd things before---can anyone explain why they went through the trouble of developing an HG 1/144 Pale Rider kit when the MS itself was not featured in any other media prior to the game it was shipped with? I honestly don't know how much of that kit was based off an existing mold and how much is new, but it looks like a lot of it is new. For an MS that was not even marketed prior to the release of the game it ships with. I guess the only argument is that since it's part of an exclusive game, Bandai can probably get away with raising the overall cost of the package and earn back whatever it put into making a new kit. I know what you're going to say next: "If you're so angry that Bandai hasn't made an MG F90, why don't you build your own?" My answer: I have. |
As such I can say that since the sunk cost are potentially reduced to acceptable levels, enough such that less pain is felt when they are cut off and these losses can be easier recouped by producing other sellable kits. Quote:
You guys need to know that the biggest cost of modelmaking is neither prototype nor plastic
It's the mold The mold are the single biggest piece of money investation after injection machine, to make a mold you're betting tens of thousand kit to be sold over the years for it to be profitable. Prototype is not hard to make, it's making the prototype economical that's the problem. Again, we HAVE prototype Ksathriya MG that will never see the light of the day because it's impossible to make it cheap enough for mass production. Bandai likely held the F90 for a reason, whether it's good or not we will never know. Hell we never get Blast Impulse. |
- MG Ver Ka Gundam, MG GM Type C - HGUC GM Type C, GM Striker, Powered GM - GM Blue Destiny 1, Blue Destiny 2, Blue Destiny 3, Ground Combat Gundam They basically use an already existing mold for the parts and just modify additional ones. So essentially, the mold has already paid for itself (because of the sales of the original kit it was used on were good or better), and it's actually an asset because it's being used for other kits and shortening development and manufacture time. Likewise, they could also be using the same old mold because they want to recoup losses from the original---why else would they need to introduce the GP02 MLRS variant? :/ Also, have you thought of how the hobby magazines manage to get their add-on parts kits out so (relatively) quickly? Obviously they had Bandai assistance to get relatively good quality parts (if the magazine modellers made it themselves, you'd be looking at flash and deformities in the plastic, or else they would use more expensive resincast parts instead). Also it's a limited run, possibly less than a thousand. But I think that the cost for making a mold for a small number of add-on parts kits (like the XN Raiser parts, or the AGE Razor and Artemis parts) should be sufficiently low enough to make it practical. Quote:
There's a 1/144 no-grade kit which will fit on an HG Force/Sword Impulse, which means you could probably just do that. |
Oddly enough I thought that Bandai released a 1/100 Blast Impulse kit, but for some strange reason I can't see pics of it anywhere online. Which is strange because I know it was being sold in stores, or else someone mentioned he was going to mod his MG Force Impulse into one. You know, I just had a horrible thought: What if, just to make the HGBF 1/144 Mock feel more "true" to the "bootleg" feel, Bandai decides to use cheap quality plastic and polycaps? :D |
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