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vektar 2009-05-09 11:08

I really like the lighter blue on 00. Which gets me thinking why are robots always so colorful, like in space. It makes for a better target, i would have just made them the color of what ever environment they would be in, nothing crys out shoot me im here being a big red target.

MakubeX2 2009-05-09 11:29


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2385570)
I really like the lighter blue on 00. Which gets me thinking why are robots always so colorful, like in space. It makes for a better target, i would have just made them the color of what ever environment they would be in, nothing crys out shoot me im here being a big red target.

It's a traditon that begins with RX-78-2 to give the main protagonist mech a Blue-White-Red scheme job in Gundam to illustrate who's the boss around.

vektar 2009-05-09 11:57


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2385591)
It's a traditon that begins with RX-78-2 to give the main protagonist mech a Blue-White-Red scheme job in Gundam to illustrate who's the boss around.

its bee that way since even before gundam, with like Getta robo and all them other 60's style super robots and such. but i would think camouflage would be a better tactic when going into battle.

Bashfulz 2009-05-09 12:21

does anyone have a guide for the use of topcoat? bought a can recently to try it out.

CandleStick 2009-05-09 12:28

Ugh seeing the 1/100 00-Riser in designer colors makes me wonder if I should just wait for a MG which could probably be around 6000-7000 considering the 00-Riser with the stand was 5000. UGH BANDAI.

Foreshadow 2009-05-09 12:33


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2385636)
its bee that way since even before gundam, with like Getta robo and all them other 60's style super robots and such. but i would think camouflage would be a better tactic when going into battle.

Naturally then the viewer wouldn't be able to see the Gundam/Mech in space then.
Wouldn't make for too great of a show.

SonicSP 2009-05-09 14:22


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2383407)
Clear paints. Many model paint brands (like Tamiya) offer colors in clear, which is transparent, thus allowing you to paint clear parts without losing transparency. I myself use Tamiya Clear Enamel paints for my models, although acrylic works fine as well.

Clear paints huh?Well that sounds like the answer.Haven't seen any of those,I guess I'll check again.Thanks.

So,how do one usually change the colour of a beam saber[That is coloured not colourless]?Do you simply spray the clear paint over it or do you do something else first?

M_Flores 2009-05-09 21:11

I am begging someone to translate the features of this toy:

And the video. OMG

Mister Mister 2009-05-09 23:41


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2385570)
I really like the lighter blue on 00. Which gets me thinking why are robots always so colorful, like in space. It makes for a better target, i would have just made them the color of what ever environment they would be in, nothing crys out shoot me im here being a big red target.

the thing about space is that its so big that, even at the "close" ranges of mobile suit gundam, you're still so far apart that all you see is a spec of reflected light - which you'll see no matter what color the suit is.

Tormenk 2009-05-09 23:51


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2385807)
Clear paints huh?Well that sounds like the answer.Haven't seen any of those,I guess I'll check again.Thanks.

So,how do one usually change the colour of a beam saber[That is coloured not colourless]?Do you simply spray the clear paint over it or do you do something else first?

I've painted beam parts to red from a pink base before and it work out fine. Tried blue on pink and it turned purple so that will give you some idea how it works.

Otherwise I'll point you to this.


Originally Posted by M_Flores (Post 2386249)
I am begging someone to translate the features of this toy:

And the video. OMG

Not a translation but it counts as a review I guess.

Amber.Dawn 2009-05-10 00:10


Originally Posted by Mister Mister (Post 2386424)
the thing about space is that its so big that, even at the "close" ranges of mobile suit gundam, you're still so far apart that all you see is a spec of reflected light - which you'll see no matter what color the suit is.

+main characters stand out this way
+iconic Gundam colors, like having a V-fin
+looks cool

Luciany 2009-05-10 04:38

I recently started collecting the gundam models:)

I've started off with the Celestial being models first.. They are the 1/144 models...

I'm thinking of going to the bigger ones soon :D

I heard the 00 Riser is out now here, so i'll think about that one:D

SonicSP 2009-05-10 09:55


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2386441)
I've painted beam parts to red from a pink base before and it work out fine. Tried blue on pink and it turned purple so that will give you some idea how it works.

Otherwise I'll point you to this.

Thanks for the tip and the link.I guess the colours may merge eith the original colour......but if I colour a coloured beam saber with a clear acrylics paint,the result should be a clear coloured saber as well right?

By the way,is there away to 'remove' the colour of a coloured kit beam saber to a completely colourless one?It sounds like a good way to change the colour of a beam saber if it can be done without damage to the beam saber itself

A bit of a redundant question,I'm sure it has been asked before but what it explained why the 1/100 Gundam 00 S2 Gundams didn't have torso movements like the S1 Gundams.I've heard the reason for 00 that so it can support the 0-Raiser but have not heard the reason why it was done so for the other Gundams as well.

randus 2009-05-10 10:50

I don't think there are any ways to removed a beam part color if it already has color, since it is not painted, if that is what you meant. Especially since the color is molded into the part already. >>

Well, the lack of the waist joints for the rest are probably for consistency's sake, I guess. =P

archaeous 2009-05-10 15:48

hey I am new to gundam modeling, I had done one 1/100 hg model before and got through it with minimal mishap. Well I have been given a 1/100 mg model as a gift. There are some interesting steps in here that I didn't see in my other model.

it says メッシュペイプ which i am guessing translates to mesh paper? There is a small ruler at the bottom of the page with markings on it and it looks like a tube or a strip of paper is inserted into the model. Could anyone explain what this is or where i could find that information. It is found a few times in the instructions and googling the katakana or my guessed translation. it is put up inside a part and then it dissapears a short time later so not quite sure what it is or what it is for.

Exia_00 2009-05-10 18:43


Originally Posted by archaeous (Post 2387648)
hey I am new to gundam modeling, I had done one 1/100 hg model before and got through it with minimal mishap. Well I have been given a 1/100 mg model as a gift. There are some interesting steps in here that I didn't see in my other model.

it says メッシュペイプ which i am guessing translates to mesh paper? There is a small ruler at the bottom of the page with markings on it and it looks like a tube or a strip of paper is inserted into the model. Could anyone explain what this is or where i could find that information. It is found a few times in the instructions and googling the katakana or my guessed translation. it is put up inside a part and then it dissapears a short time later so not quite sure what it is or what it is for.

I got that in the MG MK II, um it will ask u to cut it to a certain length when it is required on the model kit

archaeous 2009-05-10 19:18

ok i figured it out thanks. I was not seeing the little tube inn my materials makes much more sense now.

zero.sympathy 2009-05-10 22:22

New loot from ACen 2009:

Not included is an additional action base.

Soooo happy with just the Sword Impulse. ^^

GrahamAker 2009-05-10 23:50

May Gunpla Releases
1/100 00 Raiser Designer's Color Ver. - Today (May 11th) release, 5,250 Yen (inclusive of tax)

1/100 Astray Gold Frame - May 28th release, 4,200 Yen (inclusive of tax).

GrahamAker 2009-05-11 00:15

June Gunpla Releases
HGUC Hi-Nu Gundam - June release, 2,310 Yen (inclusive of tax)

HG 1/144 O Gundam (Type A.C.D) - June release, 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax)

HG 1/144 Exia Repair II - June release, 1,260 Yen (inclusive of tax)

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