Spoiler for 2009 GUNDAM BIG EXPO:
Zwei requires the painting on the skirts,not as much as Eins but is much more obvious and noticable.Drei needs the least I think but some parts need to painted with grey. Arche......well,personally Arche is disaster in colors personally but this is because of my taste.I dislike its shade of red,as well as it grey joints.So spray painted my Arche fully dark red [mixing wine red and some black in the mixture],and then painted the joints silver [more specifically gunchrome]. But it does not require that much I think if your fine with it the way it is.Its pretty huge too,but the leg articulation deserves much to be desired.ITs not too bad on its own,but the leg beam sabers are a bit limited in how cool they can look due to limitation of the leg articulations. Warning though,the leg beam sabers are come colorless,so you need to paint them clear red. Personally,I just love the sideskirts.Too bad the MS wasnt designed to be transformable liek the Throne Eins Turbelenz though. Quote:
Arios requires little painting,the only part that needs it is a)Twin Beam Rifle's Crystal sensor,clear blue b)Feet,insides must be painted black c)Beam Shield,the middle surface must be painted black. And if you want,you can paint the Condensers clear green but the default black is already fine actually if you dont want to go through the trouble. By the way,I assuem your talking about HGs here,all of them. |
I'm not too sure about Kyrios. For Arios, the only parts I know of that are not anime-accurate are the internal portions of the claws and the knee flaps(stickers used).
-edit- Oops, Sonic addressed it. His is more accurate. You could have a look at the out-of-box-condition kits at dalong: http://www.dalong.net/review/00.htm |
You may have heard bad things on HG Kyrios because it's true - many parts tend to fall of real easily.
I'm getting the impression that Arios would be the best choice... Confirmation anyone? Also, thanks for that site, Un1ver5e. It's pretty great :)
I'd say Arios or Arche,your call
I do know that HG 00 owns both of them if you havent owned it yet.But I get the feeling that you do. |
gentlemens pls start drawing out $$$$$
http://i47.tinypic.com/2mpxx10.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/15s1m39.jpg |
i find the arios much better than the kyrios, the transformation is a bit simpler and you dont need to take the legs apart and stuff.. and the arios comes with the seed stand. :) |
Anxiously looking forward to the release date of next month of the 00 7SG, I'm looking forward to adding 6 more swords to my current 'decked' XN 00 on 10 swords.
And something to add (not related to above): There is no model kit that does not require any painting. :) |
hmm can't wait to see 007S boxart :D
But its not as obvious as Zwei's,I missed it for almost 2 years. |
You can actually mix the colors :D |
I know,I just dont know what colors to mix to get that.I cant read japanese to read the color guide either.
Hell,I dotn even know what to call the color that is seravee's main color,other than the black I mean.I'm referring to the color of its feet and chest.Some parts of Eins's colors are the same as that. |
i dont follow the exact color proportions. all i can say is that you got to experiment mixing the colours and keep the color choices simple. |
THe GNX boxart looks great.
Hm, but in terms of articulation and design, is Eins ok? It's just the colours, right? I dunno why I'm so attracted to it. Maybe it's the huge GN Launcher.
But I'll probably go with the Arios since it's cheaper, plus it comes with a stand :heh: |
Robot Damashii F-91 Gundam. :D
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2686/...56cd5b2b_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2714/...5b01226b_o.jpg |
looks incredibly plain...
How do you figure that?
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