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duotiga 2010-04-04 04:30


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2985903)
Do you mean buy or make?I think Seravee would be okay even without Seraphim,so build it first if you want.

Just build the one you like first,Arios GNHW's GN Cannon is pretty cool though.Reminds me of a smaller Gadessa's GN Mega Launcher. make...already started doing seraphim for the hwb parts....once i start arios gnhw/m i be doing gn archer to put in MA mode & all together for the final showdown sortie formation

darkstrife 2010-04-04 04:38


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2985903)
By the way,is the new MG Unicorn worth buying?For the record,I never had the Ver Ka.What is the general opinion on the new MG Unicorn.

well i have the ver ka. and i think its a pretty good model, the new MG Gundam has 95% the same frame and armor pieces, the only pieces that are different are a few leg pieces which allows the knee joint more articulation (not much, only like 30 degrees more)

if you get the HD version, the inner frame is darker then the ver ka. tbh its up to you, if u havent got any version of the unicorn, i say go with the new one as its slightly improved (for basically the same prices as the ver ka.)

then again, if you love decals then go with the ver ka. (see Dalong's blog for some pics)

Dynamite 2010-04-04 12:18


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2986427)
Anyone have HG 1/144 Kyrios? I've heard many bad things about it like loose parts and such - true or not, and are these fixable? Thanks.

All joints on any kit are fixable. Most of them just need some superglue to make the joints/polycaps larger. The Kyrios is no different.

X207 2010-04-04 12:54

got my hands on the camera today. was playing around with some of the finished peices of the garrazzo.
just need to paint the turquoise and dull the finish to assemble it.

SonicSP 2010-04-04 13:08


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2986427)
Anyone have HG 1/144 Kyrios? I've heard many bad things about it like loose parts and such - true or not, and are these fixable? Thanks.

Warning,HG Arios right arm may be a bit loose in designs.Personal experience,got one spare part out of the box that came like that.

Anyhoo..............about HG Kyrios.Frankly,its not too bad but its not one of my favorites.The shield is pretty loose and drops quite easily.Its not like a total wrech or anything but dont expect a perfect model.

If you like Kyrios that much go for it.Frankly I think HG Arios is far superior to it,if you do not have it already.If you like Kyrios that much,you should probably get it.

I have 2 HG Kyrios,do not know what happened what happened to the old one but whatever it is,its so bad that I decided not to care less,I decided to buy a new one because the old one is in such a state of disrepair.I was much much more of an amateur then,so perhaps I blamed it on my bad skills [When I got the 2nd one,I have imporved tremedously] but looking back,there was a chance that the model itself wears of badly over time.I can speak of it conclusively though,what you heard may be true afterall.

I don't do much with my newer Kyrios,so don't know the same will happen.A lot of my S1 AD Gundams have been ignored ever since the S2 ones come out,except Exia.

JC... 2010-04-04 13:18

Did you paint that Gadess? I'm painting my Trans-Am Cherudim as I don't like the pink peices, they don't look like trans am, tomorrow I'll post up some photos.

SonicSP 2010-04-04 14:10

While we're well.........near the topic of Trans-Am,does anybody know how to replicate the clear pink effect in the beam sabers?I'm trying to make some "pink beams" so to speak that look similar to them by taking a piece of translucent paper,then coloring them.I've managed to replicate 00 Raiser's particle effects to a certain extent with it but not yet with the pink beams.

Problem is,there is no clear pink color available to me based on the products my store stocks.And I cant seem to find a good clear pink marker yet.And normal non clear pink doesn't seem to fit the visual effect I'm looking for,and I guess I'm trying to make to be as consistent with the default saber color as I can.

X207 2010-04-04 14:12


Originally Posted by JC... (Post 2987083)
Did you paint that Gadess? I'm painting my Trans-Am Cherudim as I don't like the pink peices, they don't look like trans am, tomorrow I'll post up some photos.

no thats the one i got a year or so back. any black area and larger panel lining is painted as is the white section under the shoulder. the only stickers are on the head and the blue on the legs. noticeably the hands are garrazzo. lately ive also been thinking of a normal gaddessa ie the buster canon. repainting gaddessa is pointess imo and too much effort. though adding the cannon would look great to either and its easy to attach. would it be cheaper/effective to get a gaddessa or order the cannon thru bandai?

is there any trick to painting eyes on a blitz gundam other than being careful? i dont like the green black combo for the eyes much (LN GATX-207), i prefer blue and red.

Sir Dearka 2010-04-04 20:01


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2987054)
got my hands on the camera today. was playing around with some of the finished peices of the garrazzo.

just need to paint the turquoise and dull the finish to assemble it.

Nice :D I am a big fan of GNZ models myself, especially the Gadessa, Gadess look.

I also played a bit with my camera, too:

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-04-04 22:11

Gaddess gets a 1/144 model kit mass release.

Robot Damashii Gaddess is a limited exclusive.

Am I the only sane person left on Earth?

X207 2010-04-04 22:26


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2987553)
Nice :D I am a big fan of GNZ models myself, especially the Gadessa, Gadess look.

I also played a bit with my camera, too:

thanks, my initial attempt was to redo the 003 and 004 but i dropped that for reasons posted already. the recolouring wont be 100% accurate but a 5% difference wont be too noticeable. i dont have the exact equivalents for the paint mix. i just got to get iver the initial laziness to mix sufficient paint for the model and more importanly to decide on a colour compromise to get it as close as possible. though im really feeling the urge to bite the bullet to get a gaddessa for the cannon. if i do get it, i dont know if i'll bother repainting or not.

i really do envy those who are willing to super glue parts to kit bash leaving the donors as spares. id love to do that yet id prefer to do so in a way where its all reversible.

is that exia a 100 scale? it looks too big for a 144 or the setsuna figure.

edit: lol after all this time i just realised one big innacuracy in all the GNZ models. the escape unit for production purposes (1/144) is missing the cockpit sectcion.

Bashfulz 2010-04-05 01:02


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2987726)
edit: lol after all this time i just realised one big innacuracy in all the GNZ models. the escape unit for production purposes (1/144) is missing the cockpit sectcion.

hrm, what do you mean?

Sir Dearka 2010-04-05 05:09


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2987726)
though im really feeling the urge to bite the bullet to get a gaddessa for the cannon. if i do get it, i dont know if i'll bother repainting or not.

The Gadessa is without doubt my favorite of all the GNZs. It has a nice, balanced color and the coolest ranged weapon I've seen in mecha nowadays.


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2987726)
is that exia a 100 scale? it looks too big for a 144 or the setsuna figure.

Yup, it's a 1/100 NG. A valuable one as it is a present from a friend, just like my other prized item, the 1/100 HG Gold Frame Amatsu. :)


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 2987908)
hrm, what do you mean?

Yeah, I'd like to know, too...

ako07 2010-04-05 10:34

just finished my SD 0 Gundam vs Exia R2 clear color

more pics at

X207 2010-04-05 11:54


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2988101)
The Gadessa is without doubt my favorite of all the GNZs. It has a nice, balanced color and the coolest ranged weapon I've seen in mecha nowadays.

Yup, it's a 1/100 NG. A valuable one as it is a present from a friend, just like my other prized item, the 1/100 HG Gold Frame Amatsu. :)

Yeah, I'd like to know, too...

i also like the color scheme of the gaddessa though its only second to the gaddess. it kight just be because i dont really see any turquoise ms out there so it stands out. the next collor i like is a light green ie gaddessa, i think i'll leave the colours as is. i know aplace where i can probably find a gaddessa on the shelves atm, hopefully it will still be there. thats a nice present, i wish i had some freinds like that too. none of my friends from previous schools had the much interest in gunpla aside from some liking anime.


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 2987908)
hrm, what do you mean?

picture taken from from a gnz003/004/007

they didnt really fully copy the triangle joint on the kit but its moot compared to the absense of a cockpit pod at the top.

Jestersage 2010-04-05 12:07

Think we will see a Reborns Gundam origin Kit? Or Time to kitbash?

Bashfulz 2010-04-05 13:02


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2988521)
picture taken from from a gnz003/004/007

they didnt really fully copy the triangle joint on the kit but its moot compared to the absense of a cockpit pod at the top.

hrm. icic, i looked at s02e19 and a tiny bit of the cockpit can be seen when seraphim grabbed the escape pod. from the pics at mahq, it looks as if the cockpit goes right through the body and can be assessed from the front too, so i guess you'll have to wait for a MG for this feature.. probably be the only one in 00 that has a core fighter. =D

Bashfulz 2010-04-05 13:03


Originally Posted by Jestersage (Post 2988535)
Think we will see a Reborns Gundam origin Kit? Or Time to kitbash?

you mean 1 Gundam? its scheduled for a May release.

JC... 2010-04-05 13:09

He means the Reborns Gundam Origin, it has a tank mode as well...

X207 2010-04-05 15:03


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 2988586)
hrm. icic, i looked at s02e19 and a tiny bit of the cockpit can be seen when seraphim grabbed the escape pod. from the pics at mahq, it looks as if the cockpit goes right through the body and can be assessed from the front too, so i guess you'll have to wait for a MG for this feature.. probably be the only one in 00 that has a core fighter. =D

i could see how they could replicate it on the model itself but then the torso would be rather hollow. it will be a pain in the butt to take it apart just to mount the cokpit on the escape pod. though i dont know if it would look nice to have a hole in the back. not to mention it would limit the play in the escape pod/gn drive. my gnz kitbash will need to wait, the gaddessa can be found at a store but its one of the more expensive prices $35 vs $30 at cheapest store.

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