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RRW 2018-05-29 16:38

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Kanon 2018-05-29 17:09

The next episode looks very interesting. I actually didn't expect what appears to be a direct confrontation with the Mass Divers to happen this soon, but it makes sense for Kyouya and the others to enlist more people's help given how out of hand things are getting.

Love the shot with Char and his clones in the preview :heh:

Skye629 2018-05-29 19:54

Actions a little bit better this time around. But this show has this habit I noticed of constantly cutting to the character at the controls during action sequences, instead of just letting the mechs do their stuff while overlaying the audio (which BF and BFT did a lot more). I do really like however the scenarios the battles are based around, it was really nice seeing the 0080 setup, hoping to see more like it in the future

And god what a waste of a Ghirarga. I get that in games not everyone is gonna be a good player, but it still sucks to see a good MS squandered. At least it looked sick using the Break Decal

I'm also glad they did not wrap up the rivalry here, but instead used it as another stepping stone to show the MC's improvements. His decision to overcome Trans-Am without using it himself is also good. Good pilots/players don't use it as a crutch, but as an augment for their high levels of ability/gunpla performance

Also best YT comment seen so far:


Chibiloli 2018-05-29 21:18

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
Is the Chin Aznable a reference to this dude?
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

Galaxian 2018-05-29 22:18

Good, but could have been great. The pay off for all the build up fell short.

magnumcyclonex 2018-05-30 00:12

I still find it interesting that not all of the members of the team have actually met in person in real life yet.

B214 2018-05-30 06:24

The preview makes me think that the characters will be undergoing the trap in game thing next. But i doubt that would happen.

Magewolf 2018-05-30 18:48

I still do not understand what the point of using Break Decal is. People who use it keep acting like it will make them look stronger for some reason. If it just powered up the MS with no one the wiser to the fact that you were cheating I could see that but in this case it shrouds your MS in an evil purple glow and breaks the sky around you. All it does is say " Hey,watch me cheat at the game here because that is the only way I can win".

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2018-05-30 23:08

The fight in this episode is cool enough I guess. It’s too bad that the Ghirarga is piloted by a pushover (it reminds me when Hyaku Shiki was piloted by total noob in ZZ). It’s still amusing to see Kirito voicing a total loser in this VRMMO. Also, I didn’t say this before but I kinda like Ogre’s voice. It’s not your typical gruff and deep voice. It's softer but also not leaning too heavily on the ikemen/bishounen side. Speaking of Ogre, I really think he has a severe case of chuunibyou where he really take his Oni role a bit too seriously to the point where he talks like a person who lives in ancient Japan or something (and all that eating analogy :uhoh:).

Now let’s go to the negatives:
  • There’s still no sign of admins or any form of game authority even after all the big disturbance in GBN. Do they really not exist? If so, then this is truly a bad MMO games coz it will be an ideal place for cheaters and hackers to do whatever the hell they want.
  • I think there’s a bit of inconsistency in the post-credit scene. There, we see the remains of Rommel’s forces that got slaughtered, but how? It’s already established that mechas that explode in GBN turn into blocky pixels and then disappeared afterwards. So, how come we see the remains, parts and debris of fallen MSs in that scene? Please correct me if I’m wrong
  • Why in the heck Kirito chose that lame looking Oni avatar? Does he think it's cool or cute or something? A VRMMO is an opportunity for everyone to look cool or cute, yet he chose that belly-popping oni as his avatar?
  • As bombastic as the battle is, I can’t help but feeling that something is lacking. There’s that certain sparks that GBD lacks. One of them is something unique that give the battle in the show an identity of its own. GBF has the benefit of novelty of watching different MSs from different series fight each other for the first time on TV, and there’s also the RG System (except the Build Knuckle). GBFT has Sekai and his OTT Jigen Hao Ryuu as well as an SD Gundam which used seriously and successfully by the protag for supports. Heck, even Gundam AGE & G-Reco (which are arguably two of the worst Gundam shows out there) has their own battle identities:
    Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) In comparison, GBD has nothing but ye-olde beam & projectile weapons and standard melee fights and various power-ups that we’ve seen plenty of times before in other series but without the animation ingenuity of the best Gundam TV episodes. That kinda left me rather cold when watching the battles (except for the Prologue and probably Episode 3 because those were done rather well).


Originally Posted by Magewolf (Post 6241754)
I still do not understand what the point of using Break Decal is. People who use it keep acting like it will make them look stronger for some reason. If it just powered up the MS with no one the wiser to the fact that you were cheating I could see that but in this case it shrouds your MS in an evil purple glow and breaks the sky around you. All it does is say " Hey,watch me cheat at the game here because that is the only way I can win".

Yeah, that too. It's like children's show (which arguably it is).

Illsteir 2018-05-31 00:21


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6241792)
  • I think there’s a bit of inconsistency in the post-credit scene. There, we see the remains of Rommel’s forces that got slaughtered, but how? It’s already established that mechas that explode in GBN turn into blocky pixels and then disappeared afterwards. So, how come we see the remains, parts and debris of fallen MSs in that scene? Please correct me if I’m wrong

Aside from the obvious dramatic effect, it could be a new bug resulting from the (ab)use of Break Decals.

Skye629 2018-05-31 06:53

Its possible the avatar cores are based around the actual people, which are the customized/tweaked (of course Rommel defies this explanation. But since the show is still pretty open, there's always the possibility that he's some sort of VIP member, or the result of some rare transformation item or something)

As for moderators, I actually don't mind not seeing them, they work behind the scenes anyways. These sort of issues are handled outside the game with coding and whatnot, not by being in the game and playing with gunpla. I've also seen real life cases where moderators/tech people stand back and observe cheating, to learn about how its being done/exploited etc. Plus we don't really know how long this has been an issue either, I highly doubt its been around for any extensive period of time

That aside though, at the end of the day the story is aimed to simply have the cheaters as the antagonists, and the main cast have to take a personal stand against cheating (instead of having mods solve all the problems for them). A basic premise for a story based on an MMO game.

Kanon 2018-05-31 10:39

The problem is, what are normal players hoping to accomplish by fighting the people spreading the break decals? Even if they defeat them, they'll just respawn or create other accounts.

Skaddix 2018-06-01 01:43

I mean this is some egregious widespread cheating any game with this much cheating going on when have the community up in arms with Admins and Mods for not doing their job.

And yeah cheaters can just make new accounts.

Faux Mecha 2018-06-01 09:02

still not sure because its face got wet, it looks if the Ghirarga is crying, reacting to its pilot.

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