Just ordered a bunch of kits to go along with the new MG Strike:
MG Duel, Blitz and Aegis. And because Buster is out of stock, I ordered HG AGE-3 Fortress and Clanche Custom xD |
Hey guys, need some advice here once again. As I've posted before - my HG Sazabi's right leg can't fit the ball joint. Long story short, my friend helped me to put putty on to the ball to "reshape" it. I'm currently in the process of sanding and cutting it down to fit into the replacement polycap I have for it. For those with experience with putty, any advice on how I should go about getting the ball to fit the polycap nicely? Thanks!
Do you guys think Bandai has plans to do:
MG Aile Strike Rouge RM MG Freedom RM MG Justice I think the Rouge is likely since it would just be a recolor so I guess that could be yet another online exclusive. But the Freedom RM and Justice I think is a must do since there are lots of fans of the Freedom and the Justice never got a MG and would look good next to the Aegis. |
Rouge will probably be an exclusive, they love exclusives these days... |
=P And yea. I noticed that too. Bandai loves doing online exclusives releases. While annoying and expensive, I'm glad that we're at least getting it. |
Imagine these 2 as MG's... I think it would be cool and possible. Bandai could just reuse the MG Tallgeese EW frame and modify the armor pieces, accessories, and the head. On the topic of MG (as usual of me..ehehe), has anyone heard anything (even rumors) of MG kits from Gundam X? Gundam X Gundam X Divider Gundam Double X Those are the 3 basics that we would need. |
I sadly dont see any MG X kits being made soon, but those 3 only would be fine imo and they would be rather easy to make and make release slots for (and X divider is practically 85% the same with new weapons and backpack) |
I've been thinking about getting the G Gundam Master Grades...
Shining Gundam God Gundam Master Gundam Spiegal Gundam What's your opinion on these 4? |
LOL, I remember when he basically said this in the past: “I will only collect the main Gundams from 00 line, nothing else!” and said how limiting your must-get list will save you so much money. How limited is your list now, suiton? |
I've seen the YouTubers reviews and saw Dalong's website. Quote:
IMO they hold up really well for their age, being able to pull of great poses, and lack of inner frame is not really a con unless you plan to display without armor/make dioramas Not too sure though if the gold ones are undergated or not, might want to look into that |
Anyway, where's the cheapest place that I can get them? MG GF13-017NJ SHINING GUNDAM MG GF13-017NJII GOD GUNDAM MG GF13-001NHII MASTER GUNDAM MG GF13-021NG GUNDAM SPIEGEL |
So, I'm partial to the U.C. hero Gundams, and Amuro ones in particular. (Yeah, I know; real original.)
I haven't really been following the latest information recently (busy with family), but I see that a Master Grade Ver. Ka of the Nu Gundam is out already (with some controversial changes related to Unicorn), and a Ver. 3.0 of the original RX-78-2 is coming out already. My question is, should I get the Ver. Ka and do that now, or wait for the RX-78 Ver. 3.0? The Nu Gundam is on sale for 5000 yen at the local Joshin, but how labor-intensive is that? Being a Ver. Ka, am I looking at a fair amount of painting? |
For MG Nu Ka, looking from the scale (it’s pretty big) and all the details (many parts), you do need a bit effort to build it. Still, my friend who has it said that it’s a really enjoyable build except for the funnels and the stickers behind the clear psycho-frames. Many modellers said that building the funnels are redundant and boring (LOL) and those funnels really don’t attach that well to each other (which the older MG has no problem with). You need to provide some time to fully build MG Nu Ka, or just do it step-by-step whenever you’re free. As for painting, considering all the details the kit already provides, I don’t think you’ll need further painting, unless you don’t like many of its stickers and prefer to paint it yourself. If you’re okay with the stickers, all you need is to panel-line it with thin markers to bring out the details. Furthermore, if you like the decals, I imagine it will also take some time to apply them. How long will it takes depends on how fast you apply them and how many decals you want to apply (and there are quite many decals) to your Nu. All in all MG Nu ver. Ka is worth your money (especially if it’s on sale). |
Nice picture for suiton :D:
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3TM34D1VD1...1600/0+(3).jpg Maybe i should get 2 more to have a similar set up |
^ Why is there no regular Exia in that pic? All of them (minus Exia Repair I) has clear-green blades on their GN Swords which regular Exia shouldn't have.
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