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Kairin 2012-07-06 01:09

Sword Art Online - Requests for new threads
Since the Sword Art Online forum is limited (only Mods and Admin can create new threads), this thread serves as a way to request a new thread to be created.

Please post here if you wish to request a new Sword Art Online thread. Please bear in mind that we will only accept reasonable requests, we wish to maintain the focus within the forum and cut down on the noise (so no pointless threads cluttering up the place).

Don't forget that you may still post in existing threads as usual, the only restriction is that you may not create new threads within this particular forum.

Miraluka 2012-07-07 11:44

I request a game thrad since the series has one announced already.

Ray 2012-07-07 11:50


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4242753)
I request a game thrad since the series has one announced already.

We already have one for the PSP game, but I don't know if there'd be much use moving it this sub-forum. Or maybe it would; I don't know.

If it isn't too much, could we please get a Music Discussion thread, please? The OST and OP are great.

james0246 2012-07-07 16:40


Originally Posted by Aphrah (Post 4242764)
If it isn't too much, could we please get a Music Discussion thread, please? The OST and OP are great.


CrowKenobi 2012-07-08 00:24


Originally Posted by Aphrah (Post 4242764)
We already have one for the PSP game, but I don't know if there'd be much use moving it this sub-forum. Or maybe it would; I don't know.

One of the benefits of a title getting its own sub-forum is that all the related threads can be put "under one roof" so to speak. Thus, the game thread has been moved here. :D

Dark Wing 2012-07-09 16:47

I know it maybe a little early to be asking for this cause I know a many may want to want until the series ends and get all the info they can before they start writing but what about a fan fic thread for both Accel World and SAO?

monir 2012-07-09 17:01


Originally Posted by Dark Wing (Post 4246896)
I know it maybe a little early to be asking for this cause I know a many may want to want until the series ends and get all the info they can before they start writing but what about a fan fic thread for both Accel World and SAO?

We can do a fan-fic thread for SAO... In fact, give me a sec...

edit: There you go.

Shinji103 2012-07-13 00:29

How about a thread for the manga?

monir 2012-07-13 04:12


Originally Posted by Shinji103 (Post 4251699)
How about a thread for the manga?


Calca 2012-07-15 00:29

I guess maybe a general thread? I want to talk about what I would do if confronted with this situation since I have played a few MMORPGs but there isn't really a place for that. I would also like to hear maybe some strategies that other RPG players may use if they were stuck in a 1-kill RPG world.

monir 2012-07-15 00:40


Originally Posted by Calca (Post 4254953)
I guess maybe a general thread? I want to talk about what I would do if confronted with this situation since I have played a few MMORPGs but there isn't really a place for that. I would also like to hear maybe some strategies that other RPG players may use if they were stuck in a 1-kill RPG world.

We've already got a General Discussion thread, but for the topic you've in mind, I think we can use a new thread. See if you can expand on what you want to talk about and submit the opening post here.

Also, can anyone suggest a cool title for the thread topic Calca has in mind?

Wild Goose 2012-07-15 00:43

Hmmm.... Perhaps Aincrad Survival School? Aka ASS. :p

monir 2012-07-15 00:54


Originally Posted by Wild Goose (Post 4254980)
Hmmm.... Perhaps Aincrad Survival School? Aka ASS. :p

lol.. I'll keep that in mind. :D While we wait for Calca, any other suggestions?

Calca 2012-07-15 00:58


Originally Posted by monir (Post 4254973)
We've already got a General Discussion thread, but for the topic you've in mind, I think we can use a new thread. See if you can expand on what you want to talk about and submit the opening post here.

Also, can anyone suggest a cool title for the thread topic Calca has in mind?

Oh you're right, I only saw "anime" and didn't bother looking at the rest of the thread title.

Maybe for a title "Sword Art Online - Real life RPG survival strategies" or something like that.

Maybe for the opening post something like "Welcome! The purpose of this thread is to discuss what you would do if confronted with the life and death situation of being stuck in an RPG where your character dying means your own death. What strategies would you undertake to survive? Would you party? Would you solo? Would you form a massive guild?"

Ah sorry though you'll have to give me sometime to come up with a complete welcoming post since I wasn't expecting a response so fast but something like that would start it off. It's also late at night here so I'm about to go to bed maybe some others can think of some better thread titles?

Calca 2012-07-15 01:40

Okay for the opening post:

"Welcome! The purpose of this thread is to discuss what you would do if confronted with the life and death situation of being stuck in an RPG where your character dying means your own death. What strategies would you undertake to survive? Would you party? Would you solo? Would you form a massive guild?

Remember the purpose of this thread is what you would do if your very life rested in an RPG. This isn't simply a hardcore playthough where you start over if your character dies once. If your character dies, you die as well so keep that in mind. Feel free to debate and contrast your strategies and techniques as your very survival would depend on it!"

Obviously the no-spoiler etc etc is included. But now I really am going to bed. If the mods think I need to add more, I will tomorrow.

monir 2012-07-15 01:55

That's good enough. Thread created! You can edit the opening post since it is created under you. :)

LKK 2012-07-18 11:13

Since it looks like the next episode's previews are uploaded online mid-week rather aired with the current week's episodes, could there be a thread dedicated to linking to and discussing the previews so that they're all in one place?

monir 2012-07-18 11:18


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 4261080)
Since it looks like the next episode's previews are uploaded online mid-week rather aired with the current week's episodes, could there be a thread dedicated to linking to and discussing the previews so that they're all in one place?

I'll add Anime Previews in the title for the existing Speculation and theories for the Anime-only viewers.

relentlessflame 2012-07-18 16:04


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 4261080)
Since it looks like the next episode's previews are uploaded online mid-week rather aired with the current week's episodes, could there be a thread dedicated to linking to and discussing the previews so that they're all in one place?


Originally Posted by monir (Post 4261088)
I'll add Anime Previews in the title for the existing Speculation and theories for the Anime-only viewers.

To clarify this, it means that anime-only viewers can discuss the previews in that thread, and novel readers can discuss the previews in "Spoilers & Speculation". I would tend to think we don't necessarily need a separate thread just to discuss the previews each week... but maybe I'm wrong...

LKK 2012-07-18 16:54


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 4261464)
I would tend to think we don't necessarily need a separate thread just to discuss the previews each week... but maybe I'm wrong...

That's fine. For myself, I was more concerned that all the preview discussion end up in a single location that can be easily found or easily avoided depending a reader's preference. Specifying an existing thread(s) for the previews accomplishes the same purpose in my mind.

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