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Obelisk ze Tormentor 2020-12-27 07:55


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 6452593)
so after ALOT OF procrastination, errors and hard learning experiences. i made 3 steps forward and 4 steps back on the RC project.

Forgive me for being an absolute noob but, what are those four "antennas" on the car's body? :confused:


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 6452786)
Thanks! This guy is actually pretty tanky overall compared to a standard GM. In isolation they look kinda similar in the body but if you see them side by side, the sniper custom has more going on with armour on the hatch and vents. It actually also comes with a set of the GM Sniper II's more sleeker/pointed shoulder armor on the runners, so it can be made a little less utilitarian. Which is a nice extra.

Btw, do you have any reason to paint the tip of the GM's index fingers yellow?

X207 2020-12-27 12:29


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6452794)
Forgive me for being an absolute noob but, what are those four "antennas" on the car's body? :confused:

Np, yeah those look like antenna but those are the body mount posts. The body she'll typically has 4 holes in the shell so it can slide down the body posts. Clips that look similar to hair Barrett, these body clips slide into slotted holes on those posts. 1 set to support the underside of the she'll and another set to secure the top of the body. Most people usually trim those posts down so they don't stick out too much when the shell is put on the chassis. Im not going to trim mine yet. I plan to get another body shell later which will be a different design and will only know which holes to use for the body clips.

There are some transmitters/radios that require an antenna but mine doesn't. Other holes can also be made in the shell for modifications ie fake exhaust tips, led lights and engine cooling. There are Electric motors and also gas motors. Gas motors usually have shells that have 2 squares cut out of the front window and roof around 1.5x1.5 inch. People also do cut holes in other areas of the body shell as they see fit for their purposes. Electric motors are usually fine with just 4 body post holes provided the ekectronics arent too close to each other.

Speaking of modifications, I cut out the oval part where the exhaust pipe stickers were supposed to go. No big deal but I found some chromy metal straws that I plan to use/attach to rear chassis with a small bolt to have nice exhaust tips. I haven't started on that yet, mostly trying to get it to run in a way so I dont break it too much. It turns out the shocks I currently have aren't half bad but they are still made from plastic. Trying to sort out suspension setting as a newb is confusing to say the least...

Drake 2020-12-27 18:58


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6452794)
Btw, do you have any reason to paint the tip of the GM's index fingers yellow?

Ha that's a little call back to a practice of real military marksman, who would often cut the trigger finger off their gloves. Yellow is a nice complimenting colour to green so I wanted some on there to match the yellow in a lot of the decals.

X207 2021-01-01 22:01

so i got some updates on the RC car. nothing big but i can go ahead an run to some extent once i find the time. the stock shocks are still installed but i got around to gluing the hard drift tires on the aluminum rims. i ordered a 2nd set of aluminum rims and glued them. the original set got painted today but no further progress until i get the tire removal kit in. im going need to get super glue for the soft rubber tires as gorilla glue doesnt seem to work to great as i can still unseat the glued rims without too much force.

i also ordered a aluminum set of brake rotors that function as a locking/contact surface to transfer movement to the tires. one side has the pin locking (holding bearing) and the other side has the hex nut mounting surface for the rim. the plastic ones will eventually break so i got this to avoid stripped hex mounting surfaces that plastic ones could get.

EDIT: i just ordered a MG Blitz Gundam. the extra details the MG kit have and its general size did the trick, my wallet will say something else later on though... apparently due to the better color separation of parts, some smaller pieces nay require a bit of glue to stay on there more securely. what is the general consensus on that?

my MG Blitz came in today and im 1 step closer to a full set. thankfully the special mirage colloid version is expensive...

Drake 2021-02-16 17:41

Phew at long last my first PG down. I'd be lying if I said it was a fun build, there was lots of very tight fitting parts and an all Japanese manual to contend with. Though I am pretty happy with the end result. Used some third parties decals as I thought the default unicorn set is a little too suble for something so big.

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Really would like to pic up a PGU RX78 next but they're impossible to get in my neck of the woods =[

Psyco Diver 2021-03-29 19:43

I was at the store today with my son when we came across some Gunpla kits for around $12 piece. My son is starting to get into gundam so what the heck why not, so I bought a HG Barbatos Lupus Rex. It's been a good while since I built a model, probably since my early teens. It's nice i don't have to use that toxic as heck model glue anymore, I think I might to buy some more now. Question is, this was way to complicated for my son to put together (he's 6) is their a simple kit for him to be able to build?
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Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-03-30 05:40


Originally Posted by Psyco Diver (Post 6466401)
Question is, this was way to complicated for my son to put together (he's 6) is their a simple kit for him to be able to build?
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Yes, HG Barbatos is a bit too much for a 6yo to build considering that it has inner frame that makes it more complex than other HG.

If your son never had any experience building Gunpla before, why not starting with the EG (Entry Grade) Gundam?

The kit is both simple and great, even better than some of the old HGs. It's also dirt-cheap compared to others :D.

Psyco Diver 2021-03-30 09:00


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6466453)
Yes, HG Barbatos is a bit too much for a 6yo to build considering that it has inner frame that makes it more complex than other HG.

If your son never had any experience building Gunpla before, why not starting with the EG (Entry Grade) Gundam?

The kit is both simple and great, even better than some of the old HGs. It's also dirt-cheap compared to others :D.

Awesome I checked some of them out. I grew up building model cars and planes so it's a bit different from that

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-04-14 01:05

Sharing this coz no other modellers are crazy enough to buy, build & review 1/12 Gundam kit :twitch:.

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Justice Knight 2021-04-16 11:53

ok im new to gundam model, not gonna go hardcore, prob just snap build :)

I saw alot of same gundam models, i ordered this p bandai crossbone today

I also saw there are many cross bone full cloth in the past, whats the difference?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-04-16 16:37


Originally Posted by Justice Knight (Post 6469913)
ok im new to gundam model, not gonna go hardcore, prob just snap build :)

I saw alot of same gundam models, i ordered this p bandai crossbone today

I also saw there are many cross bone full cloth in the past, whats the difference?

What you just ordered is the Crossbone Gundam X-0 (Ghost)-version of the Full Cloth. The other Full Cloth kits before it was the Crossbone Gundam X-1 version.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-04-18 04:58

First review of MG Gundam Mk-V.

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Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-04-23 22:13

HGUC Xi Gundam review is here:

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Bonta Kun 2021-04-27 05:35

This is actually cool as hell, the 1/100 also very cool.

n0m@n 2021-04-27 06:26

I'm happy Bandai is releasing a weapon/armory set for MG Altron Gundam, Tallgeese II, and Deathscythe Hell. Though its obviously P-bandai.

I was about to purchase the old 100 scale Altron Gundam (TV version) to modify its wing and tail on the MG Altron but now I wont have to! GoL sure did change/add things to EW version.

And the weapons Tallgeese II used on GoL would be great addition. I'm just too much of a fan of the Tallgeese.

Though I didn't realize Deathscythe Hell had additional armour/weapon added when it was on GoL.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-06-15 09:40

Oh look, a Gundam Universe-line figure that's actually good!

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n0m@n 2021-07-08 19:33

MG Tallgeese Flugel!

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-07-10 22:31

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GU Char's Zaku could've been great, but Bandai just had to cheap out and use the same Gundam hands for this non-Gundam figure. Why Bandai? Why??!

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2021-07-23 21:56

High demand -> Gunpla shortage -> scalpers rising are deadly combination for non-rich modellers/collectors.

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Gundam market might slowly becoming like Transformers market.

Illsteir 2021-07-26 11:06

^I'm really looking forward to getting this product and I hope the store where I preordered it won't experience delays.

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