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GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-11-12 02:17

Blue makes everything better.

v717 2010-11-12 03:36

Don't think this has been posted before, if yes sorry

SonicSP 2010-11-12 06:14


Originally Posted by v717 (Post 3342490)
Don't think this has been posted before, if yes sorry

I'm betting it 3 times faster than the normal Brave? :heh:

Heh, awesome really. The dual-wielding thing just fits perfectly.

pumpkins 2010-11-12 06:23

^looks nice. :) ali al-saachez version? but isnt he dead?

v717 2010-11-12 07:02


Originally Posted by pumpkins (Post 3342574)
^looks nice. :) ali al-saachez version? but isnt he dead?


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 3342569)
I'm betting it 3 times faster than the normal Brave? :heh:

Heh, awesome really. The dual-wielding thing just fits perfectly.

Char Version:D

MakubeX2 2010-11-12 07:25

MG OOQ is out in Taiwan (which explain the pix earlier) a week ahead of scheduel. And selling at a bargain of US$40 (Quite a bargain considering the abyssmal Dollar-To-Yen exchange rate)

Initial report says that there is no LED nor Bit Stand included. So a Special Edition might just be in the works.

nyerk 2010-11-12 10:00


Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou (Post 3341860)
I was actually referring to the head horns.

Asymmetrical head horns on the Standard type.

kakakka 2010-11-12 11:16

The difference is so small compared to lineart

SonicSP 2010-11-12 12:25


Originally Posted by v717 (Post 3342490)
Don't think this has been posted before, if yes sorry

lol, I wonder if somebody in the future just decided to pretend to get the Saachez title too.........:D


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 3342603)
MG OOQ is out in Taiwan (which explain the pix earlier) a week ahead of scheduel. And selling at a bargain of US$40 (Quite a bargain considering the abyssmal Dollar-To-Yen exchange rate)

Initial report says that there is no LED nor Bit Stand included. So a Special Edition might just be in the works.

US40 US Dollars huh? Wow that is good. Can't wait to get myself this one, even if I'll have to pay normal. Yen is a bit high these days.

Hope it doesn't disappoint though. The lack of a Bit stand is very disappointing but not really surprising since we haven't actually seen one at this point and if they had it in mind they would have shown it off already.

Znozzy 2010-11-12 16:34

anyone here own a 1/100 MG Hi-zack? i checked the review on dalong, but if anyone here owns one, could you care to share the pro and cons of the kit? does it grip the rifles good, etc? thanks in advance : )

vektar 2010-11-13 02:08


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 3343176)
anyone here own a 1/100 MG Hi-zack? i checked the review on dalong, but if anyone here owns one, could you care to share the pro and cons of the kit? does it grip the rifles good, etc? thanks in advance : )

I have the kit and made a youtube review though not that good or detailed.
( )

I also have a few pics.

Araxiel 2010-11-13 11:32


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 3342569)
Heh, awesome really. The dual-wielding thing just fits perfectly.

Or not, in the case of transforming it. Where would the second rifle go in MA mode?

SonicSP 2010-11-13 14:27


Originally Posted by Araxiel (Post 3344372)
Or not, in the case of transforming it. Where would the second rifle go in MA mode?

With two Drake Howlings, you don't need Fighter Mode. :)

Or just give it to another Brave.

Akyra 2010-11-13 19:49


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 3338366)
I will not take credit for this mod because I didn't create it in the first place.

But from what the modder mentioned, basically he takes a bunch of micro LED, linked them to an equal amount of Resistor, tied up all the loose ends on one end to be powered by a DC 3V Battery while the rest of the loose end get slide into the model kit to be place where it was required. See how the cables lay expose on the elbows, back of the knee and around the shields too.

Thanks for that. Might give that a try when I get a bit of time...does look pretty cool

X207 2010-11-14 10:58

I finally got around to finishing my 144 Akatsuki Gundam. the only thing left is to paint the beam sabers but i'll leave that for whenever i get a solution to paint them clear pink. I got around to priming the SD Blitz Gundam. I like the SD series but they're a pain in the butt to build. The devil is in the open areas like the hands. I have to fill in the hands, the gun part of the shield and even the inside of the legs. I have a SD gunner Zaku but they didn't leave the legs open on it. is it common for the inner side of the legs to be open? I did remove the solid tabs keeping the KE darts on the shield together even if it took 30-40 minutes.

I also got a 144 Arios Gundam, its the 3rd kit i have yet to start on. what are the common problems with the Arios gundam again? i do remember a quick fix for the shoulder joint but are there other problems with it?

lazyfr3ak 2010-11-14 12:00 posted preview of MG 1/100 00 Qan[T] by YellowSubmarine HobbyShop Blog -

kakakka 2010-11-14 12:37

1) Skirts fall out easy
2) The ones connecting the legs and the hips (not the ball joint) can become loose.
3) Arms can weaken, making it hard to hold items/weapons at reach without falling/going down.
4) the torso joint is not that firm; torso can bend easy.

X207 2010-11-14 15:14


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 3345812)
1) Skirts fall out easy
2) The ones connecting the legs and the hips (not the ball joint) can become loose.
3) Arms can weaken, making it hard to hold items/weapons at reach without falling/going down.
4) the torso joint is not that firm; torso can bend easy.

thank you kakakka, how many of these problems can be solved with super glue to make the harder to fall off?

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-11-14 20:15

In all honesty, I'm surprised the Brave didn't come out looking like this.

LoweGear 2010-11-14 20:40


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 3345812)
1) Skirts fall out easy
2) The ones connecting the legs and the hips (not the ball joint) can become loose.
3) Arms can weaken, making it hard to hold items/weapons at reach without falling/going down.
4) the torso joint is not that firm; torso can bend easy.

Having the HG Arios myself:

1) is a legit complaint due to the design of the skirt joints. They are easy to reattach though.

2) is also true

3) Haven't had this problem yet with my arios, they're still as stiff as ever. Granted they only hold the Twin Beam Rifle and beam sabers, which aren't heavy.

4) It's easy to bend sure, but I would call it firm imho, since on mine the torso joint stays in position once I set it.


Originally Posted by lazyfr3ak (Post 3345765) posted preview of MG 1/100 00 Qan[T] by YellowSubmarine HobbyShop Blog -

Nice parts breakdown of the MG 00Q. And comparing the parts to both the MG Exia and the MG GN-X, I can quite conclusively say that the MG 00Q does not use parts from either suit at all unlike what some people have been claiming.


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3346336)
In all honesty, I'm surprised the Brave didn't come out looking like this.

That Brave... it looks GLORIOUS :love:

I especially like the replacement of the Brave feet with the Flag's, definitely an awesome improvement. The Cruise form though looks tacky with both the Flag backpack and the Brave Side Binders present, should've stuck to just one of them. :heh:

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