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Klashikari 2011-11-19 06:07

Fate/Zero - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Fate/Zero, Episode 8.

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Nixl 2011-11-19 11:47

The episodes always go so fast.

Although I felt how Saber/Lancer concluded the fight with Caster seemed a bit anticlimactic. That is not to say bad, but I was surprised by how fast it ended this episode compared to how it was built up in the previous episode. Considering what happened this episode this is a rather minor complaint. Also, initially I found Caster's voice annoying, but it proves fitting for the character now that I see it.

edit: It is good to see that the quality, at least for the fights appears to be staying consistent.

Sheba 2011-11-19 11:58

The battles between Kiritsugu and El Melloi, and Iris x Maiya vs Kirei were far more interesting than the one between Servants. And you gotta love how things did not go as planned for Kayneth. Getting humbled can't begin to describe what happened to him. :D

GuidoHunter_Toki 2011-11-19 11:59

Another fine episode. Kind of went by fast like the last few but all around entertaining.

Not much to say besides the fight were really well done, but dang Keiri becomes more and more chilling each episode. Also loved seeing Kayneth getting one-upped by Kiritsugu.

Malkuth 2011-11-19 12:10

Kotomine and Emiya are truely ruthless :bow:

AvianWing 2011-11-19 12:20

Iris reminds me quite a bit of Sion. With the clothes and strings, the resemblance becomes even more uncanny.

I like the fights between humans more than Saber and Lancer hacking at Caster. Kotomine is pretty badass. How did he get from this to a generic villain in F/SN?

Overall, everything once again resolves nicely... too nicely. Caster is solved, but still got away. Yeah, he busted out his noble phantasm and probably won't be much of a force in the future, but I would have liked at least one casualty. Same with Lancer's master. Seems like he's suffered permanent damage... but still remains. At least one more week of handicapped Saber makes me a sad panda.

ChronoReverse 2011-11-19 12:30


Originally Posted by AvianWing (Post 3864431)
I like the fights between humans more than Saber and Lancer hacking at Caster. Kotomine is pretty badass. How did he get from this to a generic villain in F/SN?

He's only generic in Fate (which is unfortunate since that's the one everyone saw in Fate) and minor in UBW. HF is where he really gets going.


Overall, everything once again resolves nicely... too nicely. Caster is solved, but still got away. Yeah, he busted out his noble phantasm and probably won't be much of a force in the future, but I would have liked at least one casualty.
What do you mean by busted out his noble phantasm? Lancer cut it but it healed up.

Tom Bombadil 2011-11-19 12:31

Hmm, for an episode with so many different fights, this one surprisingly lacks tension. The result of the fight between the servants was clear from last episode, and we know that saber's master has this trump card. I didn't expect the ladies to meet with the priest, but it was clear they were not going to win. The ending part got me worried a bit, but nothing of significance happened.

AvianWing 2011-11-19 12:35


Originally Posted by ChronoReverse (Post 3864439)
What do you mean by busted out his noble phantasm? Lancer cut it but it healed up.

As in like, slang for showing it, e.g. he busted out his mad skills. Shows have the tendency to make villains less relevant once they used their "ultimate" technique, and unless Caster has more noble phantasms, he's gonna get less interesting from now on.

Fenrir_valindri 2011-11-19 12:44

Your presuming he only has one Noble Phantasm, look where that got Saber vs Lancer.

hoarfrost 2011-11-19 12:45

Being a complete Kotomine/Executor/Burial Agency fanboy, I can't even pretend to be objective here. This is the best episode yet. I had felt like the last few weren't really meeting expectations, but the atmosphere and directing here really conveyed well the chilling reality of the war and its participants. You can just see the despair on Irisviel's face watching(and hearing!) her opponent tear a goddamn tree apart.

Watching humans fight, for me at least, is so much more visceral than watching the exaggerated fights of spirits. I think it is the stylistic difference between Urobuchi and Nasu and that Gen was contrasting the difference between real combat and the idealization of it that we experience through the legends and myths. I mean, look at the difference between the bombastic episode 4-5 showdown and this.

Man, I am going to rewatch this for the whole week until episode 9.

hero147 2011-11-19 12:52

Omg...The episode was amazing. Best episode yet. The story is absolutely breath-taking. And Irisviel T.T. Fight-o.

Kaiba 2011-11-19 13:01


Originally Posted by Fenrir_valindri (Post 3864453)
Your presuming he only has one Noble Phantasm, look where that got Saber vs Lancer.

Not to mention, he's well, Caster. Caster is obviously a servant who would be able to bust out all sorts of little magic schemes.

jonli 2011-11-19 13:02

Okay, so I really enjoyed this episode as well but there are a few things that I must point out.

1) Why on earth did Kiritsugu throw away his machine gun, just to summersault out of his way to pick it up. In the previous episode I thought he ran out so he threw it...but now I realized he just did it to act cool. That kind of turned me off a bit.

2) I'm not understanding the explanation of Kiritsugu's magic bullet. I seem to grasp the concept that it fucks up your magic circuit because it doesn't heal properly since his "origin" gets in the way. But what is this origin and how does it work? I'm also not understanding his strategy. Why did he want Kayneth to be on full-defense when he fired the second shot? Did that affect the second bullet's ability? Did the second bullet get through as well? Wouldn't it just be easier if he shot Kayneth in the head the first time instead of his shoulder? I don't think he would've missed honestly (well maybe the mercury richocheted it to his shoulder).

3) Kotomine is bullet proof? Is that some sort of magic? This practically makes Maiya completely useless against magus, unless she snipes them from afar or targets weak masters like Waver.

4) Nice touch with Irisviel, I thought she was done for since I'm pretty darn sure she's not going to survive fatezero. Still nice to see she didn't go out in such a cruel fashion >.<

5) When Saber said everything went just as planned for Kiritsugu, makes me wonder what exactly went well? If I'm not mistaken, in Saber's perspective she feels like her battle with Caster is used to separate Lancer and Kayneth so Kiritsugu can take advantage of that. Saber feels used in the end since Caster wasn't even taken cared of in the end.

AvianWing 2011-11-19 13:07


Originally Posted by Fenrir_valindri (Post 3864453)
Your presuming he only has one Noble Phantasm, look where that got Saber vs Lancer.

Yeah. I would be like the first to die if I were a master in the war, lol. I just want some casualties so that we can get going with the stronger servants, and it's taking quite a bit of time for these guys to get resolved. The show is such a tease to put the entire cast on display and go, well, let's start at the low end of the totem pole, and team Saber is gonna struggle against them because of a series of unfortunate incidents. It's a bit irritating knowing that there are bigger fish to fry.

hoarfrost 2011-11-19 13:13


Originally Posted by jonli (Post 3864467)
Okay, so I really enjoyed this episode as well but there are a few things that I must point out.

1) Why on earth did Kiritsugu throw away his machine gun, just to summersault out of his way to pick it up. In the previous episode I thought he ran out so he threw it...but now I realized he just did it to act cool. That kind of turned me off a bit.

2) I'm not understanding the explanation of Kiritsugu's magic bullet. I seem to grasp the concept that it fucks up your magic circuit because it doesn't heal properly since his "origin" gets in the way. But what is this origin and how does it work? I'm also not understanding his strategy. Why did he want Kayneth to be on full-defense when he fired the second shot? Did that affect the second bullet's ability? Did the second bullet get through as well? Wouldn't it just be easier if he shot Kayneth in the head the first time instead of his shoulder? I don't think he would've missed honestly (well maybe the mercury richocheted it to his shoulder).

3) Kotomine is bullet proof? Is that some sort of magic? This practically makes Maiya completely useless against magus, unless she snipes them from afar or targets weak masters like Waver.

4) Nice touch with Irisviel, I thought she was done for since I'm pretty darn sure she's not going to survive fatezero. Still nice to see she didn't go out in such a cruel fashion >.<

5) When Saber said everything went just as planned for Kiritsugu, makes me wonder what exactly went well? If I'm not mistaken, in Saber's perspective she feels like her battle with Caster is used to separate Lancer and Kayneth so Kiritsugu can take advantage of that. Saber feels used in the end since Caster wasn't even taken cared of in the end.

1). Rule of Cool I guess?

2). In the Nasuverse, the Origin has to do with the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. That a soul originates from some kind of concept and as it recycles that direction always drives the actions of the bearer. Kiritsugu has a rare dual origin, his are "severing" and "binding". When he uses that in conjunction with his Mystic Code, the bullet tears apart the target's magic circuit as it comes into contact with any energy produced by it, and then binds it in such a way that it can't be repaired. Imagine cutting a wire and tying it back together, that won't make it work again, will it? In fact, it guarantees that the wire will never reconnect properly.

For the second question, the more active the circuit is, the greater the effect. All this time he has been prodding Kayneth into using his circuit to an extent that the origin bullet would be a sure kill.

3). The church makes their executor's frocks out of kevlar, and reinforces it against low level magic. This is about partly sensible and partly Rule of Cool.

Hope this answers some things the episode may not have telegraphed.

Sheba 2011-11-19 13:14


Originally Posted by hoarfrost (Post 3864454)
Watching humans fight, for me at least, is so much more visceral than watching the exaggerated fights of spirits. I think it is the stylistic difference between Urobuchi and Nasu and that Gen was contrasting the difference between real combat and the idealization of it that we experience through the legends and myths. I mean, look at the difference between the bombastic episode 4-5 showdown and this.

I think you have pin point the difference between the fights. The fights between Masters or the human supports of them is much more visceral and feels more down-to-earth. It's almost watching an old school 1980s-1990s action movie run together with the fancier wire-fu and slow-mo + ramp-up (300-style) action we see nowadays.

jonli 2011-11-19 13:38


Originally Posted by hoarfrost (Post 3864483)
1). Rule of Cool I guess?

2). In the Nasuverse, the Origin has to do with the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. That a soul originates from some kind of concept and as it recycles that direction always drives the actions of the bearer. Kiritsugu has a rare dual origin, his are "severing" and "binding". When he uses that in conjunction with his Mystic Code, the bullet tears apart the target's magic circuit as it comes into contact with any energy produced by it, and then binds it in such a way that it can't be repaired. Imagine cutting a wire and tying it back together, that won't make it work again, will it? In fact, it guarantees that the wire will never reconnect properly.

For the second question, the more active the circuit is, the greater the effect. All this time he has been prodding Kayneth into using his circuit to an extent that the origin bullet would be a sure kill.

3). The church makes their executor's frocks out of kevlar, and reinforces it against low level magic. This is about partly sensible and partly Rule of Cool.

Hope this answers some things the episode may not have telegraphed.

I see now, pretty cool how he mixed up buddhism and....a church (i don't even know if they're catholic or whatever). So did they ever explain what Kirei's origin or Shirou's origin is? So it functions just like buddhism, where people keep reincarnating and a bit of themselves move over or is lost but the origin piece would always be there. They stop reincarnating when they...reach Akasha?

I'm not always anal about suspending my disbelief but sometimes rule of cool doens't always work well. Especially in a world like Fate where things are actually well thought out and fleshed out...and we are to believe that Kiritsugu is a smart tactician that's extra cunning and dangerous. No one would throw their weapon far out of arm's reach that he had to matrix dodge to get back to it. That's just as stupid as Tokiomi and Kirei's dad circling him in the first episode. Kotomine having bullet proof/magic enhanced robes, that's an acceptable rule of cool answer.

I guess every Master/Servant team basically gave the church a huge fuck you about taking down Caster. Everyone's got their eyes on something else, heck half of them didn't even bother to freaking show up.

ChronoReverse 2011-11-19 13:45


Originally Posted by jonli (Post 3864511)
I see now, pretty cool how he mixed up buddhism and....a church (i don't even know if they're catholic or whatever). So did they ever explain what Kirei's origin or Shirou's origin is?

Shirou's origin is swords. It quite neatly explains his powers.

giorno 2011-11-19 13:54

@jonli the first bullet of the contender was a normal bullet, which he used specifically to make kayneth realize the difference in power between the contender's bullets and the submachine gun's, so that kayneth would have to pour more prana into volumen hydragram for defense. The origin bullet doesn't hit Kayneth, it hits his mystic code, which is filled up with all the prana kayneth's circuits can dish out. Magic circuits are superimposed on the nervous system, so short-circuiting the circuits also pretty much crippled his nervous system, hence why the origin bullet will permanently break the target both as a magus as well as a human...

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