Well, we don't need it. It's actually more of WHAT WE WANT. I want to be fair for all the series, though I have my favorites. That's why I don't complain too much when they release something I don't like. I only complain when they release something that I like, but that unit left me many disappointments
Can you guys suggest what I should do?
o_O As you guys know I recently acquired a ton of kits. But right now, I'm wondering if I should keep the SD kits I have, or if I should sell them. In case you don't know what I have (doubtful), here is the list of SD kits that I'm considering to sell or keep... SD Exia SD 00 Raiser SD 00 Qan[T] SD 00 Raiser 7 Sword G SD Exia Repair 2 SD 0 Gundam (Type ACD) I still have the MG kits that I have yet to build and that 1/100 No Grade Astraea.... MG Exia MG Exia - Ignition Mode MG 00 Raiser MG 00 Raiser 7 Sword G MG 00 Qan[T] NG 1/100, Astraea (white) :confused: :uhoh: :confused: :uhoh: I'm only considering because I need to save money and I sort of regret buying the SD kits. But on the other hand, I might want to keep it since I recently tried painting my other SD 0 Gundam and detailing it and it was fun. |
@ xxnike629xx
SD kits u REALLY need to paint ALOT of areas compared to MGs as MGs parts are near to anime colour u r just throwing yr $$$ off like that purchasing without actual doing it..... |
I take it English is not your strong points? But I guess what you're saying to me was that buying the SD kits might have been a waste of money for me?? >_< I'm still not sure if I should keep them or sell them... |
i'd sell the SD kits tbh, personally i don't see any reason for buying SD kits :x |
what im saying is after buying all the kits & u r not doing a single 1 of them & decide to sell them? SD kits im saying that the kits alone needs to do alot of painting..... |
I also planned on getting some Mr. Hobby primer and Mr. Hobby flat top coat from Gundam Guy later when I also get like the Tamiya nippers, Tamiya metal file, etc. =) I actually did make 1... =P I got 2 SD 0 Gundam kits. When I originally bought it, the seller I got it from on Amazon screwed up and the tracking info didn't work and the delivery was a bit late. I reported it and Amazon decided to give me a 100% refund, but like a day or so after I made that report, I actually received the kit so I basically got 1 SD 0 Gundam for free. |
May i know yr point is....? I cant really get frm your post as for me... RG Aile Strike Spoiler:
MG Strike Noir (redo 2nd time) Spoiler:
& current wip MG Strike Freedom Normal (redo 2nd time also) Spoiler:
its up to you but i find it cute when the different grades of a particular kit are displayed together.. like the SD,HG,MG... Quote:
anyhow, if you want to paint it by hand with a brush and acrylics paint make sure to thin the paint with a tiny bit of water. a wet brush and a small amount of paint is enough. otherwise the paint will either be too thick or form pools when it is thinned too much. and you might as well keep the kits, you wont get a lot for SD kits, anyway. its not worth it. |
And yes. My paint bottles and thinner bottle all have a round top. So those are all acrylics? |
Ok~ So I guess I don't have to use that Tamiya acrylic thinner then? o_O |
and acrylic paints can be thinned with water just fine. something like that thinner evaporates quicker (its probably an alcohol) but since you dont need a lot of water that is no problem at all^^ it just takes like 5 minutes longer to dry :P not worth the extra money. and if you really want to use something else than water that evaporates quickly, just get a bottle of ethyl alcohol! you know the stuff that you can use to start a BBQ for example. you can get a 1 liter bottle for less than 3 bucks, thats a WAY better price than the original thinner from tamiya and essentially the same thing! |
But I'd rather get the Tamiya thinner. =)
Eh~ Like I said. I think I'm gonna get some more Tamiya acrylic thinner online; especially if I can find it cheap. =) And then just hand brush it.
Or I might test out the water + acrylic method to see if that's any good. But I do like how the Tamiya thinner dries things up faster. |
i applied it not thinned, thinned with water, thinned with ethyl alcohol, thinned with revell aqua color thinner and with my universal thinner solution. all 4 thinners worked pretty much perfectly and got me the same result. the universal thinning solution was definitely the fastest one to dry fully though. i really like that stuff^^ it can thin every kind of paint i use, dries very quickly and at 4 bucks for 1 liter it was pretty cheap! i paid 4.50€ for 100ml of the revell thinner >_> so yeah, the real thinner is always extremely expensive! |
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