if you want to buy an expo exclusive as a regular guy you always have to be REALLY quick because the vendors buy most of the available figures or models and you have to fight for one if you want to buy one there :P also: yaaay! i was just posing my KO destiny a little because im gonna put the wings effect parts on and while bending the right arm i heard a faint snapping sound... and all of a sudden the elbow joint was VERY lose. the joint broke XD im trying to fix it right now and if worse comes to worst ill have to glue the joint in place. it only broke at one part though so it wouldnt be THAT bad, it just could only do a 90° bend instead of a 180° bend then. |
and besides, i did somewhat fix the arm so its no big deal. its still a tiny bit lose but at least its staying together... |
sting was annoying and useless but at least he was kind of a badass^^ i liked those 3 pilots. |
Anyway, here I am, still waiting for MG Justice and hoping for MG Lagowe. Oh yeah, MG Lagowe! If that MS get made into MG, it'll be like nothing we've ever seen before! |
there will be a HG LaGOWE though so at least we have that. |
HLJ is having yet anouther huge gunpla sale.
MG Ex-S for 35% off and the ReZEL still for 45% off for example^^ they really do have a lot of good stuff in the mix this time! |
This really really pisses me off>__< I want to contact them saying this and that but I know I'll be very very rude about it so I don't want to. That 4th time over the past couple of years where I've bought stuff right before a sale, you have no idea how pissed I am atm lol. |
Ahh well I thought f*** it, so I ordered a MG Musha Gundam Mk-2 and Throne Zwei:p
Looks like I won't be buying anymore for some time now, I was really wanting to get either of the Frames but they are out of stock with Red back in on Jan-__- Should be plenty of time to save the pennies till then. I could actually spend a little more but gunpla isn't my no1 hobby, video games is and we all know how much that s*** costs>_< |
Throne Zwei is dull without any work on it. Painting will make it decent looking, atleast.
I may paint but I kinda doubt that, at least not any time soon. May just go with top coat but I doubt I'd do that any time soon either lol. Quote:
Probelm I have now is MW3 has effectively put all this on hold, not even sure why I bothered buying them lol. I mean I still want to get my mitts on the Armoured Core models and varies others. And then I've still got my F-22 Raptor to make. |
Greetings gentlemen and ladies.
I've recently come into financial hardship and am sadly forced to sell my Wing model collection. I'm well aware of eBay as a primary selling point, but I was curious if there were any model-dedicated forums or discussion boards where enthusiasts would be interested in these models. It kills me to part with my collection, despite the lack of paint, they've been my vigilant room overwatch for years and great conversation pieces. I hate to see them go, but life is what life is. I didn't see anywhere in the forum rules that would make me inquiring about this a problem, but if it's against the rules please delete my post or let me edit it! |
Less than 2 days away: http://thosegundamguys.org/2011/11/0...-10-days-away/ Hopefully there are some southern california gunpla fans that can make it out to this event!
To bad they didn't add the bazooka with all the other RG Strike attachments. :( lol
also, images of the HG unicorn banshee: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2011/1...gundam-02.html they changed the design of the novel version quite a bit and apparently they added a few new weapons. i wonder if that means that we will get both a ver.ka AND an OVA version if we get a MG. i also wonder if that means that we will get the ver.ka version sooner than i expected... they released the regular ver.ka unicorn a year before the first episode afterall. bandai really is making this pretty interesting^^ |
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